Jarvis Clutch Chapter 5 – Question
After reading chapter 5 . . .
Choose one of the following:
- Answer one of the questions at the end of the chapter. Make sure that you write down the full question at the start of your response.
- Respond/reply to one of your classmates who has already posted a response. Take the question to the next level or in another direction. Be thoughtful and respectful in your response. Remember: If you take this option, make sure that you click the reply link in the comment to which you are responding.
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What could you do about it if there were a student in your school who kept on humiliating you in public?
I would talk to him/her alone and tell them that it is not okay and if they keep doing it I would tell a teacher.
I agree with Sylvie. But, what if the person tries to defend him/her. Now you are in trouble.
I agree with both Emma and Sylvie, its right to stand up for a person (or friend) but you might intimidated if your worried about being bullied.That’s why people don’t stand up for there friends sometimes.
I agree with everyone, but I think we are missing something…What if they threaten you? What if they blackmail you? What if they hurt you? If they do these things, which they would very possibly do, then you can’t really do anything about it. What could you do if these things happened?
I agree with Alexa. It’s sort of like in the video of that gay kid who gets bullied. One of the bullies threatened to kill him, so he ran away. Even though I don’t think an argument could turn into something like that, Alexa’s right.
I also agree but the teacher might not be able to help. If that happens you should stand up for yourself talk to them and don’t let them bully you,
It’s important to be an ally, as long as you’re not putting yourself in danger. I would alert an adult if it got physical. If it was verbal, I would feel comfortable intervening.
I Agree with Luke because the teacher sometimes really can’t help and they don’t understand what is really happening so you have to speak up!
I agree, it is right to stand up for a friend. But you might be scared you’ll get bullied and then you won’t help a friend. But your friend might be hurt seeing you don’t stand up for them.
I agree with Sylvie and that I would go to the teacher if they kept on humiliating me.
I agree with Sylvie but the thing is that the kids in the world would get scared of getting a teacher because kids would that her/him a “baby” even though it is the better thing. It is a good idea to either talk with them alone, or with a parent, so that the bystanders don’t start laughing at you which can make that kid sad and feel very depressed about going to school.
It would be so amazing if kids were more comfortable when talking to their parents, friends, bully, or teacher. The problem is that some kids are so afraid that they will be teased, that they don’t speak up for themselves. That might be part of the problem: why there is so much bullying in the world.
yeah I agree with Sylvie. If theres a bully try to deal with it and talk to them and as time progresses be more strong. But a first talk to them maybe they want your atention
I agree with Sylvie but I would talk to them first then if they did not stop I would tell a teacher. Because if you threaten to tell on them they might be even more mad.
Some really great thoughts here, which gets at why resolving these issues is complicated. The bully is counting on the victim feeling alone, scared and unwilling to talk to others. So in some ways the key is how do all of the others in the community raise their voices and say when something is not okay. Maybe it would feel different and easier if it wasn’t left to only one person to speak up, but that a group could. Maybe it is just about catching the eye of one other person and then the two speaking up. and then the two becomes three and …
If I was being humiliated, I would definitely call a teacher, or try to straighten it out with the kid.
I agree with Sylvie because I was being humiliated constantly I would tell a teacher. I think that most kids feel safe telling their teacher because they can’t hurt you and usually, they are on your side..
I agree with you, I think that most people would feel safer telling a teacher because they would listen to you and they are not going to say no you are wrong and are not ring to yell at you.
I would ignore that person until they leave and then tell a trusted grown-up.
I agree with Sylvie because you don’t want to make a big scene in front of everyone, so you should talk to them alone. I also agree that you should go to a teacher if they just keep doing it because then it could get really bad.
I think that I would tell him to stop and I would tell my parents. If they said tell a teacher then I would.
I agree with you Sylvie. I think that I would do that too but, if it was really serious than I would go straight to a teacher or the principle if it was really bad. -Ruby
I totally agree with Sylvie. I would do that too, and if that didn’t stop them I would go straight to a teacher.
The thing you shouldn’t do is bully them back.
Fighting fire with fire will get no one no where.
My Reply To Question 1: I think that someone who is about to do something aggressive can…
– Take a deep breath and calm down
– Try to make peace with them selves then with the person there mad at
– Punch a pillow
oh yeah they can also think about how the other person is feeling
I agree with Juliet. IF you feel angry you should walk away and calm down. You may get madder if you start a fight.
If someone is trying to cool down, you can change the subject , or talk to them. Do not induce them to become more aggressive,
This seems important. If one of the problems of rising conflict is that it makes it harder for a person to stop and think about what they are doing, then how others respond is important. Are we working to help deescalate the conflict or excited to see it increase especially if it doesn’t directly impact us?
What could you do about it if there were a student in your school who kept on humiliating you in public?
I would probably try to work it out by myself by walking away taking a deep breath and continuing on my day, but if it kept happening I would tell a teacher and get some help
To be honest, I would tolerate it for a little wile, like a couple of months, but if they kept on doing it over and over again, I would burst out into tears and start telling them how much they’ve humiliated me.
This situation has actually happened to me before, and I actually waited 3 whole years before I did exactly the same as I described at the top of this comment. It was humiliating, crying so hard in front of everyone, but it felt good after it was all out. Not the best way to handle this kind of situation, but it worked that time, so I was thankful for that.
I’m glad that you were finally able to do something about it. I wonder how many other people stood by for three years and watched it happen? If they did, that is something that we need to think about as a community. Even if we can’t see that a person is hurting, we should be able to tell what words and actions can hurt and say that that is not okay in our community. How do we get better as community at stepping up when we see or hear something happening that we know is wrong (or at the very least we wouldn’t want to happen to us)?
I agree with spencer and nina. This happens to lots of people all the time, but you need to be strong you need to tell the person or people to stop but if they continue get further help.
I think that this is not a really good way of doing that but I agree that I would wait a little bit before I would tell a teacher or burst out in tears. I would not wait 3 years though
Question 5
I would tell the kid we should both be doing the work and this is my project to so let me do some of the work
Why do you think that some people have a hard time collaborating?
Maybe because they want to be in charge and wants to have that power. Also, maybe because they think that their ideas are better. Additionally, they just want to go with their own thoughts because they are not open to any other ideas.
I think some people have a hard time collaborating because everyone wants to use their own idea and things get very disorganized. When this happens people try to step up and take charge but it is hard to to this without people thinking you are bossy.
This happens a lot and I have a hard time sometimes comprehending the difference from bossy and taking charge. But, it’s usually easier for me collaborating and working with other people.
I agree with Sophie and I also think that some people live by the saying “there might not be an I in team but there is an m and an e.”
When people act like this they usually wont get along very well with kids because all kids want a share in everything. For example when I am playing basketball I usually get yelled at for being a ballhog by kids on the sideline and I know that next time I should pass.
So my question is why keep on doing what you are doing if it doesn’t it get you or the people around you happy, sooner or later points will come so why not try something different?
Why is everyone in jarvis’s school so interesting? and are school not ? I know in four square some people get cheepshotted and thats how the atmosphere in jarvis’s is
Do you think that if you really looked closely at our school the way that Jarvis does at his that you’d see things that at first glance might not be so visible?
If you had a younger brother or sister who was part of a group of friends but was very passive, a complete follower who just did whatever they did (had no real social control), what would you advise him or her to do?
I would tell them to speak up, make more suggestions of what to do. If they don’t listen to you, they might not be good friends, or you should try to make more friends, some that will listen to you.
I agree with this but if I had a younger sibling that was part of a group I would tell them to stay out of that group and to think about how much control that they have and if there was one person that they are blindly flowing. Also I would tell them that they should get a friend that actually cares about them.
If someone kept making up fun me I was defiantly not wait another minute I would go to the teachers and tell them whats happening. I would settle my problem.
What could you do about it if there were a student in your school who kept on humiliating you in public?
It might not be so bad if they are publicly humiliating you but if other people start bullying you about it thats when you should stand up for yourself. But if I were in that situation I would gather some of my friends and tell the people who are bullying me that it is a personal secret that they should not of heard but since they did they should think to themselves that they probably have many of their own secret that they would not want to share with other kids. Also I know it can hurt a lot if lots of people are laughing at you all because of one person but. I think that its good that nobody would do that in our school but I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say that it is really cruel and stupid if somebody did this and I think people would not make fun of you they would gang up on the person who told the secret. Lets say somebody told the whole school that you had a huge crush on some girl and you were just trying to embarrass the you but they are also embarrassing the girl because she would not want to hear lots of people singing silly songs about you and the person who has a crush on you.