The Talent Show
by Dan Gutman
(Benjamin Winokur-Applebaum)
This winter break I read a book called The Talent Show by Dan Gutman. I think he writes the best books ever because he knows the best topics such as a kid who becomes president and a boy solving a war with video games! So the book that I am going to tell you about-The Talent Show- is written by that great author, Dan Gutman!
The book The Talent Show takes place in Cape Bluff, Kansas out on the prairie where there are many different hazards such as tornados. A big tornado hits the town and the book lists every character and what they are doing when the tornado hits in the very beginning of the book. (first chapter) After the tornado was finished doing its stuff the library was flooded and houses were lifted clean off their foundations and cars were found up to 24 miles away! But in a town meeting the new principal had the idea for a talent show to raise money for the library and if extra, for the town! But they overcame many problems such as printing advertisements, youtube videos for people to watch, lighting, tools in case another tornado hit, a prize, the judges, the people to run the show and the place to have the talent show. Something amazing is that Cape Bluff has one very important celebrity but can he get here from Los Angeles? Somehow they figure it all out, but one thing that and one problem remain and that is what the book is all about.
The Talent Show
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I forgot to put one down because I was going too quick