Egyptian Tomb Website Reflection
- Liked or didn’t like about coding the website
- One thing you learned
- Something you struggled with or later figured out
- If you’d like, would you do something like this again
Making the website was a really great experiance. I can’t wait to talk all about it!
One thing I liked about coding the website was when we got to insert photos. I thought this was a great skill to learn. Also it was really fun to be able to look for photos that fit our topics. One thing I learned while doing this project was a bunch of different types of website sections! I learned about the body, paragraph, and headings. I really enjoyed learning all about this! Something I struggled with was learning how to make bullet points. For me this coding was quite challenging, and it was hard to remember what I was doing. But after Clair helped me, I could finally do it! Now I feel Like I could do it in my sleep! If I could, I would definitely do this again. I enjoyed all of the aspects of this project. The coding, the photos, and the fun!
In conclusion, this project was a great experiance. Thanks Clair!