Word Box Directions

1. Read the paragraph twice. (Some students were asked to do paragraph #2, others are doing paragraph #3.)

2. Read one sentence at a time and underline key words/phrases.

3. Write those key words into a word box in your Learning Log.

4. Use the word box words to write a new paragraph.

Don’t look at the text while you write!!

Homework Guidelines



  • 5th Grade: 60 minutes + independent reading (1 hour and 30 minutes total of focused homework time.) This includes ALL subject areas.



  • Your homework should be completed neatly
  • Your name & date should appear on all assignments

What do I do if I don’t understand something or am missing materials?

  • Write your teacher a note and let us know exactly what it is you don’t understand
  • Call a friend or Homework Buddy for the assignment



  • Ask your child about what s/he is learning in school
  • Check in to make sure that your child’s homework is completed neatly and legibly
  • Make sure that your child has completed all assignments to the best of his/her ability
  • Ask your child’s teacher if you have questions or need anything clarified
  • Make sure your child has the time and place to do his/her homework
  • Set a routine for homework
  • Make sure your child has the proper materials to complete assignments. These include: lined paper, graph paper, pencils, erasers, a dictionary
  • Make a plan with your child, helping her/him to understand time management
  • Inform your child of upcoming afterschool or evening events that might impact homework time


  • Allow homework to become a source of contention between you and your child
  • Allow your child to stay up past their normal bedtime to complete assignments- we would rather a note from you than an overtired and stressed student the next day!

Weekly Homework Assignments

Reading and recording in the Reader’s Notebook (RNB) is nightly homework. Students are expected to read 30+ minutes every night. The reading can be from the class book (if assigned), or from student’s independent reading book.


This is the homework in general:

Monday homework-

 – Spelling and/or Vocabulary assignment (DUE WED.)

– Study for Spelling/Vocabulary QUIZ FRI.                                                              

– Writer’s Notebook (WNB) assignment (DUE WED.)

– BRING independent reading book for in class reading tomorrow                     

Tuesday homework-

 – Study for spelling test Friday

– Finish spelling (DUE WED.)

– Finish WNB writing assignment (DUE WED.) 

– Social Studies assignment? (DUE FRI.)                                               

Wednesday homework-

– Study for spelling test FRI.

– WNB assignment (DUE MON.)  

– Social Studies? (DUE FRI.)  

– BRING ind. reading book

Thursday homework-  

– Study for spelling quiz tomorrow

– Social Studies? due tomorrow

– BRING independent reading book

Weekend homework – 

– WNB assignment DUE MON.

-Read and record DUE MON.

– Bring ind. reading book

10 Reading Strategies and Tips to Make Sure You Understand What You’ve Read

1.    Read out loud to someone and stop to discuss what’s happened.
2.    Have someone read out loud to you and stop to discuss what’s happened.
3.    Explain to someone what you read.
4.    Stop at the end of a page and ask yourself, “What just happened?”
5.    Re-read any section that doesn’t make sense.
6.    Take notes on post-its or lined paper about important events.
7.    Make predictions at the beginning of your reading and see if you’re right.
8.    Visualize what is happening and make a sketch.
9.    Make connections as you read.  Think about what the situation reminds you of.
10.     Use a dictionary to look up words you don’t know.

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