Foods & Cooking: Interviews

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Dora Bremond

October 19th 2016

Sherley plantation house
The English had 7 courses for dinner
Dinner was at 2:00 pm so that they could take advantage of the natural light
Social conversation was at dinner
Kids were the ones to eat the dinner upstairs separately from the grown ups
The people would start of with eating a soup
Pork was one of the main rescources of protein
They would often have seafood
They had many different types of meat
They loved chocolate such as cakes puddings or pies
They dried food to preserve it
They kept some food in the ice house
The slaves had the leftovers


Lily Parks

Interviewing Julien from Great Hopes Plantation

There were 7 courses and eating took a long time because of it
Pork was the major source of protein
Every meal there was some sort of meat, and the vegetables would be flavored with meat
It was harder to raise cows then pigs because the pigs would eat the scraps leftover from the table, which basically meant that they didn’t have to buy and extra food for the pigs. This meant that they only ate beef occasionally.
The vegetables that they had were onions carrots, potatoes, turnips, apples
They had dessert
They had different desserts like custards cakes pies and puddings
All the desserts came out on a tray
The wife of the owner served the soup
The had a set room where they are their meals
If their were no guests, the mother would take her kids down and teach them manners
They all dressed for dinner every night
Dinner was hours long because of all of the courses
They dressed for dinner even if there were no guests just not as heavily
There was no refrigerator so they kept salt all over the meat to preserve it, or they would smoke it or pickle it
Lunch and breakfast were leftovers
No baking soda, so you had to use yeast or eggs
They cooked once a day
Taverns had to have a stable for horses as a parking lot
Pork was their main source of protein.
They ate hundreds of pigs each year
They ate fish that they caught in the river.
They ate deer, duck, and goose.
The vegetables that they had were potatoes, onions, carrots, turnips etc. and various kinds of greens in the summer time
The guest houses stored the vegetables and the apples and other fruits, because it had an ice cellar under it to keep the vegetables and fruits preserved.
They had custards, cakes, pies and puddings for dessert. You could choose what you wanted just like it was a menu.
After dinner the ladies would go to the parlor to work on their needle work, and if they had baby’s, they would bring them down so that everybody could see how cute they were.
After dinner the men smoked cigars and talked about what had happened that day. They also talked about politics.