Tilda Sutter:
Without protest and resistance the world we know and love wouldn’t exist. Outdated and biased laws would still control our lives today. Even though uprisings and revolts might seem uncivilized, they were the foundation of America. Tea burnings, the Homespun Ball Act, vandalizations, and the first worker’s strike were pushes for an America where everyone was represented and cared for. Americans protested and whether they were black, white or Native American. The people who revolted changed how we think of representation today. No matter the size, from smuggling items to dumping tea into the water, every resistance mattered. Through oppression and wars, all of America relied on protests as a way to speak their mind. Without people speaking their minds we still might live in a world with an insane amount of gender inequality. But to this day Americans still protest for everyone to have an equal opportunity to have higher job positions and representation in government. Revolts make a large impact on how we think of society today even though they may seem dangerous. Protest and resistance shaped America, our government, our thoughts and opinions about society. Because no matter the circumstances, anyone and everyone can protest against unfair treatments because history can prove it does make a difference.