Greetings from Hawthorne Valley Farm

DAY 1:


Hi families,

Day one at the farm was filled with surprises, challenges and fun! Enjoy!!


Most Surprising

The most surprising thing today was how much poop the cows left while we were herding them.


The farm is the coolest but I’m missing my family. I got to ride bareback on a horse and hold hens and roosters. The day was very fun.


The most surprising part of the day was when the cow ate my sweater. Because I like that sweater.


The most surprising part of my day was how much work you have to do if you are a waiter.


The most surprising thing today was seeing the cat catch a mouse.


The most surprising thing was that the farm wasn’t as cold as I thought.


The most surprising part of the farm trip so far was the day when the cow peed right in front of us because everyone one was gasping and we were caught off guard.


What surprised me today was that there was a cow named Puppy.


Most Challenging

The most challenging thing was getting the cows to the barn and feeding them because they were not really listening.


The most challenging thing today was saying goodbye to my family because I was going to miss them a lot. 


The most challenging part was that when I had barn chores, I had to bring the sheep and the sheep didn’t cooperate.


The most challenging part of the day was the bus ride.


Something that was challenging was the tetherball because I kept missing it.


The most challenging thing was trying to pick up the chickens.


The most challenging part of the day was learning the dangers of how to pick up a chicken. 


The most challenging thing for me was coming down the ladder for the haystack because it was very steep.


The most challenging part of my day was being a waiter because everybody just sat there and I had to do all of the work.


The most challenging part of the day was milking the cow and the other kids drank it. They said it was bad.


The most challenging part of the day was when I was cooking and we had to bring out the compost.

Most Fun

The most fun part was the two hour free time and spinning around and wiffle ball because it made me laugh a lot.


The most exciting part was when I got to pick up a rooster.


The most fun part of the day was when the cow tried to eat my sweatshirt.


The most fun thing I did today was doing barn chores like milking cows and collecting eggs.


The most fun thing I did was play on the swings. 


The most fun thing I did was writing this but I will probably like sleeping the most.


The most fun thing in my day was seeing allllll the chickens and the line of cows that was like a mile long!


The most fun thing was having fun with my friends at recess because it was just plain fun.


The most fun part of the day was riding the horses because I’ve never ridden a horse bareback and I loved the experience


The most fun part of my day was the cooking class. 


Who knows what adventures await us tomorrow?

Yours in farm solidarity,

Jessica, Deborah, and Alisa


Day Two:

Dear families,


We had an exciting and packed day number two at the farm. The morning started with a delicious breakfast of homemade yogurt, oatmeal, cherry jam, and toast. Today was also special because Faith, our Lower School Principal, and Jorge Marron, the Communications Manager at LREI, drove up to spend the day with us. Faith enjoyed visiting Hawthorne Valley Farm where she’d spent time as a kid, and Jorge enjoyed documenting our adventures on this picturesque fall day.  


After breakfast, the entire class went on a hike up a “huge” mountain on the campus of the Hawthorne Valley Farm School. After a steep ascent, we settled on a carpet of green moss and listened to the sounds around us. Acorns fell from the trees above as we enjoyed a snack of fresh apple cider and corn chips. 


Students also engaged in farm activities such as cow herding, baking bread, and gardening. During an afternoon rain, we sat together in the farmhouse and wrote poems about our morning adventure. We look forward to sharing all of our poems with you at our farm breakfast, for now, here is a sample:

I Hear


I hear the trees swishing in the air.

I hear kids, loud as can be. 

I hear my feet walking down the mountain. 

A Nice Fall Day 

A nice fall day

A crisp warm breeze

Trees swaying in the breeze




My feet crunch on the fallen leaves. 

Up a Hill

Wind whistling in the trees. 

River swishing quietly down below.

And then suddenly, 

You can hear the footsteps of another, 

Crunching, stomping on colorful leaves. 

When she, nature brings us more

You can spot the twigs parachuting to cover the floor. 

Then you stand in a calm, quiet place. 

Where no one can disturb you

When you watch the dancing trees. 

When you feel the furry moss

When you smell the dewey grass

You can almost hear the blooming flowers. 

When you look above 

The puffy clouds so white

Looking down below. 

See the red roots reaching, stretching 

In the safest place 

With her. 


Leaves with shades of yellow and brown blow in the sky. 

They look like they’re flying, flying high. 

Look up and see them come and go, going up, going down. 

Going fast, going slow. 

As they soar through the sky, a single leaf 

Goes in my eye. 


We’re excited to see what tomorrow brings!


Yours in farm solidarity,

Jessica, Deborah, and Alisa

Day Three:

“It’s like a three day sleepover with all of your good friends!”

Dear families, 


It’s been a rainy day here at the farm, but that hasn’t stopped us from being outside! We participated in a range of farming activities including collecting raspberries in the garden, making butter, riding horses and cooking potato leek soup and apple cobbler for tonight’s dinner. The weather cooled off enough for us to relax next to the wood burning stove in the evening and write and sketch in our journals.  

Below, enjoy a sample of the “I am” poems that students wrote from the perspective of an animal or object that they encountered on the farm. Can you guess the perspective of each poem? 


I Am…


I am messy, pink

I wonder if I look slovenly

I hear the wind in the trees and humans giving me food

I see the sky, clouds, humans

I want to be free and cleaner

I am messy, pink


I pretend that I’m a human

I feel other animals’ bodies against mine

I touch my food

I worry that the humans will forget about me

I cry, “Snort, Snort, Snort!”

I am messy, pink


I understand that I will be bacon soon

I say every animal should be treated as well as humans

I dream that I am a human feeding animals

I try to be a friend

I hope for the humans to remember me when I am bacon

I am messy, pink


I Am…


I am tall and elegant

I wonder if people have heard my story

I hear my mane flowing wildly in the wind

I see my stable and the barrels of hay

I want a best friend

I am tall and elegant


I pretend that I am galloping along the ocean floor

I feel love in my heart and strength in my guts

I touch my mother providing me with warmth and love

I worry that I will never find my long lost sister

I cry to my heart in the colors of the sunset. 

I am tall and elegant.


I understand that I will never be free. 

I say that horses matter!

I dream that Sierra will come with me everywhere 

I try to look beautiful

I hope that someday, one day, I will be free

I am tall and elegant 


I Am…


I am glad to live in the nice relaxing forest 

I wonder when I’m going to live nowhere 

I hear the sound of the rambunctious land around me 

I see the countryside around me 

I want a better world 

I am glad to live in the nice relaxing forest 


I pretend that I will be alive forever 

I feel the warm sun  

I touch the sky 

I worry about a forest fires 

I cry when it rains 

I am glad to live in the nice relaxing forest 


I understand that I am what I am 

I say thank you to the rain 

I dream about being the tallest in the forest 

I try to tell people not to climb me 

I hope to be happy 

I am glad to live in the nice relaxing forest 


We are sad to leave the farm but excited to see you all tomorrow!



Deborah, Jessica and Alisa


I AM the Statue of Liberty: Poems

 I Am the Statue of Liberty


I am old and faithful.

Sometimes I wonder why I am a woman?

I hear the waves moving and flowing.

I see New Jersey and the bay.

I want everyone welcome here.

I am old and faithful.

I pretend that I am a queen.


I touch the falcon living on me.

I worry if people aren’t treated respectfully.


I am old and faithful.

I understand that everyone is different.

I say “hello” is the first word in a friendship.

I dream about freedom.

I hope for everyone to be equal.


I Am The Statue of Liberty 


I am a statue that people see. 

I mean a lot of things to different people, but I think of myself as me.

I wonder why people are always talking about me 

no matter how far away they are. 

I hear people talking  and I hear the wind.

I see the sky, the ocean and the strength

 within me. 

I want there to be liberty for everyone. 

I am a statue that people see. 

I mean a lot of things to different people, but I think of myself as me.

I pretend that all live in peace and that all have freedom. 

I feel like a lady of the past, but also a representative for the future. 

I touch a gentle stallion galloping along the ocean shore. 

I worry that my story won’t be passed down to people who don’t know me. 

I cry to my heart in the dawn light.

I am a statue that people see. 

I mean a lot of things to different people, but I think of myself as me.

I understand that I am frozen on a pedestal.

I believe that I am alive and here to represent freedom.

I dream that all have peace. 

I try to look like I am happy and brave.

I hope that climate change will stop. 

I am a statue that people see. 

I mean a lot of things to different people, but I think of myself as me.

I am Lady Liberty


I am 350 feet tall. I’m 151 years old and my feet hurt.

Why did the French make me then give me away?

When I’m standing tall I hear the wind, talking, and last but not least 

I hear boat engines.

I’m 350 feet tall. I’m 151 years old and my feet hurt.










I always feel happy because I make people happy

At the tippy top of the statue I feel a torch

The only thing I worry about is what if I fall on some people

I always cry for food!

I’m 350 feet tall. I’m 151 years old and my feet hurt.

It’s hard to stay perfectly still.

I believe in ghosts. 

I wish I could play video games 

I’m as tall as a statue

I hope I get to be a professional soccer player

I’m 350 feet tall I’m 151 years old and my feet hurt.

I Am the Statue of Liberty


I am wise and full of freedom

I wonder if I can still thank Bartholdi

for creating me

I hear the waves splashing on the blue ocean

I see people coming in my spirit 

I want everyone to be free and in freedom again 

I am wise and full of freedom


I pretend I live in another world

I feel faithful and loving 

I touch the hawk living in my crown

I worry if some people aren’t  treated fairly 

I cry NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am wise and full of freedom

I understand the earth is in a bad cause 

I say you can do anything 

I dream about being another color

I try to look like liberty formed into a statue

I hope everyone thinks I am peaceful

I am wise and full of freedom   

I am the Statue of Liberty


I am 300 ½ feet tall, I was given for freedom and justice for all

I wonder if I will get tired of standing

I hear boat horns and seagulls 

I see ships coming in and out of the harbor 

I want to climb the stairs to my crown

I am 300 ½ feet tall, I was given for freedom and justice for all

I am a seagull flying high 

I feel joy and gloom

I touch my stone podium

I worry if I will corrode away 

I cry at the beautiful sight 

I am 300 ½ feet tall, I was given for freedom and justice for all

I understand that I welcome people

I say I bring peace 

I dream everyone can immigrant

I hope to bring people together 

I am 300 ½ feet tall, I was given for freedom and justice for all

I AM the Statue of Liberty


I am bumpy and green

I wonder what walking is like

I hear a noisy helicopter

I see the long skyline

I want to see the world

I am bumpy and green


I pretend I can walk

I can feel the air

I can touch the clouds

I worry about falling

I cry when people die

I am bumpy and green


I understand people’s feelings

I say “stop climate change!”

I dream about a world without climate change

I try to stand for liberty

I hope Trump gets impeached

I am bumpy and green

I Am Lady Liberty 



I am freedom, I welcome all, I am the symbol of the U.S.

I wonder how the ships that brought me here could carry all my parts?

I hear planes soaring in the sky, the wind blowing against me, and all of New York City.

I want liberty and justice for all.

I am freedom, I welcome all, I am the symbol of the U.S.

I sometimes pretend I am the queen of all the statues.

I feel proud to stand over the harbor and welcome people to America.

I touch my torch which lights the way to freedom.‍‍

I worry about people who are not free.

I cry for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I am freedom, I welcome all, I am the symbol of the U.S.

I understand how we all have to work hard to create a better world.

I dream about making the world a better place.

I hope for world peace.

I am freedom, I welcome all, I am the symbol of the U.S.

I am the Statue of Liberty 


I am a friendship symbol and moving.

I wonder if I can fall.

I hear seagulls.

I see people.

I want freedom.

I am a friendship symbol and moving.


I pretend to be real. 

I touch the air.

I feel oxidized.

I worry I may fall.

I cry it’s so high

I am a friendship symbol and moving.


I understand that things can be hard.

I say God is real.

I dream that I will be able to move.

I try to be nice.

I hope that I become bigger.

I am a friendship symbol and moving.

The Statue of Liberty 



I welcome immigrants to the USA.

I wonder what people think of me. 

I hear cries of hello and goodbye.

I see 1,000’s of immigrants. 

I want people to feel welcome.

I welcome immigrants to the USA.

I pretend everyone listens to me. 

I feel the broken chains around my ankles. 

I touch my blazing torch.

I worry that I will not be heard. I cry “Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!” 

I welcome immigrants to the USA. 

I understand that I symbolize freedom. I say people shall listen to me.

I dream immigrants will be welcome everywhere.

I try to be seen. I hope people understand me.

I welcome immigrants to the USA.



I’m a symbol of liberty

I wonder how the immigrants are doing

I hear birds flying over the water

I see the five boroughs

I want fairness and equality for all


I’m a symbol of liberty

I pretend that the world is fair for all 

I feel the morning’s fresh air 

I touch the sky

I worry about the earth 

I cry when I’m melancholy


I’m a symbol of liberty 

I understand that it’s not always fair 

I say not to give up

I dream about equality

I try to be a leader

I hope to be satisfied


I Am the Statue of Liberty


I am a proud woman who stands freedom and peace

I wonder, is there peace everywhere?

I hear the ocean and the breeze

I see the water crashing against the rocks

I want equality and kindness for all

I am a proud woman who stands for freedom and peace


I pretend I am queen, a strong queen

I feel big, powerful, strong, proud, brave, and much more

I touch the wind softy brushing against my face

I worry about our president 

I cry when it rains

I am a proud woman who stands for freedom and peace


I say: be respectful to everyone 

I try to be bold and stand out

I hope everyone has fun

I am a proud woman who stands for freedom and peace

I Am The Statue of Liberty 


I am towering I stand for justice with leading eyes

I wonder if people know I’m french                                        

I hear the birds song the crashing ocean

I see the voluminous clouds the song birds 

I want every human to be treated the same



I am towering I stand for justice with my leading eyes

I pretend that I am one of the people

I feel strong empowering tough 

I touch my torch with pride 

I worry the torch will burn out

I cry that there is violence in our world


I am towering I stand for justice with leading eyes 

I  understand that people from all around the world to see me

I say liberty for all

I dream to travel the world 

I try to lead all souls in the right direction 

I hope for world peace 

I am towering I stand for justice with leading eyes 

I am the Statue of Liberty



I am copper and green, 

I am skyhigh above the other people.

I wonder What is it like to be walking?

I hear helicopters that are loud with people in it.

I see seagulls and people walking on me.

I want to be a person that walks.

I am copper and green.


I pretend to be wearing sunglasses

I feel like a tourist attraction.

I touch the pedestal.

I worry that I will fall off the pedestal.

I cry when people walk in my crown.

I am copper and green.


I understand that people like me.

I say “I stand for liberty”!!!!

I dream about being a person that walks.

I try to walk but I won’t budge!

I hope that I can walk someday.

I am copper and green.

I Am the Statue of Liberty



I am peaceful, welcoming

I wonder why so many people are climbing inside of me and the vessels seem so much fancier than before.

I hear the water, the wind in the trees.

I see a dock, boats coming in, immigrants.

I want to be more immense.

I am peaceful, welcoming.


I pretend that I am perambulating.

I feel vital.

I touch my torch.

I worry I am too skimpy

I cry the new colossus.


I understand that they are tired, hungry, and afraid.

I say that no one should have to be kicked out of their country and that there is no war.

I dream that everybody has equal rights.

I try to be something to welcome immigrants into the country.

I hope for more newcomers and exiles to come.

I am peaceful, welcoming.

I am Statue of Liberty! 



I am beautiful I stand for justice I watch over the world.

I wonder why there is not is not freedom for all.

I hear the motor of a boat  and the waves rippling.

I see the clouds.

I want liberty and justice for all.

I am beautiful I stand for justice watch over the  world.

I pretend the people can hear me.

I feel strong and powerful.

I touch a falcon and people.

I worry that I could fall down.

I cry that there are bad people in the world.

I am beautiful I stand for justice I watch over the world.

I understand that a falcon lives on my book.

I say there should be freedom all over the world.

I dream there is freedom all over the world.

I try to stand tall and be proud of myself.

I hope that one day there will be freedom all over the world.

I am beautiful I stand for justice I watch over the world.

I am the Statue of Liberty   



I took 5 years to make, I weigh 179,000 pounds of copper


I hear all the people below talking about me

I see all the buildings in New York City and New Jersey

I want to be able to walk


I took 5 years to make, I weigh 179,000 pounds of copper


I pretend to stroll the world

I feel people patting me

I touch the plane flying above me

I worry that I am too massive

I cry about all the history that has gone by


I took 5 years to make, I weigh 179,000 pounds of copper


I understand history

I say freedom for all

I dream of peace on earth

I try to show the way to freedom

I hope people look up to me




I am a gift from the French,

A women who has been welcoming people for more than one hundred years

I wonder if the people notice that I am one hundred feet tall. (I bet they don’t!) 

I hear the waves in the rocky sea, the wind running against me, the boats singing their little song.

I see the light shining on my face, the pretty blue sea and the graceful sun set.

I want to explore the world meeting everybody I see.


I am a gift from the French,

A women who has been welcoming people for more than one hundred years!

I pretend to be the queen of New York City!

I feel happy to see people coming to New York every day.

I touch the wind in my hands.

I worry I will be captured by the brown again.

I cry when I hear Trump’s name.


I am a gift from the French,

 A women who has been welcoming people for more than one hundred years!

I understand that I am green, but I still look gorgeous!

I say all people should be welcome.

I dream that I could move to places.

I try to make people see that I am tired of standing.

I hope that I can be small like the people.

I am a gift from the French,

A women who has been welcoming people for more than one hundred years!     

I Am the Statue of Liberty


I Am built out of copper and steel.

Why am I green when at first I was brown?

I hear waves crashing and birds soaring.

I want refugees to feel welcome

I Am made out of copper and steel.

I pretend to not feel or think 

I feel happy and magnificent

I touch the warm wavy water.

I worry that people won’t like me.

I cry when I don’t get my way 

I Am built out of copper and steel.

I understand that America loves me.

I say that the USA is welcoming

I dream about freedom for all

I try to be kind.

I hope to be loved.

I Am built from copper and steel.

I Am the Statue of Liberty 



I am a peacemaker, an inspiration.

I wonder if I looked different would people still visit me?

I hear people chattering, and cameras snapping.

I see birds flying and people walking on the ground.

I want to see what it would be like to fly freely like the birds.



I am a peacemaker, an inspiration.

I pretend to fly like the birds.

I feel the cold breeze blowing.

I touch the mighty pedestal that I stand on.

I worry about what other people think of my purpose.

I cry tears of joy when I read the New Colossus.



I am a peacemaker, an inspiration.

I understand that I may not be as big or as tall as the Eiffel tower, but I may have a bigger meaning. 

I dream of traveling one day.

I try to always be positive.

I hope for the world to get better everyday.

I am a peacemaker, an inspiration.

I Am the Statue of Liberty



I am a green machine, a lady, watching, welcoming, representing

I wonder if people really feel happy when they see me 

I hear the rush of the wind and nonstop bird calls

I see ferries docking and families big and small, tall and short, all reading, learning, having fun

I want to be able to move and talk

I am a green machine, a lady, watching, welcoming, representing



I pretend that I am a queen watching her people

I feel happy and satisfied

I touch my expensive pedestal

I worry that one day, I will be forgotten

I cry because my legs hurt

I am a green machine, a lady watching, welcoming, representing



I understand I am a symbol of Liberty, freedom, and equality

I say I am a good person

I dream of world peace

I always try to be my best self

I hope one day I’ll be a walking, talking person

I am a green machine, a lady watching, welcoming, representing

I am the Statue of Liberty



I am a Statue that welcomes people from South to North and East to West.

I wonder what life is like not being a statue.

I hear the wind from the ocean.

I see a blue sky and Seagull flying very high.

I want people to love me.

I am a Statue that welcomes people from South to North and East to West.


I feel open and tall

I pretend to travel.

I touch the wind with my copper hand.

I worry of falling.

I cry when my people don’t feel welcomed.

I am a Statue that welcomes people from South to North and East to West.


I understand that I am big and tall.

I shout “welcome  welcome come and learn about my History’’.

I dream that I can fly.

I put effort into teaching freedom.

I Wish one day I can be a human.

I am a Statue that welcomes people from South to North and East to West. 

I am the Statue of Liberty



I am an oxidized penny flowing in the water.

I wonder if Bartholdi is the guy who decided

To break me up in pieces and how long it took

To get from France to U.S.A. on boat.

I hear the waves crashing together like birds chirping in their natural habitat.

I see me welcoming everybody to their new home.

I want for no matter where you’re from you are treated equal.

I am an oxidized penny flowing in the water.

I pretend I am a statue but I act like more.

I feel all the waves hitting next I will turn blue.

I touch my friend waters.

I worry that people won’t be treated equal.

I cry peace and freedom for all.

I understand that we are the same, same but different.

I say this book is heavy .

I dream I could move and talk.

I  try to welcome every face.

I hope everybody feel’s welcome.

I am an oxidized penny flowing in the water. 



This Post Ledes to Our Trip to the Statue of Liberty


Fourth Grade journalists in training experiment with determining an angle for their Statue of Liberty field trip article and then writing a strong lede that pulls the reader in. Read their ledes and decide…Are you pulled in? Do want to read on?


It was a humid day as the New York Harbor sparkled in the sunlight. A boat carrying 22 4th graders headed to the Statue. “The Statue of Liberty is so beautiful,” said a passenger named Natalia who Jules and Olivia interviewed. All the 4th graders were committed to learning more about immigration. 


People from all over the world come to visit the Statue of Liberty every day! The Statue of Liberty is a famous landmark in N.Y. On October 1, 2019 LREI students interviewed people on Liberty Island and on the ferry. The people that they interviewed were from Germany, France, India, Belgium, England, Japan and many other places. Isn’t that amazing! 



On October 1, 2019 22 4th graders boarded a Statue Cruise boat to the Statue of Liberty. On the boat they interviewed 2 or more people. These people came from all around the world, one group of 4th graders interviewed people from Greece and China. This proves that the Statue of Liberty is a welcome to all. 


Why did a falcon build a nest on the Statue of Liberty? “It was flying and landing in a bunch of different places,” said Amy Ratner from Australia 


The Statue of Liberty was originally copper. The copper oxidized into green. Oxidizing happens when it touches most air. It took 30 years to oxidize to green. 


On October 1, 2019 22 reporters from LREI went to the Statue of Liberty to learn about the historic landmark. They got there via the Statue Cruises ferry where 4 of the 22 interviewed a group of people. 


Lady Liberty has been a sign of freedom to America and it is all thanks to France. Now she is one of the most well known statues in the U.S. and has thousands of people come to see her everyday. 


Do you think the falcon meant to build the nest on the Statue of Liberty? Why did it build the nest so high and now it’s a part of history?


Is it good that there is a falcon living on the Statue of Liberty’s tablet? An employee for the statue said he has to clean up the bird parts but it is easier than cleaning the statue itself. 


People come to visit NYC to see the Statue of Liberty. People from all countries from around the world come to see the Statue of Liberty. People are coming to the Statue of Liberty because it stands for liberty and independence. 


Did you know the most famous statue in the United States of America used to be brown? The Statue of Liberty is made of copper and it oxidized from the sea water. 


The Statue of Liberty welcomes millions of people every year, and says goodbye to people sailing to new lands. The Statue of Liberty is a very important part of America it tells people to have peace not violence, and never lose hope. 


“What does the Statue of Liberty mean to you?” a fourth grader asked a woman on the ferry. They were going to the Statue of Liberty. Fourth graders were reporters in training. 


The Statue of Liberty makes all feel welcome. When asked what the Statue symbolized to him he said it symbolizes freedom and equality and when he sees it it makes him feel good. His son Luis said it makes him feel safe and symbolizes power. 


There is a falcon living near where Lady Liberty’s book is. It eats birds for it’s food and leaves them behind for other people to pick up. 4th graders at LREI learned this recently.