The Isle of The Lost, By Melissa De La Cruz

51u643G2a9L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_My book is called The Isle of the Lost. It’s by a woman named Melissa De La Cruz. The main characters in my book are four children of evil people in fairy tales: first Jay, son of Jafar who is always stealing things, second Evie, daughter of Evil Queen who is obsessed with being pretty, third Carlos, son of Cruella De Vil, and lastly Mal, daughter of Maleficent who is obsessed with being the most evil. I would describe Mal as cruel, mean, and cool. The time is once upon a time like in a fairy tale and the place is The Isle of the Lost, Auroudon and the Isle of the Doomed. It’s about the children of evil people from fairy tales and how they have to go on a mission together to get their parents and themselves off The Isle of the Lost.

An important thing that happened in the book is that when Mal forces Carlos to throw a party that Carlos’s mother knows nothing about so Mal can get revenge on Evie for not inviting her to a party when they were three. They are not friends at the beginning of the book. The way Mal gets revenge on Evie is that she locks her in a closet with lots of traps to keep people out of Cruella’s (Carlos’s mother) fur closet. Another important thing that happened is when the four kids go to the Isle of the Doomed to succeed in doing their mission. If I say anymore it will ruin the book.

I enjoyed this book a lot because it gives you a chance to see how the bad guys feel in fairy tales and it gives you a chance to root for the bad guys. I would recommend this book to people who like fantasy and fairy tales because it has a lot of both. I would rate this book five stars (being the best).  

Goddess Girls, by Joan Holub

imgresMy book is called Goddess Girls. It’s by a woman named Joan Holub. The main character in my book is a girl named Athena. She gets an invitation to go to a school on Mount Olympus in Greece where gods and goddesses go to school because she is a goddess. The problem is that she can’t fit in because she used to think she was a mortal so she still acts like one.

  Athena has three friends who help her fit in. One important thing that happened was when Athena got invited to the god and goddess school. First Athena was REALLY excited, then she was REALLY scared but when she got to the school she felt better.

A different important thing that happened was when Athena met her roommate, Pandora. Athena didn’t really like Pandora but once Athena really got to know her  and had to save Pandora’s life, Athena liked Pandora better.

Athena was excited because she won the object fair because she invented the olive. First she drew the olive, it was round and it was a pale green color then she actually invented the olive with her magical powers (she has magical powers because she is a goddess)

This book is very enjoyable because the author really explains what is going on and how it is happening. An example of this is when she [the author] tells us when Zeus (the king of the gods) eats the olive, The author really explains how the olive tastes. In this part of the book Zeus says “So sweet but also sower.” Another example is when the author says how a statue seemed to breath because it looked so life like.

This book would be fun for kids who like fantasy because it has a lot of fantasy and mythological references in it and the title really pulls the reader in (if he or she likes fantasy). The title also gives the reader a taste of what the book is about. I think this book is rated five stars meaning the best. 

This book would be fun for kids who like fantasy because it has a lot of fantasy and mythological references in it and the title really pulls the reader in (if he or she likes fantasy). The title also gives the reader a taste of what the book is about. I think this book is rated five stars meaning the best.

Out Of My Mind

My book is called Out Of My Mind by Sharon Draper. It is about a disabled girl named Melody Brooks. She is disabled because she can’t walk, move her arms, or talk. But she is very smart and nobody (except her parents) knows it. She goes to school with a helper, named Catherine, who feeds her and helps her go to the bathroom (she wishes she could go to the bathroom by herself) and do the rest of the things she can’t do herself. She also orders a machine that helps her talk. She enters a team made of some of the smartest kids in the school and she makes the team and has the best marks out of EVERYONE. Her teammates think Catherine told her the answers and she cheated. These girls named Claire and Molly are really mean to her. Her team gets past the first round and everyone is preparing everything for the trip to Washington. Melody is sooo excited and her parents buy her new clothes, bags, and other things. She is just so excited. When they get there she doesn’t see any of her teammates.


WARNING: DO NOT READ ANY MORE UNTIL YOU GET TO CONTINUE BUT READ IF YOU WANT ME TO GIVE WHAT HAPPENS AWAY: Ok, so she gets to the airport and talks to  the woman who works there. Her mom said that they really needed to go to Washington because of the group and the woman said that she actually saw a group come in earlier and they already went to Washington. Melody stayed home a few days and the day that the group was coming back from Washington and she was DESPERATE to go to school for some reason. It was raining and she didn’t bring her talking thing so she couldn’t talk. Her mom was very stressed and was not happy. Melody saw her little sister Penny run into the street and she started screaming and crying and trying to move her arms but her mom could not stand it any more and she slapped Melody right on the leg! But Melody kept screaming and crying and Penny had to go to the hospital. Ok I’ve said WAY too much.


CONTINUE. Melody is smart, funny, and loved by her friends and family. She is smart because she beat everyone trying out for the team. She is funny because she is always thinking of funny jokes. And you know she is loved by her friends and family because her mom and dad are always taking care of her. Her sister Penny always wants to play with her. And her adult friend Mrs.V helped her study to make the team. And Catherine (not an adult but a teenager a teenager  is close enough) always helped her and made jokes and stood up for her.


I really like this book and really recommend it! If you like stories that make you feel for the characters then read this book I would give it FIVE STARS! You don’t read a book like that every day!



This book takes place in two different worlds. The human world, and the underground fairy world. The main characters are Artemis Fowl, his bodyguard Butler, and a LEP (Lower Elements Police) officer the elf Holly Short from the underground fairy world. The main problem is the super villain, the pixie Opal Koboi.

Opal has reanimated buried fairy warriors called the Berserkers. She has bonded them to do her bidding. Opal’s master plan is to destroy the humans. But to do that, she must unleash the power of Danu. The main character Artemis Fowl decides he must sacrifice to stop Opal. Of course, no one expected this. Artemis has always been very self preserving, and sort of greedy. Here is a quote announcing that. “Artemis Fowl planned to attack with the one weapon Opal Koboi would never suspect him of possessing: his humanity.”

I found this book funny, intense, and full of suspense. I really enjoyed it. If you like that sort of thing to, you should totally read it. There are also some really surprising moments, of course, but that is to be expected. It’s Artemis Fowl. He always was surprising. I would rate this book ten out of five stars.






The Blood Guard By Carter Roy

This summer I read the book, The Blood Guard by Carter Roy. It takes place in Brooklyn, and an anonymous urban/suburban area. The main characters are Evelyn (Ronan) Truelove, Greta, Ronan’s redheaded old classmate and Jack Dawkins, a member of the blood guard and teenaged pickpocket. In the beginning of the book there was a prologue.  Ronan stayed home sick for school. And the house mysteriously got set on fire… He evacuated safely after leaping of the roof of his house. The main problem begins when Ronan gets picked up from his new school (because he moved after his house blew up) by his mom and she told him that his dad got kidnapped and they got chased by the “police”. They actually are not police.



That was a lot of information. Let me get down to the basics. There are 36 Pure human beings who always, every single time do the right thing. If one of them dies, something really bad happens to the world. WWII happened because one of the Pure died. They are the glue that keeps together the world.


By the way, the people who kidnapped Ronan’s nerdy dad were the people who were chasing Ronan’s mom, Bree, and Ronan. Yeah, those people I called “police” are actually agents of a bad guy group called the Bend Sinister. They believe that the world is horrible and they want a new start where they are the only people in the world left and then they can start anew. They are basically terrorists. “HOW IN THE WORLD CAN YOU GET RID OF BILLIONS OF PEOPLE BUT YOU!!!??,” You might be asking yourself. The answer is simple. Assassinate the 36 Pure.


The good guys in this book are, of course, the Blood Guard. They are people who dedicate their lives to protect the Pure. Bree is one of the Blood Guard. And much more characters you discover are too! Throughout the book the Bend Sinister chase Ronan for an unknown reason. There is a lot more, I just don’t want to spoil it. Come on, do yourself a favor and read this fantabulous book. The problem does get resolved,  and I’m talking about almost everything I mentioned. Almost…


(PS, I couldn’t find a quote to say that the problem was resolved.)



Here are my ratings of this awesome book. I enjoyed reading it over a weekend not in 2 hours like I do with some books. I also enjoyed the book because it was medium paced. It does not have many cliffhangers, and you can put it down whenever you want which is not always the case with some books. I would recommend this book to an action adventure and humor reader that has a fair amount of time on his/her hands. I say this because it is not a skinny book but it is not as fat as War and Peace or Moby Dick so you will probably finish it in a few days if you keep at it. I would rate this book four out of five stars.


Knightly and Son by Rohan Gavin

imgresMy mom bought me this book when she was in London. It is a mystery novel about a 13 year old boy named Darkus who has a strange fondness for tweed coats. Alan Knightly, his father, is London’s top private detective. He went into a coma four years ago in the middle of a case about a secret criminal organization called The Combination. The Code is a best selling book that may be linked to The Combination that’s making regular people commit crimes. One day a stranger from the Department of the Unexplained arrives with news of his father, and that’s just the beginning…

Darkus’s mother, Jackie, divorced Alan and married Clive Palmer. A very lazy, ugly, and rude man. Clive’s daughter, Matilda (Tilly) is the same age as Darkus and is very good at science. You will find more characters as you read the book.

My favorite part of the book is when Tilly looks from her window and light is shining in a weird way and she finds out it’s Morse Code.  Tilly goes on her computer and translates the light flashes to find out they mean, “S.O.S. Come asap. Darkus. S.O.S. Come asap. Darkus.” I like that part because I thought it was really cool that she figured it out so quickly and that Darkus knew Morse Code. The only thing I didn’t like about the book is that the author would explain one thing for a long time.

I would recommend this book to people who like mysteries because it is about a detective and his son. Secondly, you can read it in a week or two because it’s 330 pages long. Lastly, I would like to say that the whole book is typed in british slang.

I would rate this book out of .

Freakling, By Lana Krumweide

Freakling, by Lana Krumwiede, Is about a boy named Taemon. He and his family live in a futuristic religious world that in a place called Deliverance, everyone worships “The Heart Of The Earth”.


The Heart Of The Earth AKA, THOTE, gave everyone in Deliverance telekinesis, which they like to call psi. But, some people in this world have other special additional powers, like clairvoyance, for example, the young lady touched her iphone™ and immediately knew who owned it before her. Basically it is when he/she interacts with an object and immediately knows some random piece of information about it.


That is only one of the special powers. Taemon has one of the others. Priests in the THOTE temple arrest and banish people who have special telekinesis. Can Taemon stay safe? Can he even trust his own brother Yens? Read the book to find out.


Every Soul A Star By Wendy Mass

Every soul a star is another great book by Wendy Mass. It’s kind of like Wonder, where it switches points of view. There’s Ally, Bree, and Jack.


Ally is a girl who has no experience with the outside world and civilization. Her parents run the Moon Shadow campground, and she’s lived there all her life. She doesn’t have any friends, except the pretend ones that live on other planets. But her parents are selling the campground, and Ally will have to move to the city and start school. She won’t be able to see the stars anymore. But there is something to be happy for. There will be an Eclipse soon, and thousands of people from all over the world will come to the campground to view it.


Bree is the second most popular girl in school. Her life’s ambition is to be a model and has all the magazines to prove it. But her parents are scientists, and don’t understand her at all. So when her parents buy the Moon Shadow campground, Bree is horrified. She doesn’t want to see gross bugs.  But she can’t change her parent’s minds.


Jack lives a very normal life, but he doesn’t have any friends. He spends all his time in class doodling, and that’s how he gets into summer school. But Jack’s teacher calls saying that if he comes on an expedition to watch an Eclipse, he can get out of summer school. Obviously, he takes the offer.


These three people all find themselves becoming friends. This book really is about them learning to adjust to a new life. Ally has to learn to live in civilization, Bree has to learn to live outdoors and not care about what others think of her, and Jack has to learn how to find himself and make more friends.


They all really start becoming friends at this campout where they’re trying to find a planet or star or something like that. There’s a big storm and they have to sleep in a shed because they can’t walk back to the campgrounds. It’s also really cool when the Eclipse is happening and Bree “lets her inner geek be released” in her words.


I really liked this book, and I love the author, Wendy Mass. I feel this book wasn’t as good as the others I’ve read by her because it was mostly about Eclipses, and I don’t know that much about those and it was hard to follow. I would recommend this book to people who like and know a lot about science, because it’s a very sciencey book. I would rate this book 4 out of 5 stars because as I said before, it’s a little to sciencey for me, but it was still great.




Every Soul A Star By Wendy Mass

Every soul a star is another great book by Wendy Mass. It’s kind of like Wonder, where it switches points of view. There’s Ally, Bree, and Jack.

Ally is a girl who has no experience with the outside world. Her parents run the Moon Shadow campground, and she’s lived there all her life. She doesn’t have any friends, except the pretend ones that live on other planets. But her parents are selling the campground, and Ally will have to move to the city and start school. She won’t be able to see the stars anymore. But there is something to be happy for. There will be an Eclipse soon, and thousands of people from all over the world will come to the campground to view it.

Bree is the second most popular girl in school. Her life’s ambition is to be a model and has all the magazines to prove it. But her parents are scientists, and don’t understand her at all. So when her parents buy the Moon Shadow campground, Bree is horrified. But she can’t change her parent’s minds.

Jack lives a very normal life, but he doesn’t have any friends. He spends all his time in class doodling, and that’s how he gets into summer school. But Jack’s teacher calls saying that if he comes on an expedition to watch an Eclipse, he can get out of summer school. Obviously, he takes the offer.

These three people all find themselves becoming friends. This book really is about them learning to adjust to a new life. Ally has to learn to live in civilization, Bree has to learn to live outdoors and not care about what others think of her, and Jack has to learn how to find himself and make more friends.

They all really start becoming friends at this campout where they’re trying to find a planet or star or something like that. There’s a big storm and they have to sleep in a shed because they can’t walk back to the campgrounds. It’s also really cool when the Eclipse is happening and Bree “lets her inner geek be released” in her words.

I really liked this book, and I love the author, Wendy Mass. I feel this book wasn’t as good as the others I’ve read by her because it was mostly about Eclipses, and I don’t know that much about those and it was hard to follow. I would recommend this book to people who like and know a lot about science, because it’s a very sciencey book. I would rate this book 4 out of 5 stars because as I said before, it’s a little to sciencey for me, but it was still great.




UnknownThis book is about training kids to go to war. There is one kid named Ender and he gets bullied a lot and the teachers like him but he’s in the regular school so he gets upgraded to the battle school. They like him because he,s a good student. At the regular school he gets bullied a lot. At the battle school he has to train for war against the buggers. The buggers are like aliens and they already had a few battles with them.


During the story he makes a few friends but otherwise no one likes him because he’s so good at battle school. When he was good enough he became a commander and he became a commander of the the dragon army. After a few years he goes to command school to defeat the buggers. Every time Ender gets better the teachers make it harder for him. The people in his army keep on telling him that the teachers are the enemy not the army he’s playing against.

I loved this book and would rate it a 999,999,999,999 out of 1o and I would recommend it to you if you like science fiction. There is a bunch of other books in this series but I don’t know how much but I know it’s a lot. There’s other books that are the same as this one bit it’s from a different perspective like from his perspective.