“Everyday is a day of thanksgiving…”

Something that people could do is take five to ten minutes out of their day and sit down and think about things they are thankful for. I think that that would help them because my mom told me that people who do this have a happier day.

This week we learned about some of the traditions of the Wampanoag Tribe. In an article we read, Gladys Widdiss, a tribal elder, described how the Wampanoag experience thankfulness, “Every day is a day of thanksgiving for the Wampanoag.” With that thought in mind, fourth graders considered some of the things they are thankful for in their everyday lives.

Will: “I am thankful for my family. I am also thankful for my pets. Our family can celebrate it by cooking and eating a meal together. I can celebrate with my pets by dancing with them.”

Lila: “I am thankful for my family, my school, my room, my food, and my trampoline…I could celebrate my thankfulness by just thinking about how thankful I am…I know everyday when I wake up to my mom sitting in my room I should be thankful for someone to care so much about me that they sit in my room and wait.”

Nico: “I am thankful for having a roof over my head and food and running water. We could go around the table and say what we are thankful for.”

Shaffer: “I am thankful for an amazing home and going to a great school. The way I can celebrate is by being more thoughtful. I can listen more to my mom. I can hug my dad more. I can listen more carefully and respect my teachers.”

Paloma: “I am thankful for my family. I can show that by taking care of them. I can also show that by doing stuff for them like washing the dishes or folding up the clean laundry. I can care for them in simple ways like holding the door or passing something they need to them…”

Vincent: “One way we could celebrate is by having food, not just having food but also having family/company over while eating. I could celebrate this by maybe holding hands and singing the song we sang at the farm….Another way that I could celebrate is by just walking around the house/apartment and thinking how lucky I am to have this.”

Ziva: “I am thankful for food…a warm cozy home…my family…my friends….A way that I celebrate is eat berries when they are in season.”

Julian: “I am thankful that my parents are really good at cooking…I can celebrate being thankful for that by saying a prayer every time I eat a meal, kind of like what we did at the farm. I can always thank my parents for what they do for me. I can give people who are homeless food from my home.”

Selah: “I might celebrate by praying. Another way is singing. My last way is dancing.”

Skylar: “I am thankful for my family and three dogs because my dogs are so cute. I love my family because they give me a home to live in and we make really good food on Thanksgiving.”

Cydney: “ I am thankful for school. I would celebrate it by always paying attention and focusing. I am thankful for my family. I would celebrate them by spending time with them.

June: “…On Thursday, I am thankful for my kitty because that is the day of the week we got him. I celebrate by playing with him and cuddling him.”

Penelope: “Things that I am thankful for are my family, food, friends, my house, my life, my school, earth, art, soccer, music, me, my personality, health, more that what I need, electronics, no disabilities, fresh air, fresh water, skiing and books. Something that people could do is take five to ten minutes out of their day and sit down and think about things they are thankful for. I think that that would help them because my mom told me that people who do this have a happier day.”

Zara: “My dog…my dog is fun and keeps me entertained. I probably wouldn’t be so interactive without my dog.”

Sawyer: “I am thankful for being alive so I’ll play outside…I am thankful for my parents. I might show them that by hugging them.”

Dante: “I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my family….I am thankful for peace. I am thankful for each day.”

Lily: “I am thankful for my family and how I will celebrate that is by caring for them and loving them.”

Ivy: “One way I celebrate things daily is I help my family. I help by setting the table, feeding my dog, giving my dog water, and making them feel good.”




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