Chinese American Timeline

1750 – First Asians to settle in the US

1788 – Chinese in Hawaii

[The 1800’s] – Chinese Immigration begins 

1844 – US and China sign the Wangxia (“peace, amity, and commerce”) Treaty

1848 – Gold Rush

1852  – Foreign Miners Tax

1854 – People v. Hall

1865 – Chinese Workers hired to work on the Transcontinental Railroad

1868 – The Transcontinental Railroad is completed

1868 – Burlingame Treaty

1876 – Queue Ordinance

1880 – Angell Treaty of 1880

1882 – Chinese Exclusion Act

1892 – Geary Act

1892 – The Chinese Equal Rights League

1913 – California passes a law prohibiting “aliens” from owning land

1929 – “Chinese wives of American citizens are denied entry”

1933 – NYC council passes ordinances targeting Chinese laundry’s

1943 – All Chinese exclusion laws are repealed