On Friday, January 20, our fourth grade class spent the day watching, listening, thinking, talking, writing, and creating in response to the transition of power and the installation of the next president, Donald Trump. Because emotions were elevated, students were encouraged to write their observations and ideas down in social studies’ notebooks – to supplement our group discussions. Snippets from students’ journals can be found below.
Our day unfolded like this:
9:00am: In the morning we watched President Obama’s Farewell Speech. We discussed the content of his speech in our morning meeting and wrote about it. We spent some focused time thinking about this section:
For 240 years, our nation’s call to citizenship has given work and purpose to each new generation. It’s what led patriots to choose republic over tyranny, pioneers to trek west, slaves to brave that makeshift railroad to freedom. It’s what pulled immigrants and refugees across oceans and the Rio Grande, pushed women to reach for the ballot, powered workers to organize. It’s why GIs gave their lives at Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima; Iraq and Afghanistan – and why men and women from Selma to Stonewall were prepared to give theirs as well.
11:15am: Extra recess, we needed to run, twirl and play in order to do the hard work of trying to understand current events.
11:40am: We gathered with the other fourth grade class in the tech lab and watched the inauguration. A journalism student from Columbia University joined us. She was working on a radio story about children and the inauguration. Again, students took notes.
12:25pm: We had a whole grade meeting where students shared their responses to the inauguration.
1:50pm: After recess we watched a video produced by a group of artists including Shepard Fairey which outlined their collective response to the Trump presidency. Their campaign is called We the People. Together they are the Amplifier Foundation.
2:15-3:00pm: Finally, we made t-shirts with messages for the new president.
Responses to Obama’s speech:
Makeda: Obama’s main idea in that speech was to challenge Americans to keep fighting for change…Unlike Trump, Obama thinks regular citizens can still have power. Trump only thinks about himself.
Romy: He wasn’t just talking about himself he was thanking all of the citizens who helped him along the way.
Zen: Obama was saying his farewells at Chicago, his hometown. His main idea was saying a lot of things encouraging Americans and the changing of the US.
Miles: The American citizen has made change and needs to keep hope. America needs to come together and say what they want. Everyone has a voice.
Bailey: Obama was giving a thanks to America. He was talking a lot about citizens. I am sad that Obama is leaving because I don’t want Trump to be president. What I understand is that Obama is still going to help even if he isn’t president.
Crosby: He might just be a citizen now like us but he was the first ever black president and he will be remembered.
Alden: I think his speech means that he did not make all those laws on his own, all Americans helped him.
See “the new emoji reacting to Trump” by Alden below:
Notes on watching the inauguration:
Gia: It’s over. He’s president. I’m done for. But finally, he’s not saying something like, “I’m going to build a great wall. It’s a great wall, it’s a great wall, so great that you will be astonished it’s greatness.” But he’s obviously not going to make or finish it.
Yves: Chuck Schumer tells a speech at the inauguration. Chuck reads the note, “Dear Sarah,…” The Vice Presidents meet and Pence solemnly swears. The marine band plays. Donald Trump is saying a speech: “We will get the job done.” “We are grateful to Obama.” “This moment is your moment.” “Drugs, gangs have stolen too many lives.” “America first…”
Kieran: The New York Senator talked. “This is your moment.” No!!
Asher: He is saying what people want, not what he is going to do.
Nate: Cannons shot blanks. Trump says speech, “This moment is your moment…This USA is our country….The day the people became the people.” Why is it not Obama? I feel upset and sad that he’s president but hopefully he does not do what he says.
Avery: “America first….Let’s not help anyone else….We should protect our houses and our jobs. Buy American….Hire American….and yes we can make America great again.” The whole class did a long “boooooooo” and so did I. Everyone shouted out a thoughtful comment.
Laiali: Considering himself more important by saying, “You the People.” Changing attitude from before yet no one reacts. Were there any protests against Obama?
….lies lies lies lies lies (sad emoji)
Crosby: I think my community reacting to what Trump was saying was over the top and I couldn’t hear some of the words when they were mocking Trump. I know why but he can have his own opinions and you can’t stop him from believing what he believes. I think we should give him a chance.
Sam: Lot’s of people thought that what Trump said wasn’t actually true, for example, “I will make America great again.” Lots of people responded by saying, “It’s already great again without you.”
Romy: As Trump was giving his speech many of the crowd cheered but all of the LREI students booed! I’m proud of LREI for booing, that’s the right thing to do. I personally can’t believe that a stupid monkey brain is taking over the world.
Jade: “Dear Donald Trump, There will be two marches. One in D.C. and the other in midtown. LREI saw the inauguration. A lot of us felt lied to because of what you said in the debates and then in the inauguration. We thought is was very different”!
Miles: “He’s already forgotten. He’ll never remember again.”
Alex: “I felt that he was lying to us. I don’t think that when he said the oath, he meant it…He was saying we are a team. I don’t want to be a part of that team only because he is in it.”
Margot: This is scary. It’s not actually happening. Pence takes oath. Officially V.P.. Tabernacle choir sings. Gonna cry. Crying now. “The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no more.” I disagree with everything he says. Stay strong stay strong. “You will never be forgotten again.” Yeah right. Boo, you carrothead! Come see the march tomorrow. I will be there. SEE WHAT YOU’VE DONE. Sexism is not a side issue.
Suko: It’s happening he’s president. Boooooooooooooo. Santa can I have headphones or something?
Our voices…T-shirts!
