Greg Heffley is an ordinary middle schooler who prefers video games over phys Ed. one day he watches this TV show about this guy who’s life is secretly being filmed. He wonders if his life is also being secretly filmed so when he is standing in the shower he gets a bit nervous. “Diary of a wimpy kid: Double down” is about Greg Heffley struggling with everything from his future to him having a girlfriend and a motorcycle. Greg is funny, desperate for a decent life, a “loser” at his school.
If There is a movie about someone’s who’s life is secretly being filmed then isn’t there a pretty good chance that Greg’s life could also be being filmed? The creepy thing is though, that all the other people in the tv show besides the main character aren’t actually being secretly filmed they’re actors! So that means that gregs family could be ACTORS. Like his brother always fights with him but if he’s just an actor then who KNOWS, maybe one day him and Greg will be…buddies! But if Greg’s parents are actors then that’s just messed-up! I mean if they watch you while you’re in the shower and pick out your clothes then…I don’t even know what to say.
Sometimes Greg Heffley wonders if his life is really good enough to be on a TV show, so every now and then Greg will do something that will get the people at home watching a laugh, like falling on purpose of slipping in dog poo. Because in his opinion: “who wants to see a movie about some kid who stays up till midnight doing homework?”
I would give this book ten stars out of ten because it’s HILARIOUS! This book is pretty easy to read though so it’s definitely not the best book to read for reading thirty minutes a day. You should REALLY read this book and the Diary Of A Wimpy Kid series. This is the last book for now. It’s at the end of the series. You don’t have to read all the books before this one in the diary of a wimpy kid series though. It will make perfect sense even if you don’t. Please comment and let me know what you think of this book review!