Interview about Native American law and punishment-Rachel M 2015

Government, Law & Punishments > Government, Law & Punishments: Interviews > > Interview about Native American law and punishment-Rachel M 2015

Rachel M.

2015  Interview on Duke of Gloster St


Question: “What crimes were committed in different tribes, and what punishments were dealt out because of them?”

Answer: “We had what we called blood law, and that was a major component in our law. It was basically an eye for an eye. So if I and several of my clan members were killed by another clan or tribe, we would go and seek retribution and restore the balance in our eyes by killing an equal number of people from that tribe.

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About Rachel

My name is Rachel, and I'm an eighth grader at LREI. My social justice group is focusing on the issue of child abuse. 1 in 5 children will be abused before the age of 18. We want to shed light on this topic and help prevent this from happening. No child deserves this.