Fenway Foul-Up by David A. Kelly

searchIn The Fenway Foul-up  By David A. Kelly, Big D the best hitter on the Red Sox had his bat stolen at Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts.  Mike and Kate, the main characters, try to figure out who stole Big D’s baseball bat.  This is especially important because Big D only plays great with his lucky bat.

Mike suspects that the old man stole Big D’s bat.  He suspects this because he got the a bat that looked the same for his grandson. The old man was eating sunflower seeds when the bat went missing. Mike and Kate think this may be a clue to solve the mystery. However, the photographer was also eating sunflower seeds, so Mike and Kate are stumped.  After Kate looked closer she also found that  the old man’s bat looked newer with less scratches than Big D’s. My favorite character was Kate. She was my favorite character because she is smart, athletic, and funny. Smart because she speaks more than 3 languages. athletic because she plays a lot of sports. Last but not least funny because she makes a lot of funny jokes.

I liked the book and I didn’t like the book. I thought this book was really interesting because it was about baseball and I love baseball  One thing is I love baseball . The thing I did not like is that I do not like the Red Sox, but I thought the story was good. I would recommend this book to kids that love baseball. It was also a good mystery.  This book’s author reminds me of Matt Christopher because he does baseball books too and writes the story the same way. I give this book 3 stars out of 5.


3 thoughts on “Fenway Foul-Up by David A. Kelly

  1. I am wondering if you could put your less than love for the Red Sox aside as you were reading enough to get into the story? Let me know if you want any more sports mysteries!

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