The first day, in their own words…

“The first day was mostly writing and reading, and a little bit of social studies. Lunch is later, recess is also later.”-Jack

“It was exciting, but also sad because I wasn’t with the friends I had last year.”-Lila

“It was weird being in a different clas and room.”-Johnny

“Well, actually, I liked it a lot but the next day there was no school and I was kind of sad. I’m excited for fourth grade because there’s a lot of things that are going to happen. At the end of the year we get a frog, and we run lower school gathering.”-Dora

“In shop we are making pathways using chisels to make the wood go down. You never want to chisel towards someone.”-Gus

“Lunch was delicious. I liked the soup. I think it was just broccoli soup.”-Cooper

“I got to see all of my friends I didn’t see this summer. There are some people who I have never been in class with but they are in my class this year.”-Olivia B.

“In gymnastics we did exercises. We did squats against the wall. We did squat thrusts.”-Zach