Community Building

Ally Week Message from Margot

Margot reports:


Ally Week is a week to encourage people to be allies, especially for people who are different. I am on the Ally Week committee. We talk a lot about how to encourage people to be allies for the LGBTQ community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning/Queer). We did a scenario game. Joel read out a scenario and everybody chose a stance. For example, Joel asked, “What would you do if you were up for kickball and somebody said, ‘This will be an easy out, she’s a girl.’” There were signs hanging up in the room that said things like “I am very comfortable taking a stand,” or “I am a little comfortable asking for help.”  In the middle of the room there was a “Not Sure” sign. At this point, everybody chooses a sign. A lot of people went to “I am very comfortable taking a stand,” including me. A lot of people chose the same thing for  the next two scenarios. We also discussed that it was okay to be a little uncomfortable taking a stand.


We talked about a thing called SAFE. SAFE is a way to stay safe. It stands for:


Say what you feel

Ask for help

Find a friend

Exit the area


We are learning how to stay SAFE!

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