Dear families, We are having a lot of fun at the farm. We arrived at 1:00 this afternoon, ate homemade cinnamon buns and then unpacked. All of the kids showed the teachers around the farm because it was new to them. Then we had a lot of free time. Some of us went on hikes. Some of us played with cats. Some of us rolled down a hill. Some of us milked cows. Some of us sat by the half frozen stream. Some of us had barn chores. Then, we ate pizza and green beans for dinner. After dinner we played Manhunt, had a bonfire, and ate s’mores. We are very excited about tomorrow because we get to do our classes: nature, textiles, farming, and cooking.
The thing about the farm is whenever you are here you are either eating, doing chores, sleeping or having fun.We read Charlotte’s Web and now we are going to sleep. Well, most of us are going to sleep. Until tomorrow…. Your children]]>
It looks like a wonderful experience for all – fun, educational, fun, performing chores, fun, exercise, and FUN!
Crosby’s relative Jules
I remember when Cleo the cat wouldn’t get off of Margot and Margot had to lift Cleo off and Cleo scratched her. Margot really did spend time with cats.
I also remember that time like Laiali does, that was super funny. Margot, I hope Cleo didn’t scratch you to hard
The farm cats were the friendliest cats I have ever come across, ever!
I miss the farm. I wish we could go back at the end of the year!!! All the pictures remind me of the farm!
why aren’t there any pictures of me? I miss the farm. I wish I could go every week!
I really wish we could stay longer because of the fun we had there. The front wars was pretty cool but almost manhunt.
I miss the farm, especially the cows!
I loved the pictures of the cows and I miss them a lot! I wish we could eat that amazing food forever!
I remember when it was late at night and we were playing man hunt. On the second night I was with Sam and we were behind the farm. The a ray of light coming from across the river hit me. It was Crosby and Yves. So me and Sam ran behind the fence into that awesome hiding spot!
Where are the Fort Wars Deborah?
It’s a good thing you wrote a poem about the fort wars so they will not be forgotten.
I really miss Beef Wellington and Chobani. They are like the new Slider and Habachi. I also miss Slider and Habachi too! 🙁
This is so fun to remember! I miss the farm.