Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum Interview In Jamestown Apothecary (Paraphrase)[2016]:
The anatomy is a well developed field at this point. They were doing dissections and making anatomical prints. They knew a lot about anatomy. What they did not know a lot of ways physiology, which is the purpose or function of these parts. They did not know a lot about physiology because of a lack of science. The only well developed science that was around was the science of physics, the study of Chemistry is being developed in the 18th century. Biology can’t be around until you have a microscope because it is the study of cells, so that does not develops until the 1840’s. The things you’re learning is what you see and nothing more. This is a Macro level of learning rather than a microscopic level.
Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum Interview In The Slave House (Paraphrase)[2016]:
The root cellar is aerodynamics at its finest, it is 18 inches below the ground and next to the fire, which takes the humidity out of the air and makes cold air drop to cool the foods/plants that had been put in the cellar. Africans and English would not know how things work but would know the outcome. Some Africans and English, were told to dry stuff on something green to make your white clothes whiter and your bright clothes brighter. We know that it was working, because photosynthesis is creating chlorophyll which is a natural bleacher.
Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum Interview On Shirley Plantation (Paraphrase)[2016]:
People had no efficient technology for growing Tobacco, it is one of the few plants that has to be tended by hand, even today. In the 1830’s an invention called the McCormick reaper created by Cyrus McCormick. This invention would cut corn and wheat as it passed and bundle it up at the same time, this increased efficiency greatly. In the 1790’s Eli Whitney patented the Cotton Jam which increased the productivity by whole. The McCormick reaper was the biggest advent for this fall because that is what they used, they attached to a horse and as the horse rode by it would cut the corn and wheat and bundle it up.
Lady Guide:
People would like at the shape of leafs and determine what use it would be applied for based on shape. There was a cloves plant called capatico which is the scientific name for liver, they thought it would help any liver problems because it is shaped like a liver. If by luck one would work they would add it to their repertoire.
Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum Interview With Milliner In Williamsburg (Paraphrase)[2016]:
The first sewing machine is invented in 1830 by a Peruvian tailor. The more modern mechanism we use today is developed in 1846 by Elias Howe. In 1786 the first water powered loom is invented. In 1804 the first steam powered loom is invented.
Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum Interview With Magazine Interpreter (Paraphrase)[2016]
Next big leap in weapons technology is to put a cap on top of the sparking part of the musket. This helps make sure that no matter if it is snowing or sunny or raining, the sparks will be able to light.
Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum Interview With Navigation and Cartography
Monocular was a one looking glass telescope looking thing used to look far distances. Magnifying glass used to magnify writing. Soldiers have to be educated in ways other than warfare (common logic etc.). David Bushnell invents submarine in Brooklyn neighborhood, so he can get under British ships. Invents board with print on it that is covered by a piece of paper that then shows something else.
Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum Interview With Blacksmith Interpreter In Williamsburg (Paraphrase)[2016]
The industrial power in most places during the 18th century was water. The strong water would drive mechanical hammers and grinding stones very fast. Steam engines were common particularly in England during the 1770’s. Steam engines can be built anywhere, water powered shops have to be in certain places. Because of terrain in Williamsburg they were forced to do mostly steam powered shops.
Victor S Interview With Sailor In Jamestown (2015):
The sun reaches zenith (The imaginary top of the sky), in the middle of the day. When the sun reaches zenith sailors measure the angle of the sun. Seasons affect the height of sun. Winter solstice is the lowest point of sun. Astrolabe aladade align sunlight so that the light falls through the top plate onto second plate. Back staff 1594: made to measure altitude of sun with back to the sun. Cross staff same thing as back staff but made sailors go blind.