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Blacksmithing: Interviews
interview interview i like hitting metal interview
Apothecary & Healing: The Exhibit
Apothecary & Healing: A Day in the Life
The Numbers in my Head
by Isabella Marcellino
When I wake up I see the cradle where my baby Abitha sleeps rocking a bit back and forth. Two seconds later there is a big scream. “Shhhhhhhh!” I whisper to her, and pull the covers filled with straw off of me so I go rock the cradle back and forth so she can get back to sleep. I try my best to hear the crinkle of the straw over the sound of the crying baby. I check off “cradle time #1” in my head. I have a bad habit of doing math in my head and counting how many times I do different actions. Of course, it isn’t like the math that the higher classes are taught, but I can count to 70, and I’m very proud of it. Anyway, I had talked to my husband, John, about my math problem.I had heard stories of similar women who turned out to be possessed by demons. He said that he was worried for me because no woman should think about math at any time when she should be thinking about her children. This made me very upset, but I tried to hide it because I knew he could hurt me if he wanted to. He is very strong and likes to use his anger on other people. He works as a gunsmith and goes out hunting very often. I have learned to never speak to someone about my personal thoughts ever again.
Apothecary & Healing: Analysis
Acadia S.
Witches and Witchcraft
Witches and witchcraft were a very serious problem back in the 1690’s. Women were scared to leave their house and become afflicted or worse, be accused. This meant that you would spend the rest of your life rotting in jail or, you would be burned at the stake. People feared for their families and friends during this witch phenomenon. Although we might look back at witchcraft today and think to ourselves how someone could possibly believe in such a thing. People prayed to God that they would not be the next victim of the 1692 Salem Witch Trials. While some people believe that these horrible events happened because of hatred towards each other, land, or even rye fungus. Others think that it truly was the devil working his magic on Earth. Witch trials happened when restricting women from everyday rights became careless sexism. Sexism that separated women and men from each other. Sexism that blocked women from doing normal everyday activities. Did sexism start witchcraft, or was it truly a work with the devil.
Apothecary & Healing: Notes
Apothecary and Healing Practices: Photos
Apothecary and Healing Practices: Interviews
Here’s my interview with the Apothecary at the store. She said:
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum euismod finibus luctus. Nulla rutrum magna odio, ac volutpat libero scelerisque et. Ut accumsan enim in fermentum faucibus. Ut dolor lectus, molestie in porta sit amet, pellentesque vitae est. Quisque convallis fringilla pretium. Nullam metus metus, tempor malesuada lorem sit amet, porttitor efficitur massa. Morbi lobortis nunc pellentesque dui varius, a aliquet nulla cursus. Aenean a eros id velit laoreet dapibus. Ut condimentum ornare diam sed iaculis. Proin porta tempor rutrum.”
Note Taking; McCarthy/Crucible Essay Template
This is the document we used to take notes for the McCarthy/Crucible/Modern day Essay. We use this as a reference to create/write the essay. It also builds on our note taking which we started to learn about when we were doing our colonial project. This is useful because it helps to write paragraphs quickly.
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