Attack of the Fluffy Bunnies by Andrea Beaty

I read Attack of the Fluffy Bunnies by Andrea Beaty. The book is about twins Kevin and Joules and their experience at Camp Whatsitooya which are unexpected. Their parents are scientists that do something called SPAM so they don’t pay a lot of attention to Kevin and Joules so they watch a lot of late, late, late creepy shows for insomniacs. So they know a lot about what to do when there are aliens and zombies and things like that. Kevin likes to have plans and charts and Joules likes to take things head on. This book takes place in 2010. It is fiction so the place is made up but Camp Whatsitooya is by Camp Whatsosmelly. Camp Whatsitooya has only three counselors and only about ten campers! That is because it is kind of in the middle of nowhere. The only way Kevin and Joules parents found out was from a spa brochure. The camp is also deep in the woods so the giant fluffy bunnies could hide! The main plot is basically about Kevin, Joules and Nelson their friend stopping the  giant fluffy bunnies from taking over!

Joules is brave, nice, and funny. Joules is brave because she likes to takes things head on like when the were battling the giant fluffy bunnies she grabbed a stick and fought them without a plan! and you have to be pretty brave to fight giant fluffy bunnies with huge teeth and swirling eyes because they can be dangerous or scary. Joules is nice because she and Kevin sat with Nelson when he had no one to sit with in the cafeteria. That is nice because they could have  sat somewhere else but they decided to sit with him to be nice and then he wouldn’t be lonely. Nelson is a boy at camp that will soon be their new friend. Joules is funny because she makes lots of jokes that are mostly about Kevin.


At the beginning of the book it tells you a little about the giant fluffy bunnies and where they live and I think it is really interesting because Andrea could have just said there are giant fluffy bunnies who will attack but she really explained and that was really important. It was important because I got to know more about them and I understood them more. I think it was very important when they found out the counselors were eaten and the GFB (giant fluffy bunnies) faked being the counselors. That was important because that was how Kevin, Joules and Nelson found out about the GFBs. It was also important that they found the space base because all the campers were there and the GFBs and that is a very important part of the book. It was important because that was where Kevin, Joules, and Nelson saved the campers and defeated the GFB’s
I really enjoyed the book a lot because it has a lot of humor. One time is when the GFBs are reading a button that reads: PRESS IF TENNIS ELBOW, FLAMING METEOR ATTACK OR INVASION BY THE SWEDES. That is funny for many reasons one is the Swedish are very small country and they won’t be invading anytime soon. Two is why would you launch a rocket because of tennis elbow! I would definitely recommend this book because it has lots of humor and has a very interesting plot to it. It is not very long but each page has a lot of detail, also there are some pictures and comic strips throughout the book. I think this book is very unique because I have never read anything quite like this. It is unique because it turns bunnies, the cute and cuddly animals that everyone loves into giant candy and man eating monsters from outer space. Also this is one of a few books I’ve seen use words and comics/pictures. Not many chapter books have pictures and this one has pictures and comics. I like it when authors do it because I can make a movie in my mind and there movie. I would rate this 5 stars! I loved it!

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan

This book is called Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan. This book is part of the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series. The book is about a kid named Magnus Chase who finds out that the Asgardian gods are real and that he is a son of Freya the Goddess of Fire. This book tells the story of him “dying” and saving the world. The setting is in the U.S.A. and other dimensions. It takes place in 2016.   

Magnus is strong, warm and brave. He is strong because he survived a river that was going about 100 miles per hour. He survived by luck. He is warm because he is a son of Freya the Goddess of Fire and he is welcoming to other people. An example was when he welcomed a evil dwarf. He is brave because he fought and killed (temporarily) an “unkillable” wolf. This was brave because no one had ever killed this wolf and Freya is not a fighter.

In Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: The Sword of Summer a part that I found interesting was when I found out how Thor actually looks versus how he looks in the comics with gold hair. He actually has a red beard and red hair. Another thing that was interesting was when Magnus was Magnus was on ship made out of toenails, on the ship was Magnus had a chat with Loki and Loki, “Oh we aren’t actually here i’m still on a rock with snake poison dripping in my eye and you’re still in the river probably dying. our souls are able to be here because these toenails contain our ancestors DNA which allows us to be here.” This was interesting to me because you never would expect someone to be on a ship made of toenails and that it’s cool and strange.

I enjoyed Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: the Sword of Summer because I like the way Rick Riordan. I really like the dialogue in the book because it makes me feel like I’m in the story.  For example: “Your father’s name was Billy, right?” said Fenris in a scratchy voice (I cannot tell you who Fenris is or else it will ruin the story. He’s a big part of it) This was descriptive because it felt like I was hearing the voice. Another reason I enjoyed this book is because it was funny. For example: one chapter name was called “Oh so that’s who Fenris smelled in chapter sixty three.” Another thing that was funny was when you meet someone named Thomas Jefferson Jr. ,TJ for short. This is funny because it’s like this the son of Thomas Jefferson is alive but Thomas Jefferson died in the 1700s well this take place in 2017! I recommend this book because it explains everything and always leaves you hanging no matter where you are. Another reason I recommend this book because it always is positive no matter where you are. This meant that Magnus was always finding the silver outline. This book reminds me of the Avengers because in Avengers there is Asgard, Thor, Loki and Balder the Brave. In Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: the Sword of Summer there is Asgard, Thor, Loki and Balder the Brave. (You never meet Balder the Brave.) I would give this book a three and a half star rating because there was way too much talking and not a lot of action.  

New Middle School Dogs Best Friend, by James Patterson

I read “New Middle School Dog’s Best Friend” by James Patterson. This book is part of a series and it is book eight. I would recommend reading the first seven books in the series first. This is a story is about a kid named Rafe Khatchadorian and his friend Finn (but mostly Rafe). Rafe is trying to get a multi platform Wormhole (a video game set). He started a dog walking business to raise the money. There is another kid dog walking business trying to do the same thing and they get in a couple arguments in this book. They get into a fight because the other kid dog walking business “tore down his dog walking flier.” So they fought with words not physical.

Rafe is not thoughtful about his thoughts. He is not thoughtful about his thoughts because in the book he says some mean stuff to his mom and does not care until he makes his mom cry. Rafe is also a determined person, he is determined because he had one goal and that goal was to get the Wormhole. He tried and tried until he got $390. That was almost enough to get it so he asked his sister for ten dollars. Rafe also is smart by tricking his sister into doing stuff for him. Some times his sister blackmails him. One time she blackmailed him was when she was “helping” Rafe with his homework because they were in the same class for some subjects. He is smart at making choices like when the other dog walking business was right next to him, he did not have a fist fight he fought with words.

The most interesting part of the book is when Rafe starts a dog walking business. This is the most interesting part because he is doing this and being responsible and he is not a responsible person at all. He finally did something responsible and he starts acting his age toward the end of this book. Another interesting part is that Rafe starts doing stuff with his sister, and they both do not like each other (for some reason I do not know). They end up being good brother and sister toward the end of the book. That was a huge surprise to me because they were not being a good brother and sister in the begining of this book.

I really liked this book. It was funny, detailed, and an AMAZING book to read (for me). I really liked the suspense that it gave me so I would keep wanting to read. I would really really recommend this book, if you want to laugh. If you have not read this book yet read it and then tell one of your friends to read because it is that good. This book does not really remind me of anything because it is based on middle school and middle school problems. I am not in middle school yet. I would rate this book 5 stars. 5 stars= I loved. I could read it again (if I want to read it again). You should read this book.

Wayside School Is Falling Down, by Louis Sachar


This series is called The Wayside School. But I am focusing on one of the books called The Wayside School Is Falling Down. The author  of the book is Louis Sachar. The book is really funny.  If you want to laugh read it. It is about a school called The Wayside School and their school year. There is no main character because it switches the perspective of the different students. The book does not tell you where it takes place but don’t let that make you not  read it.

All the characters have different personalities. Like one of the characters named bebe is really funny because she pranked the teacher by putting a dead rat in her desk. She also is a good drawer she drew 1,000 planes. She is really self conscious because she lost her two front teeth and she says she is not cute any more.   Also my favorite character, Calvin got a potato tattoo on his ankle! Who would do that? He is very clumsy because he knocked down his fish tank and the by accident he swallowed a fish!!!!

One of the most interesting parts of this book is when sharie brought in hobo Bob for show in tell. I found this part interesting because it is sort of pointless and funny. Also Hobo Bob does not wear socks because when he was younger he won a spelling bee without socks on. And now he says it is a good luck charm. I have a question for him, if you have good luck why are you homeless?

This book is similar to the series My Weird School for two reasons.One is that the art is the same. Secondary, they are both really funny. I rate this book four stars. It is a good quick read. Read it!   

The Invisible Day, By Marthe Jocelyn

This book is called The Invisible Day by Marthe Jocelyn. It is about a girl named Billie who finds a makeup bag in Central Park. When she tries to put the makeup on, she realizes she becomes invisible. Billie and her best friend, Hubert make it their mission to make her reappear again through one big adventure in New York City.

Billie is curious, determined, and clever. She is curious because when she first sets eyes on the makeup bag, she can’t stop wondering about it until she finally opens it up and tries out the mysterious makeup. Bille is determined. She works hard to figure out how to become visible again. She is told that the juices from chewed up gum will help to make her reappear. Bille chews and chews and chews. Together with Hubert, the friends keep chewing until they have plenty of gum juice. Lastly, Billie is very clever. She is clever because when Billie reappears, she crafts a story so good that it convinces her family and the police that her backpack was taken by a thief and she was on a mission to get it.

One important and interesting part is when Billie has to step into a bath of crushed crackers and chewed gum juice in the dark. That was the only way that she could become visible again. This part was interesting because it made me think, “Wow! What if I tried to do that!? It might work!” Another interesting part is when Billie was walking by a kid and a grown-up. Billie threw out a banana peel, but she was invisible. The kid called, “Daddy daddy daddy! There is a banana peel floating around!” This was interesting because it made me think, “Does Billie know that there is a kid who might see her throwing this out?” Another funny and interesting part was when Billie was in the bathroom and she was invisible. Two girls came in and Billie heard them talking about her. They didn’t know she was there since she was invisible. This part was funny and interesting because Billie heard all of what they were talking about and she was just trying to get her backpack without them hearing her!

I enjoyed this book. The first reason I enjoyed it is because it was really awesome and every chapter ends with a cliffhanger. It is one of those books that makes you want to read more because you think, “I really want to know what happens next in the book!” Another reason I enjoyed it is because in the book, it is a combination of fantasy, adventure, and realistic fiction. It’s a really good kids book because it’s not too long and it is really interesting. I would recommend this book because if you like adventure and science, you will definitely like it. Also, in the book you meet a lot of different characters and they have different personalities. One character is really funny and you wouldn’t expect it. This book is so unique because it is really just an awesome book about being invisible. It really shows you that if you are determined to succeed at doing something, you can always do it with hard work. I would give this book a five star rating because I could just read it over and over again and still love it every single time.

The Story of Texas, by John Edward Weems and Ron Stone

The title of my book is The Story of Texas. It was written by John Edward Weems and Ron Stone. The Story of Texas is about all the important  things that have happened in and to Texas from the early 1500’s to the late 1900’s. A few of the historic people that are included are Santa Anna (the President of Mexico when Texas was fighting for their independence), Sam Houston (the first President of the Republic of Texas), Stephen F. Austin, Mirabeau Lamar (the second President of Texas), and the Indians of Texas (mostly the Cherokee). These people appear in all the stories in the book. The Parker family is only in one story. This book has many different events in each part; there are four parts. This book will help you with your knowledge of Texas because it has good stories, good pictures, and good descriptive words to go with the pictures. It tells you a lot of history.  

The Texas President, Sam Houston, was wise, brave, and consistently right.  He was wise because when he made all the laws of Texas, almost all of them worked. He was brave because you have to be brave to be the first president of the Republic of Texas, and he commanded people. He was consistently right because he predicted that the Confederacy would lose. He said that Texas was going to fall when they joined the Confederacy (Texas did fall apart after that war). Sam Houston was the most important person in this book.

An interesting part in the book is when people fought at the Alamo. This was interesting because they held up longer than everybody thought they would. Another memorable part is when the book explains how people lived. That’s memorable because the way they lived was very different from the way we live. There are no duals now. And there are much less criminals. The construction of houses is very different. One more important part is when the Texans in the military fought at Rio Grande and beat the Mexicans. This is important because it’s a big part of how Texas gained independence from Mexico. All these interesting historical facts about Texas will teach you about the people and land of the Lone Star state.

This book is good because it teaches you about a state (if you’re not from Texas) you don’t know about. Another reason I like the book is that there is more than one story. If you don’t like the first part, the second part will be totally different. Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, the second President of Texas, reminds me of George Bush. Lamar reminds me of Bush because Bush wanted to wage war on Iraq. He was wrong to go. Lamar wanted to be in the Confederacy, forcing Sam Houston to resign as President. Texas was basically destroyed after the war just like Iraq was. I would rate this book four and a half stars. It’s cool to read about a way of life that is different from your own. I really recommend this book because Texas is not in the same location as LREI is and this book is all about Texas.


When You Reach Me, by Rebecca Stead

When You Reach Me is a good mystery novel that I read. The book is by Rebecca Stead. It’s all about how Miranda receives letters from some mystery person. Miranda learns who to avoid in her neighborhood by sixth grade like one crazy guy on the corner. This book takes place where she lives, in school and around her neighborhood. I would recommend this book for people who like mysteries!

Miranda is curious, adventurous and brave.  Miranda is curious because she likes to know what’s going on around her and she has so many questions in her head that she wants to answer, like when someone keeps writing her letters and she doesn’t know who it is. I like that about her. Miranda is calm because when she reads the letters, she doesn’t tell anyone and doesn’t go crazy about it because she was told not to. Miranda is brave because when boys gang up on her or her friends, she stands up for them. I like that about her because she’s being an ally.

One of the most interesting parts of the book is when Miranda figures out who she gets the letters from. It was also interesting when Miranda’s best friend Sal got punched in the stomach because one of the boys just decided that he wanted to see what would happen if he did that. I think it wasn’t cool how Sal got mad at Miranda for no reason.  It was interesting because he said he really just needed a break from their friendship which is why he didn’t talk to her for a while. He knew that his only friend was a girl and he wanted more boy friends to hang out with.

I enjoyed the book When You Reach Me. I enjoyed it because I liked how I had to figure out what was going to happen next, and who was writing the letters to Miranda. I would recommend this book to people who like mysteries and figuring things out like a puzzle. I find Miranda a unique character because she starts something she doesn’t give up. I really like that about her that’s why I read this book in the first place. I also heard that the book was really good from a lot of my friends. On a scale from one to five I would give this book three stars which would mean it was pretty good. But it is not my favorite book. I think people should read this book!

The War That Saved My Life By Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

Ada is the main character of the book The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. The book takes place during World War Two, 1939. Ada’s crippled. Her mom is cruel and Ada has never left the small flat she lives in. Ada’s little brother Jamie is going to be sent out of London because of the Natzis bombing London. Jamie didn’t want to leave Ada, and Ada didn’t want Jamie to leave. Ada snuck away with Jamie and got on the train with him. Where will they live? Will Ada have to go back to living with her cruel mother?


Ada is confused, sad and excited about the new rules she is living with. She was alone a lot in the flat. And where she stayed they were nice to her even though she had a clubfoot-which could have been fixed when she was a baby- which means her foot is bent and works the wrong way so hurts to walk. They tried to help her. Susan Smith took them in from the train. She brought Ada to the doctor and helped her get better with her foot. Ada had a wonderful time outside. She taught herself how to ride a pony named Butter. And she befriended a girl named Maggie. Because Ada was not used to people caring for her, she got angry with Susan when Susan tried to help her, or tried to hug her. Her little brother Jamie kept wetting the bed but then he found a cat, who he named Bovril, and stopped.


I really liked the book. It was sad and fun. The best part is at the end. It is big but I don’t want to spoil it, instead I’ll tell you the question. Will Ada and Jamie live with Susan freely or will she have to go home and live with her mom and her mom’s restrictions, for Jamie who wants his mom, since she is not disappointed in him? This book is realistic fiction, it has it’s own drama, but it isn’t fake. The book gives you a taste of history and I would recommend it to people who like drama, with only small action scenes, though a bit, and historical facts about world war 2 and more. I give the book The War That Saved My Life a five star rating!


Diary of an 8-Bit Villager Warrior

Do you ever need a book to read? If so then read Diary of an 8-Bit  Villager Warrior by Cube Kid. The book takes place in Minecraftia, which is a whole different world. Runt and Stump, the two main characters, are trying to complete their goals in life and become warriors, but they can’t. They’re just every day villagers they can’t be warriors and the mayor won’t let them. They have to be farmers, blacksmiths or librarians. Runt and Stump are in their last year of school and after this year they would have to get a job but they don’t want any of those jobs. Luckily the mayor changes the rule that villagers can’t be warriors because the mobs (zombies, skeletons, endermen, witches, creepers and slimes) are getting stronger and smarter. So now, the top five students can be warriors.


But Runt and Stump have some competition on their hands. Even though Runt is the second best student, a bully Max is in first. Max’s best friend is Razberry but he is not doing too well. When the mobs destroyed Steve and Mike’s house the village know that they were in trouble. Steve and Mike came from this weird planet earth, and got transported into Minecraftia by this weird wizard named Noch. They say that they play a game called Minecraft a lot and Minecraftia is a lot like it. Steve and Mike are really good warriors. Since they lost their house earlier, Steve stayed in Runt’s house and Mike… well, let’s just say he did some bad thing earlier. Anyway Runt is really excited for the first combat class but their teacher knows nothing. Runt insisted on letting let Mike out of jail and he let’s Steve and Mike be the combat teachers. He said yes to Steve but he had to prove himself so he did and then they let Mike try and he proved himself too. So now they are the combat teachers and they are actually learning combate.


I like this book because it has action and there is always something going on and to think about. I like it because it is also funny and fun to read. I would recommend this book if you like those type of things in a book. I would also recommend this book if you like books that take place in Minecraft even though in this book you don’t notice it and it is in Minecraftia, which is a little different. A connection I have to this book and my life is a game I play is called Minecraft and they say that bad people come and take caritas from the farms and steal things from the blacksmiths and I do that all the time in Minecraft. I rate this book a 4 I really like it.


The Blood of Olympus, by Rick Riordan

I read a book called The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan. This book is part of a series called The Heroes Of Olympus. The book/series takes place in 2016 and a bunch of places I can’t even list, but it mostly takes place in Italy, Greece, America and Tartarus. The main character’s names in the book/series are: Hazel, Leo, Percy, Annebeth, Frank, Jason and Piper. In the book, seven demigods take a journey to Athens, Greece to fight/send back to Tartarus/kill giants (the sons and daughters of Gaea, the earth goddess who was the first goddess to live that is evil) to stop them from waking Gaea. The giants needed two demigods blood spilled on the Parthenon (which is where Poseidon, the Greek god of water and hurricanes and Athena, the Greek god of wisdom and weaving, did something to declare who Athens would be named after and Athena won) to waken Gaea. Before the demigods get to Athens, Greece, they make a few stops they might need. But they don’t just get together and try to save the world, there’s a whole story to it.

One of the most interesting characters is Annebeth. She’s smart. I mean, she’s a daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. Of course she’s smart. She’s strategic. When you’re smart, you’re also strategic. She once broke her leg and she didn’t have a boot or anything like that. She had to make a boot made out of a piece of wood and bubble wrap and she had to use sticks for crutches. She’s brave. She fell into Tartarus (a pit where Greek and Roman monsters come back to life. Tartarus was also the first god to live) and didn’t even have a heart attack.

The demigods didn’t just have to stop Gaea from waking. They had to do much much more than that. They had to bring a statue to Camp Halfblood (a sleep away camp where Greek demigods stay to be protected from monsters) and set it on Halfblood Hill to stop a war between Greek demigods and Roman demigods. One of the most interesting parts of the book is that the seven demigods had to get a cure that can heal you from death. You can not come back to the human world death. You stay dead. Another interesting part of the book was that Leo could make killer robots try to kill themselves. It’s called idiot mode. Another interesting thing that happened in the book was that the giants didn’t spill Annebeth and Percy’s blood on the Parthenon right away. That’s interesting because the giants want to be the rulers of the world. The only way they can do that is with Gaea.

This book is probably one of my favorite books out of the many books I’ve read. You will literally fall in love with this book (which I did). If you like the Percy Jackson series, you will love this book. There are relationships, like relationships in the Percy Jackson series (which I mean girlfriend- boyfriend relationships). It has similar writing, and it’s a mix between Greek mythology and Roman. It has everything. It’s action packed and fantasy (just like Percy Jackson). One of my favorite parts of the book was when Leo tricked nymphs into thinking Leo was more handsome than Narcissus (who is crazily handsome). In case you don’t know, a nymph is a nature spirit. I liked that part because tricking nymphs into thinking you’re hotter than the hottest person in the world is pretty darn hilarious! Imagine looking at the poor guy’s face. It was probably red with envy. I rate this book five stars. That’s why I want you to read this book.