Harry Potter, “the boy who lived”, goes on an adventure with his friends in the book Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix By J.K Rowling. The first part of this book is about Harry at Hogwarts, the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Ministry of Magic (like the government but for wizards) has hired a new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher, but the thing is, they don’t really learn anything in class so Harry and his friends make secret meetings so others can learn. The other part is about Harry going to the Ministry to save his godfather (who everyone thinks is a murderer) who he thinks is in danger from Voldemort. The beginning happens at Hogwarts and the end in the Ministry.
Harry is a pretty curious person, when he doesn’t know something he will try to figure it out, like in the 2nd book (The Chamber Of Secrets) he puts on his cloak of invisibility (a cloak that makes him invisible) to find out who was stunning everyone when he wasn’t allowed. Harry is also a really nice person and is only mean to the people who are mean to him like all the Slytherins (one of the 4 houses at Hogwarts, there is also Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor). They are always teasing him so he is mean back to them but he is really kind to all the people who are kind to him. Harry is a really brave boy because he risked his life just to save his godfather. Harry also figures out that the reason Voldemort was at the Ministry was so he could find a prophecy that had to do with him and Harry.
I liked this book because it has some action in it, it didn’t have as much as I had hoped but it still had about 75% action. I also liked it because it is in the Harry Potter series and I like all of those books no matter what. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes books with 75% action/adventure in it. You also might like it if you like the other Harry Potter books. This book is a lot like books 1 2 3 and 4 of the Harry Potter series.
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