The Son Of Neptune by Rick Riordan


The main characters are Percy, Frank, and Hazel. The story is about when the the main characters go to Alaska to find the prison of Thanos the God of Death to rescue him from the giants. In my book there are a lot of different settings,for example – Camp Jupiter is in San Francisco which is where the story begins.

The three main characters are all demigods. A demigod is a son or daughter of a god.  They go on a quest because Frank’s dad, the War god, asked them to go on a quest. On their quest they go to Portland, Oregon to find a blind man who  can tell them where Thanos’s prison is. The person who told them to see the blind man in Portland was Iris the Rainbow goddess. Iris owned a shop called R.O.F.L. Co-op which was an employee-run cooperative that promoted a healthy lifestyle. Percy has amnesia. Frank and Hazel have a curse. Hazel’s curse is that she could find gold and riches under the earth. This is a bad thing because the gold made Alcyoneus reform. Alcyoneus is a giant. Frank’s curse is that his life depends on a driftwood stick. If it burns, he will die.

I think this book is interesting because there is a lot of action in it. There are different sections to the story and they all come together like a puzzle. I like the main characters because they fight evil basilisks (fire breathing snakes). I would recommend this book to anyone who likes action because my book has a lot of action in it.

I would give this book five stars.  *****

Out Of My Mind by Sharon Draper


                                                                                                                Out Of My Mind


My book is called Out Of My Mind by Sharon Draper. The problem is that the main character , Melody Brooks is disabled. Melody can’t walk or talk, which (obviously)  is hard for her! And in this book, Melody is dying to tell her thoughts, but no matter how hard she tries, she can’t. Melody’s parents and Ms.V, know how smart she is but they have no way to prove it to anyone. after 11 hole years that all changes. When one day Rose brings in her new computer and shows it off. I bet you’re wondering how that could change everything, you’ll understand when you read the book ( you really should read the book.).  Anyways, Melody’s is so excited, when her new “voice” is being shipped in.When Melody can “talk” she is the smartest in her school, but at first no one knew. But finally, when Melody has a voice, people understand… but no one is read it to hear it. No one under stands her -evan when she can “talk” This book takes place in the following the underlined means that’s mostly where she is:  School, Home,  and Ms. V ‘s house,

These are all the characters: Penny, Mom, Dad, Rose, Claire, Mr.D, Ms.V, Conner, Molly, Butterscotch and Catherine.

 Since Melody is so smart, she made the school quiz team team which is when your school competes and you win a trip to washington D.C where they’ll maybe be on T.V good morning AMERICA!!  she changes a lot throughout the story where she’s able to talk it changes her completely, when she’s going to D.C something happens that keeps her back! Then something really bad happens to her sister Penny, who is about about 2 years old  I love this book so much! I rate it: ********** 10 stars!!!( even though you can only do five!!) I really loved this book. And I hope after you leave, you’ll want to read the book. And once you read it,I hope it will be your favorite book too!!  recommend it to all the people who read Wonder, The Sisters Grimm ,The City Of Ember and Frindle  ( also if you haven’t read these books READ THEM!!) really I recommend it to any body!!



Pie by Sarah Weeks


I am reading Pie by Sarah Weeks. The main character is Alice. Her aunt’s name is Polly. Polly makes the best pies in town and everyone knows it. Polly’s pie shop is called Pie. Everyone LOVES her pies. When Polly dies everyone is sad.

They are desperate to find out her secret pie recipe. In her will she leaves her pie recipe to her cat Lardo. She leaves Lardo to Alice. Now Alice is trying to figure out the pie recipe.

One night while Alice is sleeping she hears a noise. She just rolls over and goes back to sleep. But the next morning she can’t find Lardo. She thinks that someone took him to try to get the pie recipe. So Alice and her new friend Charlie try to find who took Lardo. They live in a small town called Ipswitch. Alice is the most sad out of everyone when Aunt Polly died because she enjoyed hanging out with Polly. Alice likes writing little songs. When she has a problem it cheers her up.

I really enjoyed this book because the characters are like detectives because they try to figure out who took Lardo and they won’t give up. I think everyone will like this book because it is about pie and adventure and everyone likes pie and adventure!!!! If five stars is the best I would give it 4 ½ stars!

The Blood of Olympus By Rick Riordian


     My book’s name is Blood of Olympus and the author is Rick Riordan. The main characters are Leo, Percy, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper, Annabeth, Nico, Reyna and Coach Hedge. The book is set in America, Europe and the Atlantic Ocean. The problem of the story is that some “people” try to destroy the Earth. Leo, Percy, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper and Annabeth are trying to save the world and Nico, Reyna and Coach Hedge are trying to transport a forty foot tall statue across the Atlantic Ocean.

     I think the biggest event in this story is when they decide to go with the snake people to try to stop the earth from getting destroyed and waking Gaea. Another interesting thing about the book is when they risk the Argo 2 getting destroyed to get back to Camp Half Blood. They need to get back because Camp Half Blood is about to get destroyed by Gaea. Leo is good with machines and can wield fire from his hand (so he’s fireproof, his whole body is) and his problem is that his true love is on an island called Ogygia, which a man never finds twice. Percy’s ability can control the sea/water to his will and he can breath underwater but his problem is he just came back from Tartarus and is not fully healed yet.

     I enjoyed this book because I like mythology, action, and fantasy and this book has all those things. The action is when they battle the “people”and the Earth/Gaea. The fantasy is the story,the mythology is the fantasy. I would recommend this book to people who like action,fantasy and mythology because this book has a lot of it. I would give this book five stars because it is so popular and it is Amazing!


The Lost Hero by Rick Roirdan


My book is The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. The main characters are Piper, Leo and Jason. They all have one godly parent and a mortal parent. Also Piper can tell anyone what to do with charm speak, Leo can summon fire and Jason can summon lighting. Piper is the daughter of  Aphrodite (Goddess of Love), Jason is the son of Zeus (God of the Sky and king of the Gods) and Leo is the son of Hephaestus (God of Fire and Blacksmiths).

The main problem is the main characters are trying to stop Gaea from destroying the Gods. Gaea is mother Earth (Goddess of Earth). The story takes place in many locations but the main area is New York.

Trying to stop Gaea by killing all her different monsters is the main theme of the story. They have many different ways to kill them like using lightning to kill Giants. Piper, Leo and Jason have ADHD to make their fighting more enhanced. What I mean by enhanced is they have more energy to fight. They are part of an important prophecy. A prophecy is something good or bad that will happen in the future.

I loved this book. I recommend this book to people who read the Percy Jackson books or anyone who likes adventure and Greek mythology. I rate this book five stars because it is an awesome story and it takes your mind on a roller-coaster of dreams.




By Antonio Ruiz

Poppy by Avi


           I read Poppy by Avi. The main characters are Poppy and Mr. Ocax. Poppy is a mouse and Mr. Ocax is an owl. The main problem is that the mouse population is growing and there isn’t enough food to feed them all. They have to move to a place with more food but Mr.Ocax won’t let them move. It takes place in the woods.

                  At the beginning of the story, one day Poppy and her boyfriend Ragweed go to Bannock Hill because Ragweed thought that it would be romantic if he asked Poppy to marry him on Bannock Hill. Then Mr. Ocax flies down and eats  Ragweed up and Poppy feels really sad. After that Mr. Ocax wants to eat Poppy but Poppy saves herself and only gets a little scratch on her forehead. Poppy makes a big decision to go through Dimwood Forest all by herself. Mr. Ocax made the mice think that he is the boss and he protects them from porcupines but. Then Poppy figures out that he’s lying and that he’s the one afraid of porcupines and porcupines are vegetarian. He doesn’t want them to move because then he will lose his food.

         I enjoyed this book because sometimes it leaves you at a cliffhanger when you just want to read more and find out what’s going to happen. I also think it is fun when the animals are talking. I also really enjoyed this book because it has a lot of feeling at the end of the book. I would recommend this book to people who like books about animals or books that are a little scary or people who like mysteries. I rate this book 4 stars out of five stars.



Invisible Inkling by Emily Jenkins


The book I read was Invisible Inkling, it’s by Emily Jenkins. The main character’s are Hank and Inkling. A problem is that Inkling is invisible and it’s hard to see what he’s up to and it’s hard to find him. Inkling goes CRAZY when a pumpkin is around. They are in Brooklyn, NY.

Nadia (his big sister) carves these pumpkins that are really good. She made them for a festival. Inkling ate all of these pumpkins in the night. Hank wakes up and tries to find him because he made a mess eating the pumpkins, but its hard because he is invisible. His mom walks in and thinks it’s Hank but it was actually Inkling. Hank doesn’t want to tell mom about Inkling so he lies and says it was him so he has to clean it all up (it was a HUGE mess). Hank has to lie a lot because he doesn’t want to let anybody know about Inkling. If somebody finds out and tells the scientists, they will know and bring Inkling to a lab and find out why he’s Invisible. I bet that is hard.

I really like this book because it is funny, exciting and interesting! I recommend this book to people who don’t really like books with lots of action like Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. I give this book a 4 ½ (5 is the best).


The Blood Of Olympus by Rick Riordan



My book is called The Blood of Olympus. The author is Rick Riordan. The main characters are Piper, Jason, Leo, Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Reyna, Nico, Frank, and Coach Hedge.  The main characters are trying to keep Gaea (the evil person) from waking.

The book takes place in different places at different times. I don’t know when this book was happening.  Some of the places are: Greece, Delphi, and Long Island. The Roman and Greek camps are fighting each other on Long Island.

The plot is to wake Gaea and take over the world. Gaea is the earth goddess.  By waking Gaea they are waking a primordial goddess. Gaea is a primordial goddess who wants to take over the world. The Giants (Gaea’s children) are trying to wake Gaea.  The Giants are Gaea’s children. Gaea has 2 groups of children, The Titans, and the Giants. Gaea favors the Giants over the Titans. The Titans are annoyed at the giants and Gaea. The Titans lost their leader Kronos.

The main characters (the group of demigods) make a big decision by letting Reyna take the statue of Athena to Camp Half -Blood.  Reyna is Roman which means they won’t trust her as much (they are Greeks).  It is a big decision because Reyna might betray them.

The main characters are trying to prevent that by destroying the Giants who are trying to wake Gaea.  The problem is that if Gaea wakes she will be nearly impossible to destroy. Also, Giants are immortals and only a god and a demigod working together can destroy one. And if they destroy one it is only temporary until the Giant will revive.

I enjoyed the book because of the intense moments. For example “the Giants had gotten the blood they need to awake Gaea and the ritual was ending.”  “Gaea was destroying the camps by sinking demigods into endless pits.”  “The demigods and satyrs were surrounded by  monsters.”  I would recommend this book to people who like stuff that is intense and fantasy because this book is very intense and has fantasy . I would give this book five stars. I couldn’t really stop reading it.

The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riorden

The book I read is called The Blood of Olympus, it’s by Rick Riordan. There are 7 main characters and their names are: Percy, Frank, Jason, Leo, Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel and they are all demigods.  Piper is daughter of Aphrodite, Frank is son of Ares, Annabeth daughter of Athena, Hazel is daughter of Hades, Leo is son of Hephaestus, Percy is son of Poseidon, and Jason is son of Zeus.


A demigod is someone who has one godly parent and one mortal parent. However there is a problem, Gaea, the earth goddess is rising and she wants revenge on the gods by destroying the world! All this action happens in Athens the ancient land of Athena.


The plot of the story is the 7 demigods have to go on a quest to stop the war with Gaea. In the books before this one the demigods killed the titans. The titans are Gaea’s sons so Gaea went mad and she tried to kill everyone especially the gods. Gaea also leads all the monsters so she sends monsters to stall the demigods so she can have time to rise and awake. Once she sent a whole army of Cyclops to slow them down only for about a minute or so. The demigods received a prophecy that one demigod would die so they had to use up some of their time getting a potion so they can bring him or her back to life! I love this book so much because it’s by my favorite author Rick Riordan, also it’s about mythology and mythical stuff is really cool. Last but not least it’s a long read and it’s not a small book that you can read in like a few minutes. It feels like you accomplished something when you finish it. I recommend this book to anyone who likes books about mythology or adventure or both.

I rate this book:*****

By Andrei Stewart-Chapman



Flora and Ulysses, Kate Dicamillo

When Floras neighbor, Ms. Tickham gets a vacuum cleaner  known as the “ Ulysses 2000X “ for her birthday, she declares to use it right away, But when this machine goes out of control heading towards an innocent squirrel Floras takes responsibility to nurse the squrrel back to health.

Flora Belle Buckman: Is a cynic… Well that is what she thought till now…

When Flora discovers a heart warming feeling for a squirrel she tries to tell herself that she is a cynic and never to hope but when her only choice is to hope, instead of denying it Flora decided to embrace it.

When Flora is doing her daily comic reading on her desk she looks outside of her window she sees miss tickham and the ulysses 2000X heading towards an innocent squirrel she jumps up to save the day. She runs downstairs and out the door but as she is running she hears the vacuum turn off, it was to late or was it…

I really liked this book because of the words and the plot. I rate this book 5 out of 5 because the discriptive language grabs you and makes you think about this word sounds like Flora. If you liked the sound of this book then make sure to read it.