We are living through a historic moment. People will be studying and learning about this moment in time for years to come.
You have the power to shape history by contributing to the LREI@home Quarantine Time Capsule, a digital record of how we, as a community and as individuals, lived through the coronavirus pandemic.
How can we help the students of the future get as close as possible to the experiences we are having now?
Send your submissions and questions to timecapsule@lrei.org. For more information, please click here.
The following is a selection of submissions we’ve received thus far. Many more to come soon!
Imogen Notaro LREI ’25 makes pizza in quarantine with her family, May 10, 2020
Puppet show Me vs. Covid 19, assignment for Ann’s art class, Alex Doctoroff, Fourth Grade, May 2020
Although we had to isolate and social distance, community was all around. Hanging out on the stoop once again became popular in Brooklyn. Denis Zaraya, parent of Joe LREI ’26, May 2020
Their Best, song by Wyeth Zeff, LREI ’25, May 2020