Farm Essay Pull Quotes

class photo farm (1)

“So you’re about hear something that will BLOW your mind. The Farm, It might sound boring (that’s what my older sister said) but it’s really great. The trip begins at the bus. It starts off kids crying, people laughing, teachers being stressed out, but then you get outside everyone, literally everyone is cheering for you from grown-ups to siblings even the principal.” –Max

“Surprises are exciting because it feels good to see new things and be wrong about what you thought it would be. I was hoping that I would get surprised I just feel better when I see new things and am surprised because it makes your life more interesting to be surprised.” –Ally

“Pigs are very playful. They like to rub their nose on you and cuddle up. The pigs bite and play all day. They love food and attention.” …
“It is very hard for farmers to get food so you should respect where your food comes from.” –Alon

“We heard Paul saying that if we finished shoveling poop we could see a calf being born!” -Antonio

“I loved doing morning chores because we get to feed all the animals. It is so fun because the animals get so excited and jump up and down when you feed them.” –Ava

“After she came out, a big bubble came out and it got bigger and bigger until it exploded, and a ton of nutrients and blood flew out of it. It was really disgusting seeing the calf coming out, but it was still cool and I recommend seeing it.” –Andrei

“I went to a farm and I spent a lot of time in the dirty, messy, gross pig pens. They were adorable, scrumptious, and super silly.” –Estelle

“Feeding the pigs was fun, but a little hard…Now I know why they say, ‘You eat like a pig.’” –Diego

“Sooner or later Lucy stood up, the baby’s hooves were touching the ground! It’s like she was doing a handstand! It was hilarious!”

“We had to walk all the way over to this shed and turn the water on. It was tiring BUT fun. When we made it there was strangely a big pile of really white sand. Sophia stood on it, held her flashlight and stood like the Statue of Liberty. I did it too.” –Maeve

“My group went to the cow barn and then we noticed some hooves were sticking out of a cow named Lucy. We all gasped and did not want to make butter we wanted to watch the calf being born.” –Mia

“Just when I was starting to get bored, the mom pushed, and the whole calf was out except the back legs and all this yellow nutrient stuff was going on the baby. Finally the whole baby was out. After that the mom started to lick all the yellow stuff off of the baby and also encouraged the baby to stand up. I also saw the after birth. First Zoe thought she was having another baby, but then Danielle said it was just the after birth.” –Clarissa

“At our school (Little Red School House) the fourth graders get to go the super awesome, incredible, exciting, cool, fun, amazing, astonishing, astounding, eye-opening, fabulous, miraculous, stunning, sublime, stupendous, surprising, wonderful, wondrous, shocking, jaring, jaw-dropping, stupefying, startling, delightful, and flabbergasting… farm trip!!!!!!” –Julia

“First, I tried the whey. It tasted like lemon juice and garbage. Yuck! Then, I tried the cheese curds. It was really crumbly and dry. But I liked it more than the whey! After we made cheese, we toured the creamery. It was freezing! We had to wear little plastic bags on our shoes to keep the creamery clean.” –Tess

“I also liked the chickens. There was one very old one and she let you hold her. All the other chickens would keep hiding under their coop.” –Zoe

“I think the reason our class went to the Farm because it helped us become a better community. It helped us be a class because we all have to make dinner for everybody else.” –Thomas

“First I walked around the playground on Daisy and it was really bumpy and really fun to be thrown around on a horse’s sillky – but – bristly – if – you – rubbed – it – the – wrong – way – fur and feel like you are going to fall off (but you don’t and it feels like a rollercoaster). Riding Daisy made me feel really cool and because I had never ridden a horse before, it felt really special to ride her. If I ever get on a horse again I won’t get freaked out because I can remember that feeling and I will remember it forever.” –Stella

“Another way to bond with friends is to eat with them. Bunks really helped us bond because we could talk to each other and we didn’t have an activity, so it was a good time to talk to each other. If something bad happened that day, they would cheer me up by making me laugh, like Diego did. Everyone also bonded with at least two animals.” –Charlie

“When we neared the barn, Luna went mad! She ran and ran. Finally, she stopped. She turned around then she ran all the way back to the barn. She stopped again. Then farmer Jamie told me, “Let go of the leash if she is going to fast!” I finally thought it was over but then she bolted she started running in circles she was going so fast. I could hear the wind whistling in my ears I was literally flying in the air my feet dragging behind me.” –Pema

“I think we went to the farm trip because we need to learn more about responsibility by waking up at 5AM to do chores, and it’s really hard for me to wake up at 5AM. Another way to learn responsibility is by taking care of yourself because your parents aren’t there…. Kids should appreciate their time as a kid by playing sports and other games.” –Simon

“When I was at the farm I changed in many ways like learning new things about animals, watching animals change and I changed in my ways. So when we were coming back on the bus I felt full of energy! Farms are the best places in the world!” –Sophia

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About Mark Silberberg

Mark is thrilled to be a member of LREI's vibrant learning community and is inspired each day by students and colleagues alike. Mark began his formal adult life in schools as a teacher of physics, chemistry, English and an experiential business simulation class in the public schools where he also worked as a school administrator and technology coordinator. For the ten years prior to coming to LREI, Mark was a co-founder and co-director of a progressive K-12 public charter school. When not immersed in things LREI, Mark enjoys spending time with his family and completing sundry home repair projects. He is an avid soccer player and skier and wishes he had more time to play the guitar and bass.

2 thoughts on “Farm Essay Pull Quotes

  1. Fourth graders, you did a fantastic job with your essays! Megan and I really enjoyed sharing with your families during parent teacher conferences all of the steps that you went through as you wrote them. Your hard work shows. Onward….

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