Aaron is Leaving by Sophia and Julia

Most people know that Aaron is leaving. He is going to be teaching in Arizona. “My new job is teaching kindergarten through fifth grade at a public school.” Says Aaron. “I’m ready to have a house with a yard. The school is big. It has 600 kids and here we only have 200. I can’t imagine having to remember 600 names! I haven’t even seen it yet I got interviewed in skype. I can’t imagine how hard it is to remember 600 names! There’s a fourth and fifth band and third fourth and fifth chorus.”

We interviewed a couple of people about Aaron leaving. We asked them “Will you miss Aaron and if so why?” This is what they said:

Deborah: I will most definitely miss Aaron. I had a lot of fun working with Aaron on the fourth grade play! He is so creative and he is not afraid to try new things. He is also fun to dance with at the faculty party.

Maeve: I will miss Aaron. He was a really great music and chorus teacher, and I am really sad that he’s leaving because it was fun to hang out with him.

Ann: Of course. It’s been so much fun to work with Aaron on the immigrant play. I think he’s a nice person. I love the musical assemblies. I learned new types of music with him and I hope to stay in touch with him in Arizona.

Tess: Yes, because he was really good at keeping us under control because we are not an easy class and he has managed to keep us calm. and I hope he has a good time at his job.

Estelle: Yes, I’m gonna miss him. I started chorus with him and he was a good leader in recorder ensemble and he put up with everyone in chorus when they were being rude to him. Chorus won’t be the same without him.

Megan: I will miss Aaron. Yes, I’m gonna miss working with Aaron. Aaron has great ideas and I get to work the most with him during the play process and I appreciate Aaron’s creative energy.

Namita: Yes, I’m very sad about Aaron leaving. He is great with the kids. He is a very talented music teacher.

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About Mark Silberberg

Mark is thrilled to be a member of LREI's vibrant learning community and is inspired each day by students and colleagues alike. Mark began his formal adult life in schools as a teacher of physics, chemistry, English and an experiential business simulation class in the public schools where he also worked as a school administrator and technology coordinator. For the ten years prior to coming to LREI, Mark was a co-founder and co-director of a progressive K-12 public charter school. When not immersed in things LREI, Mark enjoys spending time with his family and completing sundry home repair projects. He is an avid soccer player and skier and wishes he had more time to play the guitar and bass.

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