Games, Sports & Entertainment: Notes

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Georgia G.

Parlor Games
Kalman, Bobbie. Games From Long Ago. United States: Crabtree Publishing Company, 1995. Print. 


“People who owned large homes often had a parlor. A parlor was a special room that was used for entertaining guests. When families invited neighbors to visit, they played games in their ‘best room.’ These games were known as parlor games. Parlor games often involved several people. Charades and Blind Man’s Buff were popular parlor games. Guessing games, word games, and board games were also played in the parlor.”


  • Parlor games were indor games played in the parlor.
  • The parlor was considered the “best room.”
  • Normally several people played parlor games together.
  • Games included Charades and Blind Man’s Buff.
  • I wonder how to play Blind Man’s Buff

My Ideas: This quote is important because it shows what indoor games people played in Colonial America. Some of these games people still play. Sometimes when I’m with my family we play Charades too. Some of the games I’ve never heard of though, like Blind Man’s Buff. I wonder why some games stuck and some didn’t. These are the rules of Blind Man’s Buff: How you play is you designate someone to be “it.” That person is blindfolded. Everyone else hides around the room. The object of the game is for the blindfolded person to capture everybody else. This game is sort of like hide and seek. A lot of things changed over the years from the colonial times. I wonder why a lot of the English games stuck and the other culture’s games didn’t.