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Throckmorton is no normal sock monkey. The Secret of Eastcliff by the Sea is by Eileen Beha. The main characters are Analisa and her sock monkey Throckmorton. Analisa lives with her Dad Judge Easterling, her brother Teddy, her brother Evan, the baby sitter Miss Pine, the maid Marge, the cook Miss Wiggins, and her Great Dane Donald. The problem is that Analisa’s mother, Olivia ran away awhile ago when she was two. Also Analisa is very sick. My book is set fifty years ago. Eastcliff is near the sea in Connecticut.
I think Throckmorton is caring because he listens when Analisa is sad. For example, when Analisa was crying because her mother was gone, Throckmorton was sad for her. He cared for her so much that he brought her mother back to her. I think Throckmorton is nice because he is kind to people who he does not like. For example, he smiled at Analisa’s three cousins even though he did not like them. I think Throckmorton is sad because Olivia (Analisa’s mother) had gone away. For example, when he talked about her he sounded sad. I love the part when Analisa and her family go to Great Grandma’s birthday party because they find Olivia. I also found the part interesting when Teddy and Evan (Analisa’s brothers) and Analisa go up to the attic and search for the missing two sock monkeys, Miss Beatrice and Sir Rudyard. That was the part where they find the secret room where Olivia hid the sock monkeys and her things. I think Analisa’s Grandmother knew where Olivia was living but did not tell anybody. Analisa made a big decision about telling Teddy her Grandma’s secret.
I really enjoyed this book because the author is very descriptive. I would recommend this book to people who like friendship and adventure. When I was little I thought that my stuffed bunny was alive. Throckmorton is alive. I give this book FIVE STARS! 🙂