Yannik F.
For hunting what was the prime weapon to use?
You would use a rifle for hunting because the bullet was spinning so it was much more accurate but did not in fact go farther. You have to load something tighter into the rifle but the musket ball is much more loose. It was not used for the military because it took much longer to load. You would not use a close range gun but if your animal was still alive you would use your knife. Also you would not want to waste any gun powder and lead. Most people are not hunter but if you’re a bird hunter you use a shotgun because a duck can fly 50 mph and the bullet still need to have power to take it down.
What is the difference between a shotgun and a musket?
One is for hunting and one is for military fighting. They are roughly the same shape and size but they do not meet the same standards, the shotgun is much heavier and the musket is lighter so it would be Easier to swing. On the front of a shotgun there is a sight and on a musket there is a bayonet. They only supply guns for hunters and farmers. Muskets mostly came from France and England. They would only use muskets in war. A musket was made with 50 people so they could never get a contract to make one. The gunsmith was used to make sporting guns and to repair guns. You could make a living in the gunsmith shop and never make a gun.