The Wall Against The Wall
By Jasiri Young
NEW YORK NY- On Thursday, December 15, Dan and Tara’s fourth grade class went to Union Square. They saw the post-it protest against Trump. They were going there for a Social Studies Field Trip. The wall is full of post-its that had people’s thoughts on the election on them. They made them because There were many post-its that said “We’re all in this together!” Also, some had swear words.
Many were against Trump, while some were for Trump. They were very inspiring and hopeful. A witness asked a chaperone on the field trip, “What are they doing? It is very interesting.” and then the chaperone said, “These are fourth graders taking notes on this wall.” and then the witness started crying. She was so moved by it and she cried until she couldn’t talk anymore and then she left. After that, some fourth graders asked her about her thoughts on the wall and she said, “Well, it’s awesome! And, this gives a message of hope to world, and it’s just great.”
There were many post-its. They were mostly saying either don’t give up! Or we’re all in this together! Some weren’t even really related to the election. One said, stop wearing fur! Don’t kill animals! Many said, black lives matter! Or Global Warming exists Trump! This man named Matthew Chavez created this idea to have a wall of post-its called “post-it protest.” Then, tons of people started putting post-its on the wall and it got started. Matthew is trying to show Trump what people think.

You Post-it I See-it
By Milla van Gastel
Manhattan-The fourth graders went to see the walls of post-its at Union Square on 12/15/16. There were a lot of post-its, they were looking at them and taking part. They even got to put their own post-its on the wall. A women started tearing up and had to leave because she was so moved!
They went to the post-it wall because they wanted to see what people are doing right now and what they are saying. They contributed to the wall by putting their ideas and thoughts down. A lot of the post-its were about the election and the next few years. They took notes and read the post-its also. They also were interviewing people that were looking at the post-its, one person said, “ I think this is really cool, people are saying nice encouraging things to help each other and make each other feel safe.
The wall of post-its was a very good learning experience for them and it was fun to see everyone thoughts, comments, and ideas right now. There was one line of post-its that said something interesting: HATE ONLY BREEDS MORE HATE, SPREAD LOVE. And some fourth graders thought that was true and that we need to do that too. And it was really amazing to go see the wall!

Chase wrote about the Constitution.
The preamble of the Constitution was to describe a perfect constitution and what America should look like and be like. The constitution wanted a perfect America to convince the U.S but guess what the constitution got out of it. A bunch of filthy cities.
You might know what the Statue of Liberty is. Well look at liberty. What does liberty mean? It means freedom. The founding fathers of the constitution wanted to liberate all people who didn’t like the king come to America and live in a free country. Think about the last part of the national anthem. It’s “home of the free and land of the brave”, well something like that.
I haven’t seen a lot of fairness around the country. The constitution wanted fairness. Some people are trying to be fair but some people are not. I’m not talking about sports and other things that don’t have to do with the law. I’m talking about wealth and being able to afford food. And guess what? I still don’t see people being treated fairly.
Peace is basically America. And you know why? We have such a great army, navy and military. That’s why other countries barely attack America. That’s what the constitution got.
The constitution wanted a good future. 2016 is what the constitution was looking forward to but not exactly. Look at America. What do you think about when you see people pollute? Is this what the founding fathers of the constitution wanted? No! Somebody once told me global warming was the most important issue for him. Do you know why he said that? He said that because the world depends on it.
Please help make the world a better place.