Category: Segal

InfoGraphic Reflection

1) Q- What is one fact you learned during this project?

A- One fact I learned is that nearly 2 million New Yorkers are under the age of 18. This surprised me because I always see so many adults in New York and I am amazed that there are so many children too.

2) Q- What is one skill you learned during this project?

A- One skill I learned was how to use Illustrator because I already knew how to use Photoshop but Illustrator was new to me. It was very fun to learn how to use it and continue using it after I knew how. I think I will use this program at home.

3) Q- Where else (in school or out of school) do you think you might use this skill again?

A- I will use this skill again! I could use it for a page of the yearbook, if I do it, and just have fun playing around on it at home.

4) Q- Did you enjoy this project? If yes, what did you like? If no, what didn’t you like?

A- Definitely! This project was so fun because I loved learning so many new facts about where I live! Also, like I said before, using Photoshop and Illustrator were so fun to use!

5) Q- Would you like using Photoshop and Illustrator again?

A- Yes! They are so fun to use and edit photos in!

6) Q- Would you like to make InfoGraphics again?

A- Yes because I loved learning new things- Programs and facts! It’s so cool to make these! And I love how we formatted the facts.

7) Was there any part of this project you found difficult?

A- I found it difficult to on some days because my partner was sick a lot and I had to do all the work on those days. I was a little hard to work alone.

8) Was there any part you particularly enjoyed?  

A- I really enjoyed the whole experience. It was so fun to learn some many new facts and programs and just everything!

Scratch Reflection


I think my game turned out well. I think it could’ve been better but it can always get better, that thought will never change. It is a little confusing because you HAVE TO hit the arrows in the order they are listed so I think I could’ve changed that but overall I think I did very well on this project. Something I struggled with was the backgrounds I made every thing a background and then added two sprites in at the end. Every time the bowl or the glue or the borax etc. moved I had to make a new background. I ended up with 16 backgrounds. It was challenging because every time I would need to program when “when this background goes on wait 2-3 seconds and then switch to this background. I had to do that EVERY SINGLE TIME. Something I am proud of is my backgrounds. Like I stated earlier, the backgrounds were a real struggle for me and now I am very proud that I competed them and they work.

Summer Book Review


Have you ever traveled into your own short stories? I have. I’m Conner Bailey. This is my story. Personally, I think it’s a very good story. It’s named: The Land of Stories: An Author’s Odyssey. It is by Chris Colfer. It is part of The Land of Stories series and this book won’t make sense unless you read the whole series so, I just recommend the series. An Author’s Odyssey takes place EVERYWHERE! Not literally but, we go to SO many places! Me and my sister (and sometimes my mom) traveled into the stories I wrote. The places we went include: space, a pirate-ruled ocean, Paris, a jungle, and a graveyard.


I’m the main character of this story but I’d say, my sister, Alex, Mom, my best friends, Bree and Emmerich, and, the evil mastermind, The Masked Man are definitely big characters. The Masked Man recruited an army of evil villains from storybooks and takes over one of me and Alex’s homes, the fairytale world. We live in the fairytale world and the real world.


An event that changes the direction of my story is when Alex gets a potion put on her by the witch, Morina. The potion makes Alex evil and she hates everything! That was a big problem. Also, when a creature turns many of me and Alex’s fairytale friends into stone. A quote that represents this is: “THEY WERE ALL STATUES!” Robin Hood said. “ STILL AS ROCK AND PALE AS BONE!” and “Even though there was no evidence that Alex had caused it or that she had even been present for it, Conner knew in the pit of his stomach that it had something to do with his sister.”


A big decision Alex and I make is when we choose to tell Ms. Peters that we live in the fairytale world. Ms. Peters used to be our teacher until we started living in the fairytale world. We are not supposed to tell anyone about the fairytale world but we trust Ms. Peters. A quote that represents this is: “Explaining the situation to someone in the Otherworld (the real world) should have been an easy task by now, but as the twins stood across from their former teacher in their former classroom, they felt like twelve year olds again.” As soon as we have our army we go to check on Alex and that is when she turns evil. So, the problem never gets resolved in this book. There are no quotes to represent this.


I enjoy my book very much because there is so much adventure and creativity. An example of adventure is when we travel to so many different places. An example of creativity is when we keep most of the army in a room at a hospital. One of the people that work at the hospital walks into to the room and sees everyone. My mom says they are putting on a play and they hadn’t decided the play yet and that is why everyone is dressed up differently. Another example of creativity is how Alex and I help the people in the books (so the people in the books will repay us by either being part of our army or giving us an army.)
A reader that would like this book would be a reader that likes adventure and Magical Realism. Also, a reader that likes classic fairytale books but also modern books. There’s some humor too. I would rate this book five stars. Read this book to figure out what happens to Alex and I!