A Visit with Jamelah

June 5, 2018

Dear Jamelah,

Thank you for sharing to the class about Palestinian culture and places. It was very interesting and unbelievable. It sounds terrible that you can’t visit your relatives and your relatives can’t visit you. Have you ever met them in person before?

It’s cool that you have a friend that raps to bring attention to what’s happening in Palestine. It’s amazing how she travels all over the world to meet people like her.

It’s unbelievable how some of your relatives live in refugee camps with hopes of going back to Palestine. I hope that their hopes will be accomplished one day. I noticed that in the Middle East especially, there are lots of Muslims because my Mom comes from an Islamic country too, most of Iran is Muslim.

Thanks again for coming,


 June 5th, 2018

Dear Jamelah,

Thank you for coming to share your mother’s immigration story and information about Palestine today.

These were the three most interesting parts of your share:

  • How you cannot go back to Palestine.
  • 17,000 people came to protest being stuck in Gaza.
  • Your father’s side were mostly refugees

Here is a question that I have for you.

Why does Trump get a say in other countries decisions? And why the U.S.?

We’ve been studying refugees and it is interesting to see a refugee in another story that makes a big impact.

Today refugees go through a lot to just to come to America, your dad could came without being deported a lot easier today.

                                                  Thank you again Jamelah!



Dear Jamelah,

Thank you for taking time out of your day to speak to us about your life story.

Some of my favorite parts of your share were when you showed us the song videos and I thought they were actually good songs. Also when you showed us all of the pictures of your past life was cool.

Why do you want people to know you are Muslim?

I can reflect this share to some of this years curriculum because we learned a lot about refugees and your family has similarities with refugees.



June 6th, 2018

Dear Jamelah,

Thank you for coming to our class today and telling us about your immigration story.

My favorite parts of your share were 1) the rap videos you showed us featuring your friend which I thought were really powerful because it really showed the oppression of Palestinian people and how much people judge others based on how they look or sound or talk 2) the story about how your grandmother wouldn’t set up the hookah for your grandfather if he was being rude or bad to her and 3) the story about the medic who was shot by the Israeli military for no reason.





Dear Jamelah,

Thank you for sharing today, I learned a lot, and by a lot I mean A LOT!

One thing I found interesting was your parents childhood. The reason why is that your dad is a refugee. It must’ve been hard for your dad to travel and communicate but he found a way to end up in the United States. I also thought it was cool that your mom was the first one to go to college.

Another thing I found Interesting was the story about the nurse. I agree with you that she is totally innocent and should not of been shot. Sadly she was  and the Israelies didn’t do anything about it.

Finally the thing I found interesting was the music video. They were really entertaining and they really did what they were trying to do. SEND A MESSAGE!

One question I have is—I know you answered this in class, but just to make sure, is there any other way to get in to Palestine?

Your visit reminded me of Hedy’s share because: One, you were born very close to her. Two, you had similar life stories. And three, you guys ended up having happiness in USA.


Theodore B. Cornick


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