First Day at the Farm

First Day Reflections!


Julia – “It was really cool and awkward to see a calf being born.”

Tess – “I had lots of fun chasing sheep.”

Alon – “The calf was gross and yucky at the same time.”

Antonio – “It looked like the mother was kind of pooping-out a baby. The legs came first, then the tongue and the face, and then the body, and it just kind of plopped down.”

Zoe – “I didn’t think that the birth of the cow itself was disgusting, but the afterbirth was kind of gross.”

Andrei – “I thought all of the baby pigs were really cute. They kept nibbling at my feet. They looked like little kids.”

Estelle – “When the calf took her first steps, the bull nudged the baby, and it was the sweetest thing ever. When the afterbirth came, it was a big bubble that grew bigger and bigger, then it popped and splattered nutrients.”

Mia – “I thought the calf was really cute after all of the nutrients had been licked-off. It was really cute when the calf kicked over the water bowl as it took its first steps.”

Stella – “I thought herding the cows was really fun. We had these giant bamboo sticks, and whenever a cow would stop, we would tap it on the back with our stick. We had to avoid a lot of manure as we walked!”

Charlie – “I liked cooking lentil soup because it was fun cutting up all the vegetables, but the onions made everyone cry! I think only a few of us actually finished cutting one.”

Diego – “When I went in the pig pen, the mama pig kept coming over to me and rubbing her snout on me. I started pretending that I was the papa pig. I clapped my hands, and they all started coming over to me.”

Pema – “When I was in the pig pen, all of the pigs were chewing my shoes because they liked my laces. It felt really weird.”

Ava – “I really liked riding a horse because I don’t ride horses very often, so I was a little bit scared, but, when I got on the horse, I felt safe. After I rode around, and my turn was over, I didn’t want to get off.”

Max – “The pigs were really cute because they were really small. We saw the mama pig breastfeeding all eighteen of the baby pigs.”

Maeve – “My favorite part of today was probably seeing the cows because they were really cute. It was really weird to be in the barn, looking at a calf that was born that morning, and to have someone come into the barn and say that another cow was giving birth! Two calves were born in one day!”

Sophia – “I really liked horseback riding and feeding the chickens. The chickens charged some people and some people kind of freaked out.”

Ally – “I liked leading the sheep back to their pen. We walked over to the pasture, and we put them on leashes, and then we led them back. The sheep were a little bit scared, and they kept trying to eat the grass on the way back.”

Clarissa – “I really enjoyed making the soup. We cut up all the ingredients. I cut up mint, peppers, and onions.”

Simón – “I liked chasing the chickens and trying to grab them. They pecked me!”

Thomas – “The cow being born was weird because the baby was all yellow when it came out.”
