Jarvis Clutch Chapter 3 – Personal Connection
After reading chapter 3 . . .
Identify something that Jarvis observed about kids in his school that you found interesting. How does it relate to the social scene at LREI? In responding, don’t talk about specific individuals or incidents at LREI, but try to get at the underlying idea (e.g., instead of saying, “I remember when X . . .” try “sometimes a person can think that . . . .”
Feel free (in fact it is encouraged) to respond to someone who has posted before you. If you agree, explain why and see if you can take the idea deeper. If you disagree, explain why and offer your view on things. Whether you agree or disagree, respond respectfully and thoughtfully.
If you are responding to a classmate, click on the reply link in their comment so that your reply is connected to their comment.
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I think that Lrei is not like Jarvisis school at all. I don’t think I have seen any of these incidents happen at our school. No one stared at them self in the mirror or at least I don’t think so. I think that we have a special and welcoming community at our school and that’s what I love about it.
I think that Sylvie made a very interesting point. In terms of seeming right, I know no one smokes or anything, but how do we know that LREI students don’t think as much about how they look as the students in Jarvis’ school do. We definitely don’t express it if we do think about it, but I’m sure that everyone has thought about how they look at least 3-5 times. There is nothing wrong with that, but I’m just saying that I think that LREI has a community that thinks about there image, almost ass much as Eastern Middle school.
I also agree with Sylvie because LREI is not filled with groups. It is a small school which definitely helps with the problem of having the smokers, the popular crowd, and the ones who don’t fit in or aren’t accepted in any groups. I agree with Keira because it could be the case where we aren’t able to go into other students thoughts and they might be self-conscious. Although if any students are self conscious about themselves, than they are very good at hiding it. The kids at Jarvis’s school are all very self-conscious because they all want to fit in. To fit in at Jarvis’s school, you have to act cool (and be cool) and you have to be what is considered pretty or handsome to the popular crowd or whatever crowd that you want to join.
I agree because Jarvis was kind of describing the popular group, and he was in eighth grade. It seemed like we are 1. not eighth graders 2. in a smaller school, and weren’t really in the same situations. I feel like the fact that we are small school changes a lot, because there aren’t as many groups and they aren’t as big. Plus we don’t have any kinds with crazy hair or nose pierces, or smokers. That’s manly because we are sixth graders.
I agree with Sylvie because she has a good point. I think that no one really cares what they look like. I also don’t think there’s anyone like Zach and Molly at our school either. That’s also what I like about our school.
I agree, Georgia. No one really cares about that stuff.
I agree with Georgia and Olivia…
No one really cares about how you dress or how cool you are. Like Georgia said there isa really no Zach or Molly at LREI. Although if you got a new pair of “Lebrons” I am sure kids would decently notice them
I that Sylvie is correct we DO have a welcoming community. Know one smokes or super falling over themselves ago look in the mirror. We certainly do not allow bullying in the school like what Hannah gets about her weight. It’s just not fair to anyone, thats why I love LREI. There’s no bullying excepted.
I agree with Sylvie. No one smokes and we don’t bully. There are incidents, and there is occasionally gossip, but it’s 6th grade. It’s normal. Alexa brought up that we are in a much smaller school. That could be a difference too.
I think that Kiki is spot on. I know that no schools support these types of things, but I think our school is aware and wants us to be in a safe environment.
I agree javises school is harsher
I think there is much more bullying
I agree with Kiki because no one smokes to be cool or acts mean to other people to be cool, it os just a friendly place where everyone can be friends and get along. Whenever I want to hang out with different they never say; “If you want to hang out with us you have to go tell that kid he is a loser.”….or worse. I also agree with James that there is not that much bullying at our school.
I agree with everyone because the only key to be cool in our school is to be nice and accepting no matter what they look like. We are all sixth graders, we are all the same.
Some really interesting comments here. Do you think that whether at LREI or at Jarvis’ school that there are some universal things that are common to all adolescents? Are there LREI versions of the challenging things that happen at Jarvis’ school? If so, what can we do in our community to address them? Maybe there will always be a part of adolescence that is hard and maybe that is not a bad thing, but it is worth thinking about how we can minimize those things that can make it truly hard.
I agree because there has not been any bullying, at least that I know, and I think that most people aren’t to concerned about how they look, so yeah.
I agree with Sylvie. Our school is A lot different. We Don’t do bad thing like Jarvis’s school. We are behaved better.
I agree with you Sylvie because in are school most of this stuff is not happening all the time. I do think that the other things about Friends and peer pressure are true but other then that I completely agree with you.
I think that people are different. Our school isn’t that bad with bad people. I think that on the other hand Jarvis Clutches school is a big more harder.
I also think that sylvie is right, but I do think that there is some sense of groups, but no “herds” which was what I found interesting.
I agree with Spencer. I think that people don’t want a tone of people playing the same game as them or others wanting to sit nest to them because they don’t like so and so or they aren’t a big fan of the friends that person hangs out with. That isn’t commonly seen, but i do think it can happen every now and then.
I agree too, LREI isa school for all kids with everyone together
I agree with spencer because there are definatly not herds like in jarviss school, but some times there are groups of friend that always want to work together.
I agree with Spencer because there aren’t really “herds” in the way Jarvis’s school has them. Sometimes people have groups of 3 or 4 friends, but they don’t spend every hour with each other.
I definitely agree with spencer that here aren’t any herds. Sometimes people are in groups and sometimes people in the group don’t get along with one or another.
I think that Spencer and Sylvie are right are community is very welcoming and every one has a group of friends but none of the groups have requirements like you must all wear the same clothes or you must all have dyed you hair.
I agree with Spencer and that lrei is very unique because it has no herds
I’m inclined to believe that there isn’t an LREI “herd?” However,are there times when individuals are excluded by a group where this exclusion is connected to things that make some people feel/act “cooler” than others?
I agree with Spencer that there are no herds at LREI. I feel that at LREI everyone is at the same level. At LREI i feel there are no groups and no one would be excluded, because everyone wants to include anybody who wants to do what they’re doing. It wouldn’t be connected to any things that make people feel less then what they are. Everyone is nice and wouldn’t want anybody to feel that way.
I agree with Annabelle. Everyone is nice and I don’t want anybody to feel bad. I also think, that the term “Nerd” has become a bad thing over the years. In the dictionary the definition is: a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious.
I thought that people would refer to others as ‘Nerds’ because the person was smart. I don’t think that is should be a negative term, I think it should be something positive that someone would be proud of being.
I think that at LREI, there is the “cool group” and then everyone else is at the same level. Everyone is always with everyone, but there is still a distinct cool group, just like Jarvis. I think everyone has there own group consisting of a couple of people. You can always be with other groups, but people will know you as the person who hangs out with his/her little group. This is sort of like Jarvis except that you are not restricted in any way to talk with other people.
I disagree with William because there is not really a cool group because if there was the people in the cool group would let the other people who are not at the same level join no matter what. There is not a cool group anyways because we talk to everyone and I have never seen anyone that can’t play a game because their not cool or something like that.
So what defines “cool” at LREI?
I think someone that is cool is someone who’s: Nice, funny, and honest is cool. Also, if you’re cool, you shouldn’t have to advertise it. Your friend and your peers know, and that’s all that matters in my opinion.
What kind of clothes do the popular kids wear at school? How are their clothes different from other kids’ clothes? Do kids who can’t afford expensive, trendy clothes having trouble fitting in?
At LREI there are no popular kids (at least not in the 6th grade as far as I know) We are all equal. Not body is rich, to buy expensive clothes, and nobody is poor and wear rags to school. People never have trouble being popular and “fitting in” because like what I said in the beginning THERE ARE NO POPULAR KIDS IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOL!
I wonder if that range is maybe wider than we sometimes think. Do you think that there are times that someone might feel a certain pressure to dress a certain way? And what if getting that certain ‘look,” might be harder for some families than for others?
In lrei I feel like theres no real popularity there are kids that are liked and have friends (which almost all kids in lrei do) but no one is put into a group. There’s no person who looks horrible or so care about their weight. Lrei is a school people aren’t identified as unpopular.
Is it possible though that some classmates leave school some days not feeling so good about things? If so, how can we as a community be better at recognizing that and supporting our peers?
I can say from personal experience that I’ve left school at the end of the day sad, or in a bad mood because of a peer/classmate said or did something that upset me. Whether it’s physical or verbal, (hopefully not physical) we should be comfortable talking to teachers, or our parents, or sometimes, even our peers. Being honest is the first step towards fixing things, and making amends. If you shut things out, or ignore it, no one can help you.
I disagree with you because I think that in are grade and class there are a few popular kids and a lot of unpopular kids. There are mostly in-between kids in are school and that may be different in other schools but there are groups that are like that. I also think that in our school there people who follow the popular kids just because they don’t want to be unpopular and not have any friends, or because they do want to be popular.
I feel like some times I feel like I really need to worry about what I where some days. But thats just me being me! But it happens rarely.
I think more people than we think leave school upset, sad, mad, or frustrated. Maybe that person got a bad grade on a test, they got into a fight with a friend etc. I think as a community we could be better at recognizing and supporting our peers that leave school, is that we should do this thing where at the end of each day, each person in each class puts a note in every persons locker saying something that the person loves about the other person. It would be your choice if you want to put your name or leave it anonymous. That way no one at school leaves on a sour note.
i think that our our school is way different because we are all nice
Okay, but what is it that encourages/helps people to be nice to each other?
I disagree because the people at Jarvis’s school are nice but they aren’t nice to everybody. I think that our school is way more different then Jarvis’s because here, we are taught to open to new friends.
I don’t think Jarvis’s school is like ours because the things that happen in his school don’t happen at our school. Sometimes there will be some bad things but never really. When people leave the school i don’t think they are sad, maybe sometimes but i don’t think so. Im never sad.
I don’t think that LREI is anything like Eastern Middle School. The kids at LREI are really nice and excepting and it seems that at Eastern Middle, the kids are very judging because they haven’t been taught better but I personally think that they should know better. I think LREI is also different from Eastern Middle School because LREI is a small school and everybody knows everybody and in Jarvis’s school it seems like everything is chaos and nobody knows anybody.
I agree, nobody in our school would say/do anything mean on purpose. This is interesting because our school was created because other schools were too harsh on children. And now children are too harsh on each other! And our school stays the type of school that doesn’t bully/act harsh on others.
I think in our school we have herds but they do not have a clear leader chosen by popularity. In the herds in Jarvis’s school all the kids are exactly alike or they try to be exactly alike so that they can stay in the herd. In our school our herds are just kids that are better friends with each other than most other kids.
I agree with jack and Sylvie Little Red doesn’t do bad and mean things like Jarvis’s school.