What helps you to be creative?
- Seeing something and getting an idea from it
- Being/having fun
- Being and believing in yourself
- Inspiring and encouraging people
- You can learn from others and you will get ideas
- Listening to others
- Being a team player
- Life
- Ideas
- Motivating people
- Being positive
- Color
- Learning from others and basing (not copying) things off their ideas
- Being upbeat
- Having people in your surroundings who are creative
- Drawing your imagination or think imagination
- Being inspired by different arts and crafts
- Friends/family
- Having the right equipment
- Being alone without a deadline
- Object and animals
- Websites and games
- Looking around (in a park)
- Nice people who care and help
- Pens, pencils, markers and paper
- Drawings
- Legos
- Good ideas
- Being inspired by something you’ve been assigned or heard or saw
- Being original (yourself)
- Thinking for yourself
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