The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley.

This book is about two girls, Sabrina and Daphne Grimm whose parent disappeared and were sent to live . The last trace of the person who kidnapped their parents was a bright red hand print. This book has a lot of emotion because Sabrina has a lot of anger in her. Daphne is very inthusiastic about life while sabrina is  a grump.

I give this story five stars.

Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide to Summer Vacation By Tommy Greenwald

The main character of this book (if you don’t know from the title) is Charlie Joe Jackson.  He decides to make his parents happy and go to a summer camp called Camp Rituhbukkee (pronounced Camp Read-a-bookie).  In his bunk every kid has a weird habit. One kid sneezes about 20-70 times a minute.  Another kid thinks that garlic will make him live forever.  They all think he’s weird because of his ‘non reading’ ways except Jack and George.  Jack’s dad has a master plan to get Jack into Harvard and George is like the smartest kid in America.


Charlie Joe Jackson is trying to de-nerd these super smart kids to save them from a world of dorkdom.  He gets hired for the Bukkee Bugle (the camp newspaper).  He has to write an article about a book about Lech Walesa, if you don’t know who Lech Walesa was, you can look his wikapedia.

I would give this book 5 stars (*****) because it is super super super super funny (it really deserves 3 supers).  I would recommend this book to Diary of a Wimpy Kid fans.

The Doll Shop Downstairs, by Yona Zeldis Mcdonough

The Doll Shop Downstairs

by Jemma Fox


My book is called The Doll Shop Downstairs. It was a very good book. I would recommend the book to people who like not a lot of adventure but a big problem with many obstacles. I would rate this book 4 stars out of 5. One of my favorite parts is is when they go to FAO schwarz. The book is about a girl named Anna whose family owns a doll shop. The doll shop has been in the family for many generations. The Anna needs to help the shop. Do you want to Know why? Well to bad! You just have to read the book to find out!

Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide To Not Reading By Tommy Greenwald

The book Charlie Joe Jackson’s guide to not reading is about a kid named Charlie Joe Jackson and how he hates to read. Charlie Joe Jackson hates reading so much he does some mischievous things to get out of it. Luckily Charlie has a good friend named Katie of course she is a girl because boys need girls to survive because girls know what to do almost all the time. Katie helps Charlie a lot during this book.

I really loved this book because I personally don’t like to read and this book told me I’m not the only one. Another reason I loved the book is because Charlie goes through two problems with school and some more problems about school but not in school. I like when there is an obviously problem that makes me think about what is going to happen next.


My favorite part of the book was when well I don’t know because I liked it all to much to decide. My least favorite part was when the book ended I liked it so much.


I recommend this book to people who don’t like to read because it is about a kid who doesn’t like to read.

  I give this book 5 out of 5 stars


Eleven By Lauren Myrecle

This book is about a girl who’s life is not that good. Her name is Winifred. She goes by Winnie. The main characters are Winnie’s best friend named Amanda, Winnie, and  a  girl  named  Dinah  Divine. ( It is pronounced Dina, not Diana) This book takes place in a happy little town. One  important  thing  that happened  was that Winnie’s cat gets trapped  in the wall. I really  enjoyed  this book because it is funny and silly. I would recommend  this book to people who like humor but with a little sadness included.  I would totally rate this book 5  stars, because it is totally awesome in my opinion.

The Chocolate Touch, Patrick Skene Catling

The Chocolate Touch is about a boy that goes to a candy shop, and gets a piece of chocolate, and the next day everything he puts into his mouth turns to chocolate. But it gets worse when every thing his lip touches turns to chocolate.  How will he get rid of it ?

This turns into an adventure in his own neighborhood!

A good book and this book shares a good sense of humor.


The Enormous Egg, By Oliver Butterworth

The main character of this book is Nathan (Nate) Twitchell, he lives in Freedom, NH. He has a lot of chickens/hens, and one day one of his hens lays an enormous egg.  It turns out that it’s a dinosaur egg! He hatches and grows big so they take him to Washington D.C and a senator makes a bill for the dino to go. Who will get the bill, Senator Granderson or Nate?


I enjoyed this book because it keeps you on your toes waiting for the next thing to happen.


I would recommend this book to people who like dinosaurs and who like being on their toes. At one point of the book someone asks if he can turn the dinosaur into a suitcase. I would give this book 3 stars (***) because I’m not the biggest dino-fan.

The Mouse and the Motorcycle, by Beverley Cleary


The Mouse and the Motorcycle is about a charming mouse named Ralph who lives in a hotel and a little boy named Keith who become friends over a toy motorcycle in the hotel in California. This peaceful story, toward the end transforms into an exciting adventure. an exciting part of the book is when Keith gives Ralph motorcycle. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes silly stories about friends who are an animal and a human. I liked this book and I hope you do too. I give this story five stars.


The Chocolate Touch, By Patrick Skene Catling

The title of my reading partnership book is The Chocolate Touch, by Patrick Skene Catling. The main character is John Midas and the book takes place far in his town. After John finds a mysterious coin, he buys a box of chocolate and everything he eats or touches his mouth, turns into chocolate. John starts to have problems with this. My favorite part is when the song from the play comes up in chapter eight, “Where the pools are bright and deep, Where the gray trout lies asleep, Up the river and over the lea, That’s the way for Billy and me….” I enjoyed this book, I would give it three stars on a scale of five stars because it wasn’t my favorite book. I would still recommend it, especially to people who like fun, fiction books.

My Book Review Of  Gone-Away-Lake! ! ! ! !

Benjamin’s  Book Review Of  Gone Away LakeBy

Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum

 The book that I just read is called Gone Away Lake! I finished it a little while ago but now I can finally write about it!!   It is By Elizabeth Enright

The reason I liked this book is because it has  one picture per chapter. So I know what the scenes from the book look like when I need a picture in my head !    I also like this book because they describe it from the perspective of a child named Portia who is exposed to be looked at as the narrator/main character !  I also like the book because it is in the perspective of two time periods now(35 years ago)and 5,555 years ago!  Also another reason I like this book is because about five people are the feelings in the book and that one person is telling all of the people about it!  I also like that it has a bit of make believe in it!!

The plot is that there are two kid’s Portia and Julian (main characters).  The two kids find a lake in the forest and they then start to explore and have adventures in the swamp.  But they also  might meet some people or things that you would  not normally see in real life or in a swamp !!

There  are tons of interesting flashbacks and stories of that some people tell that they meet in the story !!There are lots of people you will meet in this adventure and lots of names of animals.  So if you like animals this is your book and if you are a story or surprises lover this is also your book !!

I recommend this book to you because it has laughs and screams and tells you stories that are fake but seem real.  It gives you tips about nature!!  That is why I recommend it to you to read !!!!

This is why I liked this book. It is called Gone Away Lake for you who do not remember !!  So if you like anything that I said in this book review you should check this book out because it is in the public library’s.  There are two books in the series Gone Away Lake and Return To Gone Away!!  My name is ben and this is my book review for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Published By New York Times!!!!