Master & Students: Zoe C. – 2012

Education > Education: A Day in the Life > > Master & Students: Zoe C. - 2012

The Master

“Good morning, Ms. Baker” said all the children as I walked into the room, feeling the warmth of the heater combining with the cold breeze from outside. As I take off my jacket, I hear some giggling in the back of them room and whispering in the front, as if they don’t know that I am listening. The next thing you know, I am in the front of the room exactly in the center with a ruler in my hand about to tell them their punishment.

“Oh how I hate teaching these children,” I say with a serious face. Just seeing children who misbehave is the best part of my day because then I can give them one of my greatest punishments– and that will scare them for life. Most of the time when I am teaching I look around the room for students who are misbehaving than actually teaching them. As I slowly walk to the two students in the front row, pretending that they were not doing anything I give them both a smack with the ruler. Then I begin to head to the back of the room with my ruler and give them a smack too. As I was walking back to the center of the room to begin my lesson I was stopped by one of my students Helen who ran into the classroom late. “Helen, why are you late? you know what will happen when you are late, do you?” I said with a strict voice. “You will have to stay in school later and clean the chalk board, and no buts.” As Helen walked to her desk, I walked to my desk and began my lesson.

“Class, please take out your slate. We will be working on arithmetic.” Arithmetic is very important for my students to learn. Usually I tell my students to solve the problems that I say aloud and then have them write it on their slates. “Class, what is four plus six equal to?” I say with a strict voice. After I say the problem I then ask my students to say the answer orally. “Abigail, please tell me the answer to problem number 1.” I am prepared to give the student a punishment.

“Is it 13?” Abigail says in a quiet and hesitant voice.

Since I am already prepared to give Abigail the punishment of the dunce cap, I say to her, “Wrong, wrong, wrong, now you will have to wear the dunce cap.” Then I came up with another math problem for my students, which is, ” What is three times two?” Everyday at least once I give a student a punishment.

But this time I called on Catherine and she says in a confident tone, “Six is the answer.” After arithmetic class ends, I then have to teach other classes, including grammar. “Oh how I can’t wait till the day ends, so then I can go home and sleep,” I say in a exhausted voice. Usually in class I taught my students how to write the alphabet and read small sentences. Then I gave my students an assignment, which is, “Class, take out your primer and copybook.” While the students are taking out their tools, I am going to teach my children the alphabet of the day, which is the letter F. Everyday I ask the children to look at their primer and write the letter F. During this class I usually walk around the room and watch the children write down the letters down in script. After class is finished I ask the students to get their things and leave the room in a single filed line. If you are one of the students who misbehaves, like Catherine, then I make the student stay until I want them to leave. “aahhh. I am so glad this day is finished. Now I can go home.”

The Students


Hello my name is Mary, I am a European girl in the lower class. Today I am going to learn how to read, write, and do arithmetic. My day usually begins with waking up, doing chores like feeding the animals, working in garden or in the farm and then having a meal with my family. After my whole family finishes our meal we then head out to the fields and work till it gets dark. When it gets to dark to see, then that’s when my family would have our meal and have free time. Most of my free time I learn from my mother about how to read, write and do arithmetic. A tool that really helps me learn is a Primer. Everyday I use my Primer to learn the alphabet and practice memorizing verses from the Bible. There are many ways my mother taught me how to write. One way I was taught to write was to use a material called a slate and repeat writing a letter until I memorize it. Another way my mother taught me was making me sew the letter into a piece of fabric. A tool that helps me practice my counting is a game called Mancala. Mancala was a helpful tool because not only is it a fun way to learn math, it also helped me work on thinking of strategies. Since I am a girl, I learn different things than a boy does. Besides learning the basics, I also learned how to maintain a house.


I am a Native American girl in early America. Everyday I am either working and helping my family or learning from my mother. Since I am a girl who does not learn in a school, I learn very different things than a girl in school. I would from my mother how to cook, sew, identify plants and many other things that had to do with maintaining a house. I have a mother, father and a little sister. If my mom could not teach my younger sibling then it was up to me to teach her.


I am either going to school and learning or helping my mother around the house. Since I am 12 years old, I go to a Finishing school, instead of a Dame school. In early America finishing schools were only for girls above the age of 9. Finishing schools are like middle schools.  Many of the lessons the master taught us were about how to maintain a house. In addition, I learn the basics which are reading, writing and arithmetic.


I am a student who is in the Upper class. I am 12 years old and since I am above the age of 9 I go to a Finishing school. In class I learn many of the basics and how to maintain a house. Many of the basics I learn are reading, writing and arithmetic. When I am learning how to maintain a house I learn how to sew, cook and clean the house. Since I have different classes, I also use different materials. A few materials I use are a hornbook, slate and a primer.
