Darkmouth: the Legend Begins by Shane Hegarty

The book I read was called Darkmouth: The Legend Begins by Shane Hegarty This book is in the series Darkmouth. The main characters are Finn and Emmie. Finn hunts monsters called legends and he is really bad at it. To make it worse his father might move away and he will have to protect his home town, Darkmouth. His best friend Emmie knows everything about his family after Finn tells her.

Finn is smart, brave, and scared. Finn is smart because he figures out that his mother is in trouble and someone is at his house trying to free the leader of the Legends, Gantrua, while he is fighting manticores. A manticore is a beast with the body of a lion a scorpion tail and the head of a lion. Finn is brave because he doesn’t stop for a second while being chased by a minotaur( a minotaur is part bull part human)  and figuring out how to stop it without his desiccator (which is a gun). Finn is scared because he will probably fail keeping Darkmouth safe without his father’s help.

An important part that happened was when a legend called a hogboon helped Finn and Emmie defeat a minotaur. This was important because legends and humans won’t stop fighting and this showed that they don’t need to fight. Another important thing that happened was when Finn’s father Hugo was looking at pictures and talked about how Finn tried and that is when Finn said “Mom admitted it.” “Admitted what?” said Finn’s dad“That I was special.” said Finn This was important because it gave Finn hope that he could protect Darkmouth.

I liked Darkmouth: The Legend Begins because it always keeps you hanging and making you want to read more. Another reason that I liked Darkmouth: The Legend Begins is that it was very intense when Finn was being chased by a minotaur and was running through Darkmouth. The entire book from there was intense.

I recommend Darkmouth: The Legend Begins because it always is pulling you into the story and if you close the book it takes your mind back into reality again. It is like a whole new world. For example when you are finished with chapter 20( which is about 3 quarters through the book) and  you close the book it is like you were just a cloud that had a plane go through it. while this is happening you are watching a portal open with a man next to it holding a desiccator like it is a dog looking at something strange. This book reminded me of Percy Jackson because there was a lot of monster slaying. It reminded me of Ghostbusters because they have these guns that capture monsters. It reminded me of medieval times because at one point they use swords and maces. I would give it a 5 star rating!

Ghost, By Jason Reynolds


The book I read is called Ghost. It takes place around now in a small neighborhood. It is by Jason Reynolds. The main character is named Ghost (Castle). He loves basketball but finds himself on a track team. Ghost finally has something to take his mind off of his dark past. One night, Ghost is in his bedroom sleeping when his mom comes in screaming for him to go. When he is running down the hallway with his mom, he sees his dad with a pistol pointing at him. That was the night Ghost learned to run. Several years later, Ghost is on a track team, considered a newbie. His father went to jail, leaving his mom to take charge. They are very poor so Ghost can’t afford track gear, much less anything that he needs for track. His Coach creates a strong bond with Ghost throughout the book, and they find out later that they have more in common than they think. The main question in the book is, Is Ghost running for his life or from it?


Ghost is brave, smart and mischievous. He is brave because he is willing to do almost anything, and he is determined about it. He is smart because he finds his way out of things, in a clever way. He is mischievous because he steals a pair of sneakers, without getting caught.  He dosen’t have enough money to buy track shoes, so he cleverly does it. He also is one of those characters that you don’t know if what he is saying will happen or not.

The most interesting part was when Ghost created bonds with the other ‘newbies.’ They told each other their biggest secrets, they were surprisingly similar. A famous quote from the book is from Coach “Trouble is, you can’t run away from yourself.” Coach snatched the towel from his shoulder, folded into a perfect square, and set it in the space between us. “Unfortunately,” he said, “ain’t nobody that fast.” I  think this quote is important because it shares a lot about Ghosts life. He wants to run away from his past but can’t, so this track team helps Ghost a lot. When you read this book, that quote will stay with you throughout the whole book.

I definitely enjoyed Ghost. I loved every character’s personality, and how they were all so different yet the same. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves sports, a fast-paced book that you can’t put down and a book that you make connections with everyday. Ghost is very unique and has his own, teen, spunky and slang-talking personality. I would rate this book 5 stars because the book is all about sports and has a very unique setting. 


Insert Coin To Continue by John David Anderson

This book I read is called Insert Coin To Continue by John David Anderson. The main character in this book is Bryan. He loves to play video games. One night he was playing and his computer just turned off and it would not turn on. The next day his life is weird and he goes to school and says to his best friend Oz, “I think my life is a video game.” Then his worst day in his life happen and he is going to get beat up. He does not know what will happen but he thinks it will be bad. It is in a middle school (where news spread fast and changes) so Bryan told his friend Oz about this one thing at lunch and asked him not to tell anyone about a bully then he told someone who told someone else who changed it to something worse until the bully heard.

I think Bryan is tough, a gamer, and smart. I think he is tough because he is living in a video game and gets more used to it as the day goes on. I think he is a gamer because it says on the second page that he has been trying to unlock a secret bonus level for a whole month. I think he is smart because he knows how to get himself out of a lot of situations and can think of stuff on the spot. This is why I think he is smart.

The one of the most interesting parts I found was that Bryan was living in a video game.  Something I found surprising is that Bryan wanted to get out of his video game life. I found it interesting that Bryan was living in a video game because of how I love video games. Sometimes I think I am in a video game when I play them. Why I think it is surprising that Bryan does wants to not be living in a video game because he loves video games so much that it is surprising that he does not want to be living in a video game any more.

I really enjoyed this book. I enjoyed it because it is about a video game and I love video games so much. This book reminds me of nothing because I personally have never read or watched about something like this. So I think this book is unique the way it is told. I would recommend this book because it has a lot of action (in video game form), if you like video games and if you just want something to read about video games. So if you read it tell your friends to read. I would rate this book five stars because I had so much fun reading it I could read it again.

New Middle School Dogs Best Friend, by James Patterson

I read “New Middle School Dog’s Best Friend” by James Patterson. This book is part of a series and it is book eight. I would recommend reading the first seven books in the series first. This is a story is about a kid named Rafe Khatchadorian and his friend Finn (but mostly Rafe). Rafe is trying to get a multi platform Wormhole (a video game set). He started a dog walking business to raise the money. There is another kid dog walking business trying to do the same thing and they get in a couple arguments in this book. They get into a fight because the other kid dog walking business “tore down his dog walking flier.” So they fought with words not physical.

Rafe is not thoughtful about his thoughts. He is not thoughtful about his thoughts because in the book he says some mean stuff to his mom and does not care until he makes his mom cry. Rafe is also a determined person, he is determined because he had one goal and that goal was to get the Wormhole. He tried and tried until he got $390. That was almost enough to get it so he asked his sister for ten dollars. Rafe also is smart by tricking his sister into doing stuff for him. Some times his sister blackmails him. One time she blackmailed him was when she was “helping” Rafe with his homework because they were in the same class for some subjects. He is smart at making choices like when the other dog walking business was right next to him, he did not have a fist fight he fought with words.

The most interesting part of the book is when Rafe starts a dog walking business. This is the most interesting part because he is doing this and being responsible and he is not a responsible person at all. He finally did something responsible and he starts acting his age toward the end of this book. Another interesting part is that Rafe starts doing stuff with his sister, and they both do not like each other (for some reason I do not know). They end up being good brother and sister toward the end of the book. That was a huge surprise to me because they were not being a good brother and sister in the begining of this book.

I really liked this book. It was funny, detailed, and an AMAZING book to read (for me). I really liked the suspense that it gave me so I would keep wanting to read. I would really really recommend this book, if you want to laugh. If you have not read this book yet read it and then tell one of your friends to read because it is that good. This book does not really remind me of anything because it is based on middle school and middle school problems. I am not in middle school yet. I would rate this book 5 stars. 5 stars= I loved. I could read it again (if I want to read it again). You should read this book.

Wayside School Is Falling Down, by Louis Sachar


This series is called The Wayside School. But I am focusing on one of the books called The Wayside School Is Falling Down. The author  of the book is Louis Sachar. The book is really funny.  If you want to laugh read it. It is about a school called The Wayside School and their school year. There is no main character because it switches the perspective of the different students. The book does not tell you where it takes place but don’t let that make you not  read it.

All the characters have different personalities. Like one of the characters named bebe is really funny because she pranked the teacher by putting a dead rat in her desk. She also is a good drawer she drew 1,000 planes. She is really self conscious because she lost her two front teeth and she says she is not cute any more.   Also my favorite character, Calvin got a potato tattoo on his ankle! Who would do that? He is very clumsy because he knocked down his fish tank and the by accident he swallowed a fish!!!!

One of the most interesting parts of this book is when sharie brought in hobo Bob for show in tell. I found this part interesting because it is sort of pointless and funny. Also Hobo Bob does not wear socks because when he was younger he won a spelling bee without socks on. And now he says it is a good luck charm. I have a question for him, if you have good luck why are you homeless?

This book is similar to the series My Weird School for two reasons.One is that the art is the same. Secondary, they are both really funny. I rate this book four stars. It is a good quick read. Read it!   

The Lost Hero By Rick Riordan.

I am reading a book called The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. It is in the Heroes of Olympus series. It is about a boy named Jason, his friend Leo, and Jason’s girlfriend Piper. They are half- bloods. Half god, half human. They go to a camp called Camp Half-Blood. They go on adventures and fight monsters to try and find Percy Jackson. The three go to many places to look for Percy but do not find him. Yet. Greek monsters come to the modern age and it’s up to Jason, Piper, and Leo to stop it.

Jason is brave, confident, and smart. Jason is brave because he accepted the challenge of going on the quest. He is confident because even though he was badly hurt by a venti, or storm spirit, he still fought it. He is smart because he knew he was in danger when the venti came and he knew how to stop it.

Two parts of the book that I found interesting were when Jason, Piper, Leo, Annabeth, and Butch are on a chariot driven by pegasi and one of the wheels catches on fire. I liked this part because it made me stay on my heels and wonder what was going to happen. Another interesting part was when Jason went to the Big House and talked to a goddess. This was interesting because I wasn’t sure what was going to happen to him and it made me want to read more.

I really enjoyed the book. I enjoyed it because it has lots of adventure and action. I also enjoyed it because of the fun surprises. I would really recommend this book because of all the reasons above, the suspense, and the characters. Also, the humor is great. This book reminds me of The Kane Chronicles. It reminds me of it because there are Gods and mythical creatures coming to America. Also in both series all the main characters go on a quest and fight monsters. I would give this book a four star rating. It’s really good.

The Twits By, Roald Dahl

This book is called The Twits by Roald Dahl.  It is about a couple who is very mean, silly and ugly.  The main characters are Mrs. Twit and Mr. Twit. They like to do pranks on each other and are very nasty to animals and humans. They can do some very funny things to each other, but they are still married. I think that is how they show their love. This story takes place at Mr. and Mrs. Twit’s home. The book was written in 1980, but it still relevant today.

Mr. Twit is very hairy, dirty, and cruel.  He is hairy because when he has negative thoughts, his hair grows.  Since he has so much hair, Mr. Twit always seems to get food stuck in both his big beard and his gross, crooked teeth. He is dirty because Mr.Twit never uses a napkin and would rather wipe his mouth with his sleeve or his pants.  Mr. Twit is the most cruel character I have ever read about. He creates a plan to cut down the legs of Mrs. Twit’s chair to make her think that she is shrinking.  He also forces monkeys to stand on their heads for days!

One of the most interesting parts of the book is when all of the animals that Mr. Twit tries to hurt glue the house upside down to get back at the Twits. They do this because the Twits are not being nice to them and they want to trick the mean Twits. Another interesting part is when the kids get stuck in the tree with glue and they have to take off their pants to get out.  Mr. Twit thinks that if he puts glue on the tree then birds will get stuck and he can catch them for dinner. The last interesting part is when Mr. Twit puts a frog in Mrs. Twit’s bed. This causes Mrs. Twit to screech at the top of her lungs. Mr. Twit and Mrs. Twit are always trying to outdo each other’s pranks.

This book was a very enjoyable book because I love all the funny stories, and if you like funny pranks then this book is for you.  My favorite part was when the boys were stuck in the tree and they had to take their pants off to get out of the tree. This book was really fun with so many silly parts.  It will make you laugh and you will not want to put it down. You might also want some ideas for pranks and this book will give you a lot of them. The Twits does not remind me of anything because there is nothing like it. I would rate this book five stars because it is one of the best books I have ever read.


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling

imgresThe Harry Potter series is by J.K. Rowling is a really magical book series. The book takes place in Hogwarts, and the main characters are Harry, Hermione, and Ron. This book is different than the ones before, because there is a twist at the end and it will surprise you. You should still read the series in order, because, if you don’t, you’ll get confused by a lot of things in the books. On a scale of one to five, I’d give this book a four because the book is really magical, but I was a little disappointed: I wanted something to happen that didn’t happen. The book is magical because there are so many cool creatures, spells, wizards, witches, and mysteries. Enjoy the book review comic!



The Last Kids On Earth by Max Brallier

51BtFHNN45L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The book that I chose to read is called The Last Kids on Earth by Max Brallier. The book is part of a series by the same author. The main characters are Jack, Quint, Dirk and June. The main problem is that the planet has been invaded by zombies and monsters and the main character Jack is trying to stop the zombie apocalypse. He is trying to turn the zombies into humans again. The setting of the book is at the school, the treehouse in Jack’s backyard and in the neighborhood where they all live.    

One big event that changed the story was when Jack met his friend because he was going to be all by himself and then he just found a partner. This event was important because, it was easier for him to fight because then he’d have another person and an extra person is really helpful. One thing that I found most interesting was when Jack first shows up at Quint’s house and Jack starts killing all of the zombies. I liked that part because it involves a back yard and a person silently killing a bunch of zombies. Another thing that I found interesting was when everyone at once attacked Blarg who is the big monster in the story. I liked that because I like big battles.

The first adjective I would use to describe Jack is brave. He was brave because he would attack all of the monsters. Another adjective to describe him is determined because everyone else wanted to give up at one point but he said “Now, if we just try a little harder, we can do it.” And he didn’t let them give up. He has a big heart so he is caring. All he wanted to do throughout the whole book was to save this girl named June from the zombies. One quote that Jack said was “I’m an orphan.” It is an important quote because it shows that he only needs to take care of himself since he doesn’t have a family.

I enjoyed this book because it involved a lot of war and it involved monsters and zombies. I like those things because they both involve weapons. I recommend this book because it has a great story, great author, and great illustrations. I think this book is related to the TV show called The Walking Dead because that’s like a town that gets invaded by zombies and the book is like a town that gets invaded too. I would rate this book 4 stars!!!!!!!!!!!

The Wig In The Window by Kristen Kittscher

          For our final book review, our teachers told us to be creative.  They gave us options about how to do the review. Some of the options were: a diorama, a movie, dear diary etc. This isn’t just an ordinary, boring review, it’s a dear diary review! The book that I wrote this about is called the Wig in the Window, by Kristen Kittscher. It’s about to girls who are troublemakers. They always need to know what’s going on around them, and sometimes that just gets them in trouble, but sometimes it doesn’t…  


                                          Oh Dear…Diary!

        Dear diary, as you already know, Grace is my best friend/spy partner. Now we’re in 7th grade, and Dr. Agford (aka Dr. Awkward) is one of the teachers. Agford is my neighbor. She has a group of kids under her “spell” and they’re in a little club of hers. Their group name is S.M.I.L.E. It stands for the Society for Making Improvements in Lives Everywhere. There was always something that seemed a little off about Agford but I could never really put it together or I thought it was just in my head… until our first late night spy mission to Dr. Awkward’s house, and everything fell into place.

         First there was blood and a knife (I saw it through the window.) Then the door opened. Then a phone call to some mysterious person, and finally threatening and screaming. It was all so unbelievable. Then I ran, but I tripped and fell in a small ditch. I think she saw me, but I’m not sure. It was dark outside and she might not have seen my face, but she definitely saw someone.

         The next day things got even worse, let me just say Agford definitely saw me last night. Then when I got to school the principal made me tell everyone what happened last night. Then Agford cleared EVERYTHING up. The blood was from beets. The knife was to cut the beets. And the phone call still remains a mystery. I still think Agford is very suspicious. I don’t trust her. And I don’t want to leave school because the principal is sending a note home to my parents, and I don’t want to find out what my punishment is going to be.

        When I got home my parents were so disappointed in me. They were also very mad, and they said my punishment would not be a good one. My punishment turned out to be even worse than I thought. I was grounded for months and even worse I had to do therapy with Agford every week! And the worse part of this whole thing is my parents think Agford is a nice innocent women. But at least no one suspects Grace was a part of it, and Grace is home schooled so I don’t think Agford even knows her. There’s no way I’m going to rat her out. She’s my best friend!

        Now weeks have gone by and Agford is at my house again! She’s not as bad anymore, but there are still some things that still seem a bit off about her. Now she is in my room! She is looking around and then she said something that I never thought about before. She said that I remind her of her when she was my age. When she left I couldn’t stop thinking about what she said. Am I going to grow up like her? Is she right? Agford seems kind of wise now. I wonder if she is that bad person we think she is? She has to be! But what if she’s not? Have we been wrong  all along?