Some thoughts from students about COMMUNITY

A community member is someone who comforts people.

To be a community member means that you work with your community to accomplish things that you can’t accomplish on your own.

A community member is somebody who helps the team and who is nice to everyone.

Being a part of a community means you help out your neighbor if they need help.

One way to be a community member is to add on to other ideas to make better ideas.

A community member works with other people.

A community member is someone who cares about things

A community member is willing to try new things.

You can also help by talking with others who don’t get what your community is doing.

Clean up even if you didn’t make the mess.

If someone wants to join a game you’re playing don’t say no to them, let them join in.

Being a member of a community means you have to help and be a part of the group. You should give ideas.

I think a classroom is a community and a neighborhood is a community because in those places there are people who help a lot.

Communities come in all shapes and sizes.

I know that communities work together because they help their friends when they’re down.

It means a lot to be in my community. I love it.

A good member of a community will push themselves to do what they think might be hard.

A good community member will help others when they’re stuck, left out, sad, or lonely.

It also means don’t hold up the group.

You’re a community member if you think about everybody, not just yourself.

Think about how your choices will affect everyone.

Being in a community means you have friends and you have a team.

We have to help each other when people are not steady.