Sadye Rabhan:
Great Hopes Plantation 10/21
Julien, women farmer, solider,apothecary.
The courtship process is more elaborate then today. At a very young age boys were taught to be well
rounded. They learned poetry, dance, sing. So when they went to a ball they could show hoes well rounded
they are. That was part of the courtship process. If you didn’t do the right moves you were not allowed back
until you could do the moves. Higher class would pick marriages. If your husband was a solider you would
often work and help at the campsite, if your family was all in a battle the best way to see them and have
comunciction,also whee would the food come from if no one provided for you. Had to be married to live on
the base. Courtship and marriage depended on religion a lot of Quakers, and Prodastints. Weading gifts
were not like there are today. Often a gift would be something that got passed down through the family.
However the couple would also receive pots and pans like today. Fathers permission was important. The
family would be much more involved then today. Social Status did affect the marriage. Fathers would be
trying there daughters to a higher social status.