LCS – Statements about lying
When asked, the majority of teenagers surveyed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics said that lying is definitely wrong. But over 60% of these same teenagers said that they lied to their parents, teachers, and friends at least once in the past year. How can you explain this?
Your friend is in trouble and needs you. You will most likely get in trouble if you help. What do you do? Why?
Your parents have given you some pretty clear rules. Your friends want to do something that will result in you breaking your parents’ rules? What do you do? Why?
You are caught in the middle between two good friends? One is doing something behind the other’s back and the other doesn’t know about it. What’s your responsibility? And, who are you responsible for?
Why would you ever want to tell on a friend?
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I feel like when they say that “lying is wrong”, that statement isn’t really correct. I think that the type of lying they talk about in the simulation was, but there are lies that are harmless. No one would be hurt if you lied about minor things, only major things matter. I would help my friend even if I could get into trouble, because it would be wrong to ignore their problem. If my family gave me rules, I wouldn’t break them. I already know of what will happen. As for the friend is doing something behind another friend’s back scenario, I wouldn’t say anything. What if I’m wrong about the whole situation? I don’t think I could ever tell on a friend, but I would try to help them.
I sort of agree with alexa. I mean, I don’t really think that any lie is okay. I think that because then once you lie about the little things, you’ll start thinking that it’s ok to lie. Also once you lie, a huge web of lies keeps piling up and that’s when you’re in trouble.
I agree with Georgia, even little lies can lead to bigger ones. Then once you make a few little ones, they would just pile up and then maybe become to one big lie.
I agree with Gwen and Georgia. We should only use “white lies” if we have to. Avoiding them will help us in the long run.
I agree we should only use White lies if we need to. But we should remember that white lies can lead into some problems too!
I agree, even with a white lie the friend might go and do something about that topic that you lied about and that can lead to all sorts of problems.
I think that lying can be for good and bad things. If you cheat on a test and tell your teacher you did not that is not good but if your friend asks you if you like her shoes and she really loves them then if you say yes it’s not a bad lie. I think that everyone lies. It is like part of us, sometimes you just have to.
I agree with Sylvie. You can’t tell the truth for your WHOLE life. You have to admit/ lie about what you did. Some may think that you did the right thing. Or some may think that you did the wrong thing.
I agree with Emma and Sylvie, most of the time lying is wrong but sometimes you have to lie at some point in your life. Sometimes people will be mad at you for telling them something and you’ll end up wishing that you had kept it to yourself.
I agree with Sylvie. I think that somethings there are things you can’t lie about like tests and stuff but I think with things like clothing, you might hurt their feelings. I was watching a movie a couple days ago were this girl keeps a journal and wrote everything she thought in it, even things about her friends that weren’t very nice things to say, and when her friends found the journal and read it she got in a lot of trouble and all of her friends stopped being her friend.
I agree with sylvie . If you lie and get someone in trouble or hurt it’s really bad. On the other hand if you say a lie for the better good I will be good. If say a lie that can protect some one its good.
In the simulation, that kind of lying was bad. It was strait up black lies. Nothing was true. Then there is a twisted version of something which is just a little bit of lying, or leaving something out. Then there is a white lie. A white lie is where you lie about somethings harmless. The problem is is that that lie can grow. When your parents make rules, it is best not to break them, because your parents in a way control your future. Maybe you can convince you friends that doing something that does not include lying will still be fun. Most people would not want to tell on a friend. A better way would be to persuade them not to do whatever they want to do in the first place. If that does not work, then do you really want to be friends with someone who does not listen to you, and furthermore makes bad decisions that spell out “trouble”. If you decide that you do not want to be friend with them, then You are free as a bird to tell on them.
I agree with William. It is good to once and awhile tell a lie, if it prevents people’s feelings from getting hurt. However, I don’t think that telling a “black” lie is good. It can make people get hurt, like yourself.
I get what Alexa said. Its sometimes a white lie, to help something get better. Or to stop someone from getting their feelings hurt in a way. But lying, the bad kind isn’t supposed to help someone that much. It is one lie to help something get better, and another to get somebody in trouble.
I agree with sylvie . If you lie and get someone in trouble or hurt it’s really bad. On the other hand if you say a lie for the better good I will be good. If say a lie that can protect some one its good.
I agree with Olivia. A lie should not be to stop global worming, its to help a little problem. One lie can lead to another and another and another. But if you use a “white lie” It will probably not become a habbit.
I agree with a lot of you I think that lying can come back to haunt you. If you lie once yo may have to keep lying until someone catches you or you decide to tell the truth.
I think this is a true statement. Lying can be fine, or really bad. If you’re lying about your highscore on a videogame, that isn’t bad at all. If you lie to a friend and say that so and so made a rumor about you, so that your friend doesn’t like them, that’s mean.
I would probably try to stay some where in-between so I don’t get in deep doo-doo but I also help my friend. I would NOT do it because my mom can be harsh. I would try to stay out of it as best as I could so I don’t end up hurting both their feelings. I would want to tell on a friend if they were doing something really wrong that could also very much hurt them.
I think I would tell on a friend if they did something wrong and they knew it. If I was in a situation when your friend was in trouble and needed you but I would get in trouble, I would have to figure out if my friend really did something wrong. If my friend did something really wrong and they knew it then I don’t think I would back them up.
I agree with Aidhan because if one of my friends would do something wrong, and they knew it was bad thing then I would tell an adult nicely and let them handle that situation. I wouldn’t want to get in trouble either, but I wouldn’t want to be a bad friend. But telling an adult what was wrong, that’s being a good friend. I would never lie when i’m telling an adult, I would tell the truth but I would want that person who did the wrong thing there with me.
Sometimes it fine to lie if your in the right place at the right time in the right situation. But when it’s a bad lie, it’s bad. Everyone lies, and everyone jokes. But when people take it too far it can get worrible. Never lie to your friends or your grownups about things you have done because it can create drama. Like acadia obviously you would want to save your friend and thats when the lie comes in handy. But when your parents ask you like, where were you last night and you say Jack’s house instead of a party your parents will eventually find out and you will get in big trouble. So, only lie when it’s right.
I disagree with Julien because if you lie and someone finds out they will get really mad. Joking and lying are very different. When someone is joking you can tell by their expressions but when they are lying they are making you think its true. even if you tell the smallest lie it will grow to become something bigger than what you want it to be.
I agree with Julien because sometimes lying can be fine, but you have to be super careful that you don’t get deep into the lie.
If you lie then maybe if you lye to someone: example someone says I really like these shoes and you say, “oh ya I love those” then they say “well I got you a pair” when you really did not like the shoes and you were just trying not to hurt their feelings.
Lying isn’t good because it can get you into a lot of problems even white lying. You should only white lie when you have to.
I kind of disagree with Cate because even white lying when you have to which you never do isn’t good just give a nicer version of what you think. But yes lying can get you into a lot of trouble. There are better types of lies than other’s although none are good like if you lie about someones sneakers and say you like them that’s not the worst although you should probably think of the consequences. But lying about being somewhere where you clearly weren’t is bad and can make a huge problem.
Lying is not a good thing to do. But, if you are telling a white lie, you mean good don’t you? It’s still not right, but you are trying spare the other persons feelings. Otherwise, lying will only make the situation bigger and worse.