LCS- Statements about cheating
In a survey by the Josephson Institute of Ethics, 80% of all high school students say that it’s always wrong to cheat. Yet more than six out of ten high school students cheated last year. How can you explain this?
Cheating is okay when: the class is boring, the subject is dumb, the teacher is unfair, you need a good grade . . . What other excuses have you heard to rationalize cheating? Do these excuses really work?
Assume that the chances are that you won’t get caught if you cheat. And if you do get caught, you won’t get a punishment. Let’s also assume that cheating can get you a better grade and that everyone else is doing it. Now, assuming all of this, what is the right thing to do and why should you do it?
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I bet when everyone was littler. That we all cheated in a board game, or something we play with our parents, siblings, or friends. We probably don’t remember or we just won’t admit it. Cheating isn’t an okay thing to do, especially on tests. Like what if someone cheated on a test, then got a really high score. His/her parents, and teachers would be so proud and would expect more. And not only that but then the good grade might lead to a good high school. So then you would be in a great high school, but with a “fake” grade and expectations. Cheating on serious tests are even worse, it could lead to many things like a job applications, collage, high school, and a lot more. People will expect more, and you would lie to everyone you entire life, and the guilt would keep taunting you.
Probably 80% of the people said cheating is bad, is because they can’t be honest. If they said “No, cheating is ok (because blah…. etc)” Then others would think they cheated because they said its ok. And if they said, that cheating is ok, then what would others say?
If you cheated in a boring class thats still not ok. And coming up with an excuse definitely isn’t. The excuse would be considered lying, and lying leads to a lot of bad things like more lies, and lack of trust from others. Excuses don’t always work, close friends can tell if you lie, and sometimes it’s just obvious.
If everyone else was cheating, and chances are I wouldn’t get caught. If I didn’t cheat I would be setting an example for others. And if I did cheat, was would that do. Maybe me on my own can still get a good grade.
cheating is also bad like sometimes in hockey I play teams that ate real about winning so they put u14’s on the u12 team to win.
I agree cheating is bad and if you win the game you won it unfare
I agree with Ming. A lot of people cheat on a board game when we were little but thats not so bad especially for little kids. We let my little sister win sometimes to make her feel better but, cheating in a class isn’t okay. Lying and coming up with excuses is even worse. Maybe the class is boring because instead of learning they’d be cheating and you don’t remember things that you copy off of someone else.
I agree with Ming. If when you were littler, or even now, lots of people cheat on board games, or card games, and if you confess afterwards then everyone can laugh and play the game again. If you cheat on a test, you can only take the test once. I would never cheat on a test because if I do, then I would always feel guilty. The bad thing is that even if everyone thinks that you really did ace the test (if you did and cheated) then you think you would feel O.K, but you really wouldn’t because you would always know that you cheated, and when you can’t cheat, you really wont know what you cheated on and you might fail the next test.
I know that sometimes i cheat in Monopoly, but that is almost playful cheating. No one really cares at the end of the day, and it is all just for fun.
Cheating in Monopoly is okay. #Guilty
I agree that a lot of people would chicken out of stating their opinion on cheating because it may be considered the “bad” choice and people wouldn’t like them anymore.
I disagree because I think that people say cheating is bad, but they cheat anyway is caused by not wanting to admit the truth, not something that happened along time ago.
Cheating can be bad because sometimes the answers are wrong and then it is also lying not white lying but lying and it is really bad.
I think that when teenagers cheat, it can be because they didn’t study for a test, or they don’t have enough confidence in themselves. Some people are very competitive and when they aren’t good at something, (like a board game or a school subject)they might end up cheating just to make themselves “look” good… momentarily.
I think that cheating is a very bad thing to do. If I had a test coming up, and I hadn’t studied for it, I wouldn’t cheat. Instead, I would try my best, and after I received my grade, I would work harder, maybe even get a tutor of some sort. If I cheated on a test, the consequences would be much greater. Cheating is not worth a good grade. And who knows. Maybe the person you cheated on had the wrong answers too. So many things can go wrong when you cheat, especially in school, and so I am completely sure that not cheating is the right thing to do.
I agree with Sophie they do it to improve there “Street Cred” or look cooler.
yes and you think it makes you look popular.
I agree with sophie and yes if you do cheat and the teacher finds out, you will be in a lot of trouble. But if you try your hardest, you might end doing very well even though you though you did bad.
I agree with Sophie because if you are cheating you don’t learn the information on the tests so that means that when you have a really hard test and it is impossible to cheat you will fail because you don’t know the information and you will not know what to do. If you hadn’t cheated the teacher could give you feedback and you could learn it for more important tests.
I agree with Sophie because if you are cheating you don’t learn the information on the tests so that means that when you have a really hard test and it is impossible to cheat you will fail because you don’t know the information and you will not know what to do. If you hadn’t cheated the teacher could give you feedback and you could learn it for more important tests. cheating will not help you.
Some people probably cheat in board games or in like a video game. But cheating in school is different. Getting good grades are good, but you need to actually know what to do. Like if someone asked you a question and you did not know it and it said you knew it on the test teachers might catch on. Plus you might need that skill in life,.
Excuses do not work at all, cheating is cheating.
Cheating in school is kind of like saying, “learning is dumb.” If you take a test and cheat on it you might as well not do. And the more you cheat the more you don’t know about what you are learning
I don’t think cheating is good if you do it a lot and its really bad, but if its small and only every once and a while I think it isn’t as bad.
I think cheating is not something good to do in general because the more you do it, the worse it gets. Even once in a while can lead to being in trouble. So overall, I dont think it is ever good to cheat.
I don’t agree. I think that cheating is bad all the way when you’re talking about school and other serious things. If you ever cheat, it isn’t as bad, but it’s still cheating.
The last comment was for 20annaf
I agree with Nina. You cheat on a test (for example) so you don’t get a bad grade. You can cheat by saying that you didn’t get out in knock-out. 9for example) etc
Cheating is not good in any situation. The difference in cheating on a game, and cheating on a test, is the intensity of the cheating.
Cheating is one of those things where it is easy to believe you won’t get caught but teachers and refs can tell when you cheated. Also, when playing a sport it is easy to say when you lose “the other team cheated”, even when they didn’t. Because when you cheat it basically means you aren’t good enough to finish the test or win the game because you had to cheat. That makes you look really bad if you get caught too. Plus, the consequences are much bigger if you cheat than if you get a bad grade.
I think cheating is like getting the answers for not doing any work to get them. I agree with Ryann because in soccer they do the same thing.
Even though we know it is wrong to cheat, sometimes we still do.
Even if you can cheat and if you are caught, you don’t get punished, it still isn’t right for you to cheat. Sure, you can cheat on a subject you think is dumb but what happens if later on in life, you need this knowledge or skill? What are you going to do? Cheating may also get you a better grade but it won’t give you the same sense of happiness that you get when you accomplish something yourself. Even if everyone else is cheating, that doesn’t mean that you have to do it. So what if people think badly of you and call you names? You aren’t going to be the one that isn’t chosen for a good job because you were cheating, they are.
Yeah Dakota. When you cheat you can get a better grade and or you can be the one who was the best but you still fell really guilty.
i remember my soccer team was playing indoor in the championship and the team cheated because they took good players from other good teams and created a master team but we won the CHAMPIONSHIP!
So cheaters win but sometimes they don’t
I think that there are different types of cheating. like cheating at a board game with your sister is a lot more different then cheating at vagas. some people don’t know that difference.
I agree River if your sister cheats then it’s no big deal but if you cheat in Vagas you can get killed
Cheating might work to get you a perfect score on a test, (please don’t do it) but you’re still going to have to live with the guilt of cheating forever. It might make you seem smart for a little while, but then realize that actually, you’re the only one who didn’t learn something. you might also think, “Oh, it’s just a game,” when you cheat in a game, but really, you’ll probably still feel guilty.
I could not agree with river more there are defiantly different types of cheating like on a test but there are some bad ways of cheating like cheating on a friend because a test can’t have feelings but a person does.
I think that it is always wrong to cheat and do something bad. But cheating with a board game is not bad but anything in school that you cheat on is bad becasue it is not you and you don’t even know if you do actualy good. Even though sometimes we do cheat ina board game you shouldn’t cheat in school.
I think that cheating might help you pass a test or complete a worksheet but when a really important test comes up and it is impossible to cheat or do any other possible bad thing you will not do well on your test and that can affect a lot.
Cheating is bad. When you cheat you don’t learn any thing your just copping from something else or someone else. I have seen cheating before in our school.
When you cheat, the only person you are cheating is yourself. If you cheat on a test, the teacher might think that you actually do know a lot about the topic, and then they might give you special project to work on since you know so much about it. Then you would either have a hard time with the project , or you would have to admit to cheating, and you would likely get punished. Most likely, the result of cheating ends up being that you get in lots of trouble. Then your parents will get mad at you. Then you could end up going to jail. All because you forgot to study, or did not know an answer.
I would not cheat because it is wrong and I don’t want to get in trouble I would just study. I would still not do it because it is not a good thing to do I would study extra hard.
Cheating is completely wrong, but I can see why people do it. I feel like people are missing this point: PEOPLE CHEAT ON THINGS BECAUSE THEY CAN’T STUDY! Although cheating is wrong, a lot of people still do it because they don’t have time to study. But sometimes they are lazy, and don’t want to study. Cheating happens usually because they can’t study, or they are uneducated. Still it is wrong, but keep in mind why people do it.
I agree with Alexa. Cheating is definitely wrong. It is unfair to the teacher, because he or she doesn’t get a good sense of what you need to work on. It is unfair to your fellow students, because they studied really hard, and possibly got a lower grade than you. And it is unfair to yourself, because you will not know what you need to work on, and it will probably make you feel guilty.
When you are cheating you are not giving your self the opportunity to see how much you know. I Could be very bad at math and cheat on a test, then when I need to know the stuff on the test, I won’t. I am only cheating myself.
I agree with Caleb, you are only hurting yourself. It could be seriously bad for your future. For example: you could have learned something very important in math, but you cheated, and then you couldn’t remember it in the future. Think of how one cheat could affect your whole life.
There are different types of cheating. You could cheat on your boy/girlfriend, on a test, in class, etc. All of them are bad and you could hurt people.
I think cheating is bad. Even if I didn’t get caught cheating I still wouldn’t do it. If you have a class thats boring but you need a good grade, I think you should make the class exciting for you. I think people cheat because they’re confused about something and they don’t get the material that they are learning.
I agree, cheating can sometimes seem “OK” when it’s on a test but later on you are almost 100% sure to regret it or get caught
I agree with Nina,
The reason why is because I think cheating is wrong always. For example lets say your studying with a friend and they don’t know that the notes you’re giving them are the cheats, you drag your poor friend who did nothing wrong into this mess. So cheating can lead into taking down other people.
I agree with everyone, cheating is bad. It can lead to bad things. For example, if people you know find out you have the old test, and they want it, and you say no. That can lead to very bad things, like your friends won’t talk to you. And you can get in trouble.
Cheating is very bad not even a little funny. If you cheat not only it’s shows that your going to get in trouble but it shows that your not working hard enough on a quiz or a test. Cheating and not learning from your own brain could also get you into a bad collage. Dont show the teachers what you don’t know show them what you do know. Also when one person cheats it will drag all of their other friends into it. For example they might say, “dont tell anyone”. The friends would be in a bad situation.
When you are cheating you don’t learn anything. If you cheat later in life you will need the knowledge that the teachers put on the test.
cheating is a bad thing, even when its in a small game of Monopoly because when you cheat people get mad and you get embarrassed.
Yes I completely agree with Yannick. If you cheat on a test you are basically cheating yourself and not leaning anything really.
Also, when you cheat you are being dishonest. You are being dishonest to yourself and to the people around you.
You shouldn’t cheat because its something you just shouldn’t do and the answers can sometimes be wrong and that can get you into a lot of trouble. And cheating is something you shouldn’t do anyways.
Cheating is always a bad thing there is no way anybody can put it to make cheating seem good although it may seem effective and the only way to do something right or have fun it will never turn out well. Either nobody figures it out but you keep feeling guilty and sooner or later you tell on yourself and get in a lot of trouble or you just get in a lot of trouble from the start. In the fun part it might seem fun and cool to cheat on a boy/girlfriend but in the movies I’ve seen it always comes back to haunt you.
I agree with Victor. You can’t cheat and it not be a bad thing to do. Whenever someone does something bad, that person will feel guilty at one time or another. All cheating is wrong in one or more kinds of ways!
I agree with Victor. You can’t cheat and it not be a bad thing to do. Whenever someone does something bad, that person will feel guilty at one time or another. All cheating is wrong in more ways then one.