Space to Create (Sylvie, Yori, Ryan, Mika, Caleb, Aidhan)
Space to Create: What new environments might we design to bring creative confidence spaces to life?
You can find additional info on these pages on the OpenIDEO site:
Concept Title (Required):
Summary (Required):
Concept Description (Required):
In this challenge, we want to create ideas with young people, not for them. Outline how you’re planning to involve young people or other end-users (parents, teachers, etc) in designing, iterating or testing your idea during the Ideas phase. Be sure to report back throughout the Ideas phase with updates, too!
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How might you envision your idea spreading across geographies or cultures so that it inspires young people around the world to cultivate their creative confidence?
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What skills, input or guidance would you like to receive from the OpenIDEO community to help you build out or refine your idea further? Hint: this could be graphic design support, prototyping advice, financial/cost guidance – whatever you think you need to make your idea stronger and better poised for impact. And if you’ve got skills that might further someone else’s idea – reach out to them via the comments section.
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What if . . .
We had all of our classes outside or in the woods? Then you could use the resources to create art and work all over the woods.
We could visit more museums and help out in food pantries and shelter? To start gaining creative confidence you need to get involved with the world.
We could help kids in other countries to be creative?
We had IWP everyday so that there was time to do what we want to?
The wall was painted with chalkboard paint?
We could have a period to do something besides homework like paint or something else?
There was a drawing contest? And each class was a team and you all had create a picture together.
Each kid in the school got a binder with everything they would need for the day, that way you don’t need to search your seat sack and have to get help finding it. If we each had a binder with everything you would need for the day, if you forget to get something and you need it during class, you don’t need to go back to your class and get it, you can just reach down and open the binder. If you did that, you also have a place to put extra loose lief paper.
We could learn about other places, people and their art?
I think we should decorate the walls of the bathrooms and the wall paper should say words that will make you want to get creative like you can do it,brave,just go,you can fly.
Words like that and I think that will help kids get creative.
I think that we should have a group called build your creative confidence or something like that so a group of people could meet once every 2 weeks and talk about it.
I think that we should have a room called the {creative lab} we should be able to use it in iwp.
We could have IWP for an hour and also recess for 45 minutes.
When we make paintings during art and we want to show our art skills to the world, we could make t-shits that have the art on them.
We could go outside to a space that looks creative to get our minds going, such as art museums, art studios, and gallery shows.
We should show other schools our creativity and ideas for them.
We should pick something to do everyday that is not work.
we should encourage people in lrei to be creative
What If we could have IWP for and hour and also recess for 45 min. What If there were no cops so robers could do anything thing they want.