Funeral Practices & Traditions: Interviews

Funeral Practices & Traditions > > Funeral Practices & Traditions: Interviews

October 20, Episcopal Church burials important people were buried in the church
the wealthier people were buried in a coffin next to the church
The coffins were mainly made out of wood and decorated
Church stayed the same throughout all of this time
If your family owned land you were buried on it
Since there no stone in Virginia most people could not afford to have tombstone. There could be thousands of buried people in a graveyard but only 10 grave stones
-Zach Cappadocia

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About Zachary

My name is Zach Cappadocia and I'm a part of the Immigration and DACA 2018 social justice group. Immigration in the U.S.A is currently a huge issue in the Trump administration. The government is using immigration laws as gambling pieces and DACA recipients as political pawns. Its time we break the stereotypes and hysteria behind immigrants and fight.