All Together: BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!
Deborah: Given the scandalous allegations of reported election irregularities, the People’s Republic of the Fourth Grade set up a secret commission to investigate these allegations of vote rigging. Since there is no centralized authority to guarantee a proper vote count or the security of elections, the United States of LREI formed a special commission. After months of careful scrutiny it was determined that there was a basis to doubt the results of the election in Deborah and Joel’s Fourth Grade class.
Joel: Although the underlying intelligence is highly classified, the LREI Intelligence Committee has found evidence of voter hacking in the Fourth Grade. Consequently a recount has been instituted and the results have been overturned. It was still a very close vote…very close.
Joel: The Benevolent Dictators of Fourth Grade — Dan, Tara, Deborah, and Joel — declare the following election results to be true:
Deborah: For her joyful outlook we appoint Alden Secretary of Happiness, Guitars, and Falling Into Rooms And Out Of Chairs.
Joel: For his deadpan humor and sportsmanship, we appoint Alex Chief White House Correspondent.
Deborah: For his organizational energy and public speaking abilities we appoint Asher to be not only the White House Press Secretary, but also chief in charge of scheduling.
Joel: For his vociferous vocabulary and piano virtuosity, we appoint Avery Secretary of Language and White House Musician.
Deborah: For her puzzle prowess and mathematical acumen, we name Bailey Chief of Cryptology, making and breaking codes.
Joel: For his positive spirit, peaceful mood, and friendly attitude towards all we appoint Crosby Secretary of Kindness and Communications.
Deborah: For his close relationship with exclamatory punctuation we name Ezra Secretary of Positivity and the Exclamation! King! Of! The! Punctuation! Council!
Joel: For her extensive knowledge of history and her dedication to detail we appoint Gia the Head of the National Archives, and the Secretary of Time.
Deborah: For her poetic observational skills and empathy we name Jade the Queen of Lost Objects and Allyship.
Joel: For his big picture thinking we appoint Kieran Secretary of Social Studies…and Fort Building.
Deborah: For her concise, creative, and analytical thinking and her boundless energy for work, we appoint Laiali Attorney General.
Joel: For his perseverance at tackling challenges we appoint Lorenzo Secretary of Defense, Head of the Special Commission for Weapons Made Out of Scotch Tape.
Deborah: For her creativity as a graphic designer and writer of memorable slogans, we name Makeda Head of Public Relations.
Joel: For her deep relationship with literature and writing we appoint Margot Head of the National Library Council and Poet Laureate.
Deborah: For his enthusiasm for mathematical and scientific challenges we appoint Miles the Head of New Projects at NASA.
Joel: For his critical lens and sense of fairness, we appoint Nate Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Deborah: For her exceptional skills in the visual arts and comedic writing we appoint Romy Head of the National Council of the Arts.
Joel: For his passion for activism and human rights we name Sam Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Deborah: For her leadership powers as a social organizer and her flair with magic markers we appoint Suko Secretary of Protests and Equality.
Joel: For his motivated approach to learning and calm energy we appoint Yves Prime Minister of Pacing and Line Leading.
Deborah: For his ability to make us laugh with his unique voice and colorful footwear, we appoint Zen Secretary of Comedy and Fashion.
Joel: The Benevolent Dictators also wish our newly appointed ambassadors — Lorenzo, Chase, Yves, Makeda, Avery, Kieran — best of luck in their respective journeys abroad.
Tara: Imagine a nation run by our fourth grade. The artists, the poets, the musicians, the communicators, social justice seekers all working together toward a more inclusive future without hate or fear.
Deborah: Welcome to the new world order. One filled with Critical Thinking, Courage, Citizenship, and Creativity. And by the way our new White House is no longer white! (hold up poster of a rainbow white house)
A Tribute to Fourth Graders: The Moving Up Ceremony, 2017