Archives for December, 2013
LCS- Statements about stealing
Suppose you could be assured that if you stole something, you would never get caught. Does this change what is the right thing to do? Why or why not?...
LCS- Statements about cheating
In a survey by the Josephson Institute of Ethics, 80% of all high school students say that it’s always wrong to cheat. Yet more than six out of ten...
LCS – Statements about lying
When asked, the majority of teenagers surveyed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics said that lying is definitely wrong. But over 60% of these same teenagers said that they...
LCS – Some General Thoughts
What do you think about this quote from the Josephson Institute of Ethics: The older a person is, the more likely she or he will express strong ethical values...
Lying, Cheating, Stealing
Below are a set of links that will take you to the discussion spaces for reflection on the Decisions, Decisions simulation Lying, Cheating, Stealing. Your task is to offer...