Immigration Play

By Jack Elliot Lille Yerington and Elijah Frederick Harris
The 4th graders are working on a play for the lower school and their parents. So far they have created seven scenes. They are working really hard on the play. They have written the play with some guidance from the teachers. Their music teacher, Aaron, taught them how to play and sing the songs. The kids have their own orchestra. They are playing a song called Vevo. The children have their own parts in the play. A student named Eli is a thug. A student named Jack has a lot of roles. He plays a policeman, a little boy making artificial flowers, and a child who is really poor. A student named Johnny is playing a cutter in the sweatshop/ factory scene. Eli said, “This is so exciting.” Jack really liked watching the other people in the play rehearse. A student named Olivia said, ” I think that the play is really good so far and it could use a little more work. It’s good though.” A student named Emily says, “It could be worked on a lot more and some kids are forgetting all their lines. It’s still going really well.” The 4th graders got split up into 4 groups and they worked on it within their groups. When they were in second grade they did something very similar, they did a Brooklyn Bridge play. They have been doing Social Studies skits and plays since second grade. In conclusion they are having a lot of fun working on the play and they say you should come see it.

Naturalization Ceremony

Naturalization Picture
On May 2nd, Deborah and Jake’s 4th grade class went to a naturalization ceremony. They took the six train to get there and thought it had a cool green circle. The 4th graders met a guy named Jimmy. Jimmy works for security at the courthouse. He was joking and said, “The judge gives fifty dollars to people when they shake her hand.” DJ4 went into a big room and that was the room where they did the ceremony. It took a lot of time before it started. They had to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Then they said, “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” The parents who went on the trip said, the boys liked the trip better than the girls.

The kids on the trip were really good at sitting still and being respectful to the Judge and the people helping her. The kids got booklets in their seats and they read part of them. Also there was an immigrant there who had a tie with the American flag on it. After that the 4th graders went to a park across the street to have lunch and play a little bit. There they saw the 10th graders who went to their school. After a little while they went back to school. Gus Dotson said, “I think both were equally fun.” Jack L.Y. said, “The trip was really interesting, I liked it better than the park.” When they got back to their school they were very tired because they had been walking all day.