Comfort Wright: Cate W. – 2015

A Day In The Life Of Comfort Wright

Oh dear, I’m late! I must get those orders done or else the customers would be extremely angry at me. I should introduce myself. I am Comfort Wright and I am a middling class milliner. I am twenty three and I work with my close friend Phoebe Williams who is twenty four.

I walk inside our shop, which is in Williamsburg and I see Phoebe sewing a woman’s gown. I instantly join her and I start to finish up a man’s waistcoat. Our store doesn’t open until eight o’ clock. That means we have two hours to finish these orders. We usually spend most of our morning and nights sewing people’s clothing. Sewing takes time, but I really do enjoy it because it is a big hobby of mine. I happen to love everything about it. I adore the way clothing looks and the way it’s made, it’s just a wonderful process! It is now eight o’clock and we just finished our last outfit.

“Splendid!” I announce.

“Indeed,” Phoebe replied.

Our first customer has walked into our shop. I hear the footsteps of a women. The sound of her heels indicate that she is probably in the gentry class. Her dress is grand, blue, and embroidered with small flowers. She was absolutely stunning and her posture, oh her posture was marvelous! Oh how I wish I could be like her. I must get this lady’s order. “Welcome,” I say politely.

“Good morning. I would like a new petticoat.” She mentioned while showing me what fabric she would like it to be. “ I will be back in a couple of days.” She exclaims.

“Of course, let me measure your body.” I say while nodding my head. I walk her over to the side of the shop and I grab measuring tape. I look back at the elegant lady, her posture was still straight as a pencil. I measure her body and try to be as gentle as I possibly can. Then I write down her measurements and she exits the shop with a touch of class. I look over and see Phoebe with a middling class customer and I let her be. I simply walk behind the wooden counter and I start to plan out the lady’s petticoat. I take out the special fabric that the lady asked her petticoat to be made out of, silk. I bring the silk over to a table in the back. It’s soft, and it feels incredible when I brush my hand against it. I’m amazed by silk. The way it feels is spectacular, but I couldn’t possibly wear it because I can’t afford it. More and more customers walk in and out of the millinery shop.

The day is coming towards and end. I make sure everything it is ready to be sewn. When I have the chance I start to sew everything together. By the end of the day, Phoebe and I are exhausted. We are usually tired after every sewing day because there is a lot of work to be done. Hand sewing is very tiresome. Every day Phoebe and I do the same routine. We take a quick break and then get back to working. We do have an apprentice, but she wasn’t working today. Our milliner shop is well known by many people in the gentry class, middling class and lower class. As the day comes to an end, Phoebe and I wrap up our thread and make sure all of our fabric is organized. We gradually walk out of the door and go home. Then we get ready for the next day at the milliner shop.
