This book is a great book because: I love the characters and plot. This book is good for people who like realistic fiction and a mysterious plot. I love Stuart Gibbs so that is basically why I read this book.
The main character is Teddy Fitzroy but there are a lot of side characters that are really important. He is in middle school. His parents work at funjungle where most of the book happens. They live in Texas. Teddy is an outsider and of course outsiders lead to bullys and bullys lead to no good! Teddy is also not a very popular kid at his school. His best friend is always there for him, There friendship is very tight.
Teddy has always been pulling pranks on funjungle but this time he is forced to by Vance the bully. Large Marge is the zoo security, the general, and of course Teddy is her nemisis, because of all the pranks he has pulled.
But when a koala from australia goes missing and all the proof leads to Teddy… It is his job to proove to Marge and everybody else that it was not Teddy… or was it?
I rate this book 5***** stars because the plot is a great plot and as I mentioned I love Staurt Gibbs!
I reccomend this book to people who like Staurt Gibbs and some what like a mystery.
this sounds like a great book. i love mysteries and pranks.
I read the first one the second sounds really really good
I have seen a lot of people reading this book and I’m thinking about reading it.
Why is the book called Poached? Do you know? And the book sounds really good.