On January 12th, Harriet Lieber, LREI First and Second Grade Learning Specialist, visited to share her family’s immigration story. Her great-grandparents came through Ellis Island in 1905 and 1898 from Lithuania and Romania. Harriet took us through their stories with primary source documents, a timeline of her family history, and inherited family heirlooms.
“Dear Harriet,
Thank you for coming to our classroom.
I really liked the story about your father’s family.
I especially like the whittling story that you told about your grandfather and your father and the shop. It’s really cool that the shop is still there with your family name on it. The candlesticks were amazingly crafted and that they look so delicate and amazing.
I really enjoyed your visit.
Thank you,
Kieran Vaughan”
“Dear Harriet,
Thank you for coming to our class! I really enjoyed it!
I thought it was cool that someone would carry those candle sticks all the way to New York! Plus they were heavy! I thought the spy thing was awesome! You spy and travel so far and then you can go to America with no visa! And that wood carver personally I like working with wood so that was really cool. All of this was nice for me to hear because my Great-Grandfather Salvatore Testa went through Ellis Island from Italy.
Lorenzo Brigode”
“Dear Harriet,
Thank you for coming in and sharing your family’s story. One favorite part for me was when you talked about how your ancestor brought the shabbat candles. It is amazing how much your ancestor cared about her culture. Another favorite part for me was that part of your family were spies. I find it very brave that they would do that, I admire that. I liked the part when you showed us the chisels because I like carving wood. I can relate to your family because my ancestors were Jewish immigrants. What is your favorite artifact that you have from your ancestors?
Thanks again.
Asher Cohen.”
I think it is really cool how Harriets family passes the chissels down!