JJL6 Hanna and Ciro Mark Silberberg November 18, 2013 JJL6 Hanna and Ciro2013-11-18T11:47:50-05:00 Characters in Conflict, Sixth Grade 13 Comments
we did good!
Very good, but a little loud. Keep doing this!
Atfirst the male chatacter said he didn’t hear about it but then he puts in a lot of things that happened.
I like your video it explains the conflict really well and it is really detailed!
I think this video is very clear and concise but the voices are a little hard to understand. You also repeated things over again.
I like how the characters both have dialouge.
There wasn’t really a resolution, so I think it didn’t make as much sense as it could have.
Smart idea for the conflict. Good job showing the conflict
I think that you showed the characters very well
I didn’t understand why one of the characters said in the beginning, “no what happended.” and then talked about what happened later on.
This was nice. I liked how they BOTH told the story, not just one.,
It was intresting on how they were talking about Clay and Kenzie and Chelsea. I really liked how they were talking about how Chelsea handled Kenzie. Very different from how the people in my video would handle her.